Author Archive

The Scotland Yard Mystery (1934)

29 Aug
Our man Flynn! Footage new and unseen to many I would imagine.

The credit for unearthing this must go firstly to Rick Dodd, then to John Montgomery, John Clive and finally John Skinner.…

The Scotland Yard Mystery (1934)

best wishes


— themainflynnman


Reed/McQueen — Flynn!

29 May

Maybe a little off-topic but we get to Flynn in the end! An amusing little tale I saw on another forum. The topic was arrogant film stars and Steve McQueen was mentioned and his infamous meeting with Oliver Reed.


If its any consolation, Ollie Reed once threw up on him in a nightclub

From the autobiography of George MacDonald Faser:

“I gathered then that there was no love lost between him and McQueen, and this was confirmed by McQueen when I worked with him some months later on Taipan. There was a part which I thought Oliver would be right for, but Steve frowned and wrinkled his nose. “Ferdinand the Bull,” he said. “You know why they call him that? Because he’s always being put on his ass.” Pause. “Matter of fact, I almost put him on his ass once myself.”

“The idea of McQueen, who was fairly slight in build and of no more than middle height, putting that hulking mass of muscle* on any part of its anatomy, was not worthy of comment, so I didn’t. I have since been told that the reason for their mutual dislike was that Oliver had thrown up over Steve during a meeting in London, which might account for it, but I suspect that even if Oliver’s internal economy had been under control they would still have been poles apart, the quiet, plain-spoken, pretty egotistical American, and the ebullient, beautifully accented Englishman. Thinking of them together, I have no difficulty understanding the events of 1776.”

* Oliver certainly had an impressive physique, but I was told that when he managed to get hold of the shirt worn by Errol Flynn in the 1937 version of The Prince and the Pauper, he found to his astonishment that it was too big for him.

— themainflynnman


Magazines (For Tina and Inga)

07 Sep

Hello Ladies,

There are a couple of posts in the magazine section where the comments aren't enabled. I have the magazines and am happy to give more details but can't post comments.

— themainflynnman


Posted in Main Page


Foreword – ??

10 Aug

Good morning:

Maybe this belongs in the quiz section but I'd prefer to put it out in the main section; the sentiment deserves a wider audience.
I recently read a very good biography of one of my favourite actors and the opening foreword to the book, I found especially moving (especially in a biography of an actor). The writer of the foreword may come as a surprise to many (myself included) but it could be interesting if some of you guys would like to hazard a guess on who wrote the foreword and of whom he was writing of. For those of you who have the book, and already know… maybe you could refrain from answering for a short period. There is a Flynn connection here.

Here is the foreword —

_____ ____ was as unique in his field as Mozart was in his. His composition was artless.
He didn't have an actory bone in his body. His voice and speech were part of the wind.
His intelligence was clear; devoid of traps or devices. His was a radiant beauty. He glowed
decency and warmth and firm resolute justice. He was charming, forceful and delicate.
Nothing showed. He breathed all the wondrous adjectives as though he were walking through
a park.
One night in a pub, a little old lady asked for his autograph. When asked why she wanted it
she said 'because you're such a comfort'.

PS: For David — Everything fine here. I was in London over the weekend but missed the riots – only just.

best wishes,


— themainflynnman


Quiz Question: If I may? Who Am I?

06 Jul

Hey Guys,

I don't normally participate, mainly because my knowledge on Flynn is pretty limited but I do have a question.

Who Am I?

I was born in Boston, Massachussets, the youngest of three brothers; all of whom worked in the movie industry. I made close to 200 films during a very varied career and worked with Errol Flynn.
My middle name is Waldo.

More clues if needed.

best wishes,


— themainflynnman


Posted in QUIZ PAGE


Errol Flynn: The Legend

18 Jun

Has anyone else come across this interesting little documentary from 1979? It is narrated by Robert Vaughan and while the content is hardly new it does show quite a few interesting photographs that I hadn't seen before. It also features quite detailed footage of Errol in London on the 'In Town Tonight' programme looking for funds for William Tell. All-in-all quite enjoyable.

best wishes,


— themainflynnman



06 Jun

Can anyone give me any information on this photograph? It was listed on e-bay a few months ago, I bid on it but the price went way above what I would actually pay.

best wishes,


— themainflynnman


I Know Where I'm Going

01 Jun

This is a little off-topic in regards to Errol Flynn but I assume all here at the blog love 'old' movies.
I just wanted to alert those in the US who have access to TCM that 'I Know Where I'm Going' will be airing on Wednesday 29th June at 8.00pm.…

For those who haven't seen this…. please try and catch it. It is a truly beautiful film and quite possibly the greatest British film ever made.

best wishes,


— themainflynnman


More clippings —

11 May

Hopefully with a more positive outlook than the last batch. I found the Erben one particulary fascinating, trouble just seemed to follow Doc Erben around.

I spent a few hours the other night going through all these newspaper clippings (something I have been meaning to do for a while now) I had intentionally set aside an hour to do this… which very quickly turned into four hours; truly fascinating stuff I have to say…


best wishes,




— themainflynnman


Flynn Clippings (UK)

10 May

Hello fellow bloggers,

I'd like to begin this post by sending all my best wishes and prayers to Jack Marino's wife Louise and of course to Jack and his family. 
Prayers and best wishes also to our beloved administrator and overseer of this wonderful blog David. I haven't had time to get to the internet much in the past few weeks but both David and Jack, who have given so much to the name of Errol Flynn, have never been far from my thoughts; God bless you both.

I found a little time last night to scan a few newspaper articles about Errol… I have scanned quite a lot of these so may post a few more if they are of interest.

best wishes,



— themainflynnman


Posted in Main Page