Author Archive


30 Sep

Dear Flynnstones,

this is a silent movie about Errol‘s wedding to his third wife Patrice Wymore in…




— shangheinz


The Plunge

29 Sep

Dear Flynnstones,

this picture was taken only minutes before take-off.


— shangheinz


Errol Royal

28 Sep

Dear Flynnstones,

here is a video clip about the Royal Command Film Premiere of “That Forsythe Woman“ from November 17 of 1949 in London with the late Queen Elizabeth II and her sister Princess Margaret exchanging glances with Baron Flynn the One and Only.…


— shangheinz



27 Sep

Dear Flynnstones,

a tribute to the golden era of Hollywood will hit the the big screen this Christmas. The title Baby-lon seems fit. At first glance, Brad Pitt must have channeled Errol Flynn with a little Indy Jones or rather Peter O‘ Toole in „My favorite Year“ for his role. Calling it overacting would be an understatement. Homage or fromage is for you to decide.


— shangheinz


Flynn`s Footsteps- Sloping and Sliding in Switzerland

26 Sep

Dear Flynnstones,

Sankt Moritz is another great storytelling venue Errol Flynn set foot on.

His best man Freddie McEvoy was a regular guest at the famous Badrutt`s Palace Hotel with is first wife, the oil heiress Beatrice Cartwright.

Even though “Pleasure was his business”, Suicide Freddie was not idling his time at the terrace of the luxury hotel all the time.

After winning the gold medal in the Four Men Bobsleigh event at the 1937 World Championship of St. Moritz, he set his sight on the Cresta Run.

He came in second to US war hero Billy Fiske in the 1937 Curzon Cup, the most important race of the season from Junction (abbreviated track).

Our man Flynn tried his luck and risked his looks once there also on January 26th of 1953.

Trained by veteran competitor Colin Mitchell he managed a (respectable for an actor) time of 119.40 seconds from Junction.

Jokingly he addressed the press and said he would have arrived earlier had he not exited the course to sip champagne with a blonde curvier than the notorious Shuttlecock corner.

At Hotel Steffani there is a whole bar dedicated to the icey race.

Barbara Hutton and flynntimo Count Troubetzkoy (A bus line back one century in time « The Errol Flynn Blog) dinned at restaurant “Le Lapin Bleu”

At the foyer, unlike an apple impossible to miss, is an imposing statue of Swiss national hero William Tell which may have given our Hollywood hero the ultimate spin to ditch “The Story of Farouk” for “The Story of William Tell” as his next film.


— shangheinz


Gimme Seltzer

19 Sep

Dear Flynnstones,

this image is Errol Flynn in a nutshell. Heading in the opposite direction of a sheltered area towards fun, females and flynnanigans.


— shangheinz


Hey Hey Nora…

16 Sep

Dear Flynnstones,

the next line in an old song goes like this: … I want to marry you…

This picture may be the earliest testimonial, maybe at a sort of coming out party, of Errol and his future wife, Nora Eddington.

If I am not mistaken, it dates right after Flynn‘s acquittal at „the trial“.

It can even be taken in the immediate aftermath, since our Hollywood hero wears a pinstripe suit and the exact tie as at the verdict’s proclamation.

You see him talking to the press, obviously relieved and back to his daredevilish attitude again.


PS: Miss Blanca Rosa Welter meanwhile probably had an appointment at the dentist.



— shangheinz


A Wider Shade of Hale

07 Sep

Dear Flynnstones,

as this picture shows, Rufus Edward Mackahan could have held his own as Robin Hood. Billed Alan Hale, he instead got to play Little John in film on three occasions and for the respective generations. A whale of hails to Errol’s most trusted side-, back- and frontkick.


— shangheinz


White Hunter Black Sock

27 Aug

Dear Flynnstones,

here is Errol taking a breather during the shooting of THE ROOTS OF HEAVEN and an elephant. He used to wear his loafers in the nude in Hollywood, but on the black continent he took on the white man‘s burden of donning socks (probably from Warner Bros. stock). Acting totally in character while making a sock and sandal film.


— shangheinz


You Can‘t Curry Love

26 Aug

Dear Flynnstones,

when Errol chose to make Rudyard Kipling’s KIM in India instead of KING SOLOMON‘S MINES in Africa, it was a heart over head decision.
In consequence of this costly career move, Flynn sipped his spicey tea in true British fashion- with a stiff upper lip. Empire losing England in turn gained a star in the bargain:…



— shangheinz