Silver River candid

Flynn with Nora at the premier of Silver River, downtown Hollywood. I don't remember which theater. This is the type of still that makes collecting so much fun. Candid photographs like this are a window in time. Look at the faces in the crowd – charming. It all makes me wish I had been there. And is that little girl… (more…)

Two Clippings

Here is a pix of two clippings from the scrapbooks of the late Paul M. James. One of them shows Flynn wearing glasses. Pix of him wearing glasses are in short supply. Enjoy! — Shamrock

Don Juan candid

Here is a color candid from Don Juan. Dave, maybe you can put your digital restoration skills to work on it! It has some spots and scratches here and there. — Shamrock

Last Hass and Flynn photo

And finally, here is one last look at Errol Flynn and Waltraut Hass and Cold Nose, 1953. — Shamrock

More Hass and Flynn info

Attached is a transcript of a German article by Waltraut Hass about working with Flynn on William Tell. The second page has a copy of the original German article pasted onto it. All of this is courtesy of Josef Fergerl who sent this as a gift after my book was published. In his diary Flynn makes reference to “Cold Nose” and… (more…)

Waltraut Hass and Flynn

During the filming of William Tell Flynn made a publicity trip to Germany and Bavaria with German starlet Waltraut Hass. They were phtographed extensively by the German press corps. Here is Errol with Waltraut in Bavaria. — Shamrock