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Errol Flynn Oscar Nomination, Part 2

01 Feb

Errol arrived in Cincinnati Feb 2 1958. Then he went  to Cincinnati where he quits the Huntington Hartford play Master of Thornfield around the 19th of February, 1958. Official nominations for Oscars were announced around the 17th of February, 1958. As you can see, as of the 11th  of February nothing is official.

After Flynn left Cincinnati, it looks like he went to New York, Paris and off to Africa.

Errol wasn’t in LA at the time nominations were announced.



— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


Errol Flynn’s Generosity

29 Jan

The letter is a bit blurry but there is a transcription.

Love his generosity



— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


New Errol Flynn Letters!

29 Jan

Just found last night.


— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


Posted in Main Page


Errol Flynn Oscar Nomination?

28 Jan

Is there actual, concrete evidence Errol was nominated in 1957? All I found was “rumors”. Newspapers of the time have zero mention but one article mentioning “talk”… In Jan, 1958 they were suggesting a nomination. He wasn’t in LA until October, 1957.  Then went to NY, and then Detroit, Cincinnati, Africa, Paris and so on. On Feb 17th, 1958 when they actually nominated actors he wasn’t mentioned. He wasn’t nominated that year. In February, he left to go to Africa. March 26, 1958 it just states that it was a pity Errol’s role in Roots of Heaven was bypassed. His relationship with Beverly Aaudland was new young and the majority of people didn’t even know it existed at the time. He was still with Pat in Jan 1958. Below is an article from the Oscar night he would have been considered for. The reasons for no nomination couldn’t have been related to Castro as he didn’t meet him till Dec, 1958. Also, he couldn’t have been in a hotel room with Bev and the Nora’s girls as they first me her in August of 1959. Bev and Errol were still testing their relationship while he was in Africa. So no, Bev wasn’t the reason Errol dropped the nomination, either.

— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


Errol and Marilyn … Did it Happen?

18 Jan

The post will have several newspapers clipping and 2 pages of books.

The available evidence:

Danny Kaye’s account states that Errol met and snubbed Monroe Aug 19 1950 at a party Danny organized for Olivier Laurence and Vivian Leigh. That was the first time that they were introduced.

Errol wasn’t in LA on Aug 19 1950, he was in France.

Errol and Pat were at a party in LA on Aug 2 1950 with Danny Kaye present … but I found no evidence that Monroe was there.

The last big party Errol threw at Mulholland was  in feb 1949.

I also found no evidence that the ballet corps in the swimming pool was naked.

Supposedly the “bunny” race was at that party. (Hence, Feb 1949).

No evidence was found that Monroe was present or that such event even happened other than Hedy Lamar’s autobiography. She sued her ghost writer for filling the book with lies. No other accounts of the bunny race were found.

Truman Capote’s story was told only by Capote. A pathological liar, according to many observers. Errol couldn’t play the piano.

The letter of Marilyn to Errol … Monroe experts said that they have no recollection of the two meeting and the handwriting isn’t Monroe’s. The fact that it was auctioned by Christie’s means nothing. As of now that letter is considered a forgery.

So as of now I have zero evidence that Marilyn and Errol ever met …









— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


Errol Flynn Dies 1959

17 Jan


— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


1959 Errol and Beverly Aadland

17 Jan

— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


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Papua New Guinea Articles

19 Nov

— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


Info on The Cedars

15 Nov

Anyone with actual concrete evidences that Errol was at The Cedars? Not new articles saying he was. Actual proof.

— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


Errol Flynn Letters to his Lawyer!

07 Nov


— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi

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