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Amelia Oliphant

07 Nov

Here are a few discoveries about Miss Amelia Oliphant which appear in Errol MWWW.
Me and Bonnie Paraschos found a few interesting facts.
Olivia de Havilland played a role named Amelia in 1940 “my love came back”.
The River Queen was used in the movie Gone with the Wind (under a new name) and Oliphant means “olive branch” and is a Normand lastname.
We think Amelia is Olivia.
❤ open to discussion obviously

— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


Earl Conrad Memories

12 Oct

While reading Earl Conrad Memories, it struck me as weird close to the end that Errol started telling something to Earl but then stopped saying he couldn’t. It was after he promised not to pull pranks on him…

Do we know what it could be?



— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


Charities, donations

10 Oct

I have been digging into old magazines and newspapers. I need someone that probably dud the same or saw letters etc. to answer my question.

I read that Errol donated more than half the Christmas party for Nazarene home for boys and that he left Mulholland to them every summer.

Also, that he chartered the Sirocco to Red Cross and that he gave income from it to refugees children.

Anyone with more info??

I also realized that he was very generous but he didnt want it known. He did a lot of charity in Jamaica as well.


Thank you! Read the rest of this entry »

— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


Jeanne Carmen and Dominique..

28 Jun…

So i happened on this book..the whole chapter on Errol is there. Some sound real, some fictional.

His a good chapter but some things jusr ring odd. Why doesnt she pop up in any of EF doc, books, letters, articles etc? They seemed to be good friends.

Now also..they met after john’s 1942..errol was busy filming..then trial..

Buster would have been at Mulholland but no mention..

Could her son have embellished her diaries?

Input? And who would Dominique be??


New found info:

The all chapter is not from real events.…

When it is claimed she met Errol she was 12 living in New York. The orgie that he supposedly had in Mulholland, well again she was in New York..

She met him in 1957..during Too Much too soon..that was it. He lived with Pat at that time.

The all chapter sounded fishy, well it is



— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi

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Holy Trinity

25 Jun

I was reading Steve Hayes book “Googies” vol 2 and he mentioned Niven, power and flynn as the Holy Trinity in the 1930s.

Do we have more insight on that? I cant find any candid pictures of them 3 together.



— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi



19 Jun

I don’t have any memories of him unfortunately as i was born 24 years after his passing but…does anyone do and want to share?? I think it would be amazing..a way to keep his memory alive on the day of this beautiful soul birthday!

Happy birthday dear heart!






— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


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S.H sara Hamilton

28 May

Million dollar question

We know that Sara Hamilton Photoplay culumnist was a friend of Errol. But do we know more? A photo of her? Age. When did she pass?

— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


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25 May

I was just wondering..what did Errol do with whatever he raised or grew in Jamaica and the land he owned in utah?

— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi



24 May

Heading to Saint Augustine and Savannah next sunday.

Was Errol ever in any of those two cities? If not where in FL and GA?



— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


Cologne mystery

21 May

Last night in one of my “rabbit hole” research about Errol i ran into a mystery. It is believed that he wore Creed Cuire de Russie created for him..well it was created in the 18th century..

It is also believed that he wore Chanel Cuire de Russie. Created by Chanel in 1927

Do we indeed know what he used?


— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


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