Author Archive

A Sad Note To Report

26 Apr

After a valiant fight against his illness, David DeWitt’s brother, Bob, passed away in his sleep yesterday morning at 10:45 am while his family watched over him. At his request, he will be laid to rest alongside their father in the family plot at Clear Lake, WA.

I’m sure all of us here at the blog share in the pain of David’s and his family’s loss, and hope that they soon find some comfort and solace. If the quality of character of David himself is any indication, his brother Bob must have been a wonderful fellow.

Our sincerest sympathies, David, to you and yours.

Robert and all at the Errol Flynn Blog

My brother Bob on the left and me on the right … two Adventurers!

  • David DeWitt

— Robert


Another from Lone Pine

24 Feb

— Robert


“Charge Of The Light Brigade” Lake Sherwood #2

29 Nov

Another from the Lake Sherwood location. Unfortunately, a large portion of the basin has been filled in (see attached overhead photo), making a “Now” view far less appealing than it might have been had the lake remained as it was in 1936.

— Robert


“Charge Of The Light Brigade” Lake Sherwood

29 Nov

From my recent entrée to a private area of Lake Sherwood–finally, after 25 years! As you can see, it's quite overgrown, preventing a clear view as in the film still. Still magical, though.

— Robert


It's A Great Feeling

08 Oct

Ok, so not really a Flynn film and he isn't even in this shot, but………..!

— Robert


Charge Of The Light Brigade, Vol. III~The Alabama Hills, Lone Pine, Ca.

25 Aug

From my most recent trip. Photo #3 features the lovely Mrs. Florczak posing in the same spot as our Mr. Flynn.

There will be more to come from this film as well as from “Kim” which was also shot in Lone Pine. Enjoy!


— Robert


Standing On The Beach Where……..

11 May

 …..Captain Levasseur was run through by Captain Blood! The denouement occurred out on that very jetty to the left.


— Robert


Lest We Forget: October 19, 1959-Then & Now

07 Feb

— Robert


Objective, Burma-Then & Now

05 Aug

— Robert


Errol's Beverly Hills Home-Then & Now

25 Jun

Here is a composite I just made today exclusively for Errol's fans. The photo of him in his car is c. 1938. There will be more from this location later.

— Robert