Confessions of an Errol Flynn Fan, Part One

Why do we sometimes love movies that we know are bad? I’m talking about bad films like Plan 9 from Outer Space. It’s horrid; a piece of claptrap with bad acting, lousy special effects, an even lousier script. Plan 9 from Outer Space defines the phrase “bad movie.” It’s director, Ed Wood, has become a cult figure decades after his… (more…)

De Havilland's birthday

I do believe today is Olivia de Havilland's birthday. Best wishes and many, many more! — Shamrock

Captain Blood's sword

A brief note – Moments ago on BBC America's “Graham Norton Show” American rock star Alice Cooper claimed to be the owner of the sword Flynn used in Captain Blood. Hmmm…..that's news to me and I'll bet it's not authenticated, but who knows….I do know Cooper's last CD, “Dirty Diamonds” was pretty good. The old boy can still rock with… (more…)

AFI dunderheads and one visionary at Entertainment Weekly…

The American Film Institute squandered another opportunity to list one of Errol Flynn’s films on their latest “Greatest Films of All Time” list. I wasn’t surprised to see that such classics as CAPTAIN BLOOD, THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE, THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD or THE SEA HAWK (to name a few) are missing because it’s been obvious to… (more…)