Author Archive

Gentleman Flynn

20 Dec

Dear Flynnstones,

witness Geisha Man Errol Flynn greeting Japanese actress Izumi Yukimura gently on June 21st of 1957 during the Berlinale, where she entered the competition with the film Arashi.



— shangheinz


A Ship Mast with a View

16 Dec

Dear Flynnstones,

high above you see what Errol saw when he mounted the mast of his beloved ZACA like in the iconic photograph below.



The overview pic is from William Beebe‘s book “Zaca Venture“ recently featured on the blog.



— shangheinz


The Old Sport and the Sea

23 Nov

Dear Flynnstones,

the A-list of anglers anchored at the Cabo Blanco Fishing Club situated at the Peruvian Pacific Coast more than 1000 miles north of its capital Lima.

Amongst them were the prime actors of their time, the likes of Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne, Bob Hope, Gregory Peck and Errol Flynn.

Membership fees of 10.000$ a year kept the club, which also ran a hotel, a bar as well as a restaurant, extremely exclusive.

This elusive hideaway became one of Ernest Hemingway‘s favorite haunts. The Chicagoean writer of writers loved this deep sea fishing paradise, where the biggest of marlins (black ones) went straight to heaven, mucho! Don Ernesto even caught the Nobel Prize there. Due to his poor health at the time after two plane crashes in Africa, he was unable to haul in the mega marlin he already had hooked. Sometimes you win, when you lose.

Years later Papa came back to supervise the filming of “The Old Man and the Sea‘ in person. Folklore has it, he can be seen in some scenes,



— shangheinz


Bucket List

22 Nov

Dear Flynnstones,

according to the annals of Schlosshotel Gerhus, a luxurious residence shaped after an Italian Renaissance Palais and situated in Grunewald, it was the site of an In(famous) like Flynn night.

While Errol stayed in Berlin for the Biennale of 1957, he took part in a fine wine degustation there.

Unaccustomed to merely sipping and tasting different wine sorts, our Hollywood hero soon became bored with the procedure. He saw no point in disposing the rest of your glass into a champagne bucket that was passed around and waiting his turn for a refill.

Immediately he started to down the grape juices like Vodka shots.

Roli, as called amicably by the German public, may have thought he owed his audience and put up a stiff performance.

At a certain point he wrestled the bucket away from the waiter and drank the whole mix in one heartily gulp.

Needless to say, he had to lie down thereafter.

Which goes to show, that he who lives by the bottle, will die by the bucket.







— shangheinz


Tap Fence

20 Nov

Dear Flynnstones,

even while crossing swords the tandem of Errolivia was a congenial duo. Much like Ginger and Fred the ballet of Blood looks beautiful.




— shangheinz


Evviva La Diva

18 Nov










Dear Flynnstones,

Tiger Lil started her way to film world and Flynn fame via Vienna:…

The historic photographic studio MENASSE helped pave this catwalk (…) to Hollywood with a series of collector postcards.

The motives varied from Orientalistic ornament

to Ingénue Deluxe









to Good Sport Tomboy









to White Rajahresse.











— shangheinz


Sea Slugger

17 Nov

Dear Flynnstones,

this poster’s title works as an insult as well as a compliment. Just add: “You auld…“


— shangheinz


In a Sherwood State of Mind

15 Nov

Dear Flynnstones,

rinse and shine. Here you see an early bird Errol having his Robin Hood make up applied. Maid Marian in mind and awaiting another arrow splitting, dear Baz purring and Curtiz cursing forestal day in office.


— shangheinz


In the Trenches

14 Nov

Dear Flynnstones,

this blogbook entry comes in reference to both the Columbo and the travel kit post from not long ago. Travelin’ like Flynn saw our Hollywood hero mostly dressed in a trenchcoat wearing a hat at a rakish angle. Errol practically went from cloak and dagger to coat and swagger.


— shangheinz


Play Me Again Sam

23 Oct

Dear Flynnstones,

in the vast universe of cinematic what-ifs and whatnots this picture of our man Flynn stands out.

You see him conversing with Austro-Hungarian hotshot producer Sam Spiegel, also known as S.P. Eagle around Hollywood, with Pat Wymore looking on.

Spiegel‘s work of course included “African Queen“, “On the Waterfront“ and “Bridge on the River Kwai“.

These films were made while Errol was still around and all of them were critically acclaimed.

Each of em either founded, cemented or resurrected the careers of the respective lead actors.

It’s such a pity the two players didn‘t get together for a “spiel“.

The most Flynn-like role Sam S. ever produced went to Peter O’Toole, when “Lawrence of Arabia“ saw the light of the desert day in 1962.

It almost got the alternate title of „Charge of the Camel Brigade“.



— shangheinz