Author Archive

Bambi Goes to The Baron — Best International Actor

24 Feb………

— Tim


Close, But No Cigar (Yet) — Nor for Errol.

19 Feb

What do Errol and the following Hollywood heavyweights have in common with Glenn Close?

Amy Adams – Annette Benning – Johnny Depp – Robert Downey Jr. – Harrison Ford – Liam Neeson – Edward Norton – Joaquin Phoenix – Lana Turner – Sigourney Weaver

ERROL FLYNN: He was the Tom Cruise of the 1930s, a global superstar whose natural charisma and box-office power put him at the tippytop of Hollywood — and he never won an Oscar. Unlike Cruise, Flynn was never even nominated, not for “Captain Blood,” “The Charge of the Light Brigade” or 1938’s still-dazzling “The Adventures of Robin Hood.”…

Will Errol ever receive any meaningful tribute from the Academy? Why no lifetime achievement awards for actors of his immortal caliber? Halls of Fame around the globe regularly commemorate posthumous greats. Why doesn’t the Academy? Or do they?…

— Tim


Now Playing On Google Play

15 Feb

“In the age of tent pole cinema and big-budget blockbusters, it’s not as easy to access mid-tier action movies as it used to be. Thankfully that’s an abandoned market that home entertainment and digital platforms have been able to exploit with services like Google Play bridging the gap.”


“An action movie only in the sense that the subject of this biopic’s life was full of action, but those elements make In Like Flynn much more than your standard ‘here’s a retrospective on a Hollywood icon’. If you happened to see this in Australian theatres, you might be a wizard because it unfortunately barely breathed for a moment before hitting home entertainment. It follows the wild early days of Hollywood star Errol Flynn before he blew up on the international stage.”…

— Tim


King of the Cameos

14 Feb

Oh, What a Marvelous Web He Weaved …

“When I was a kid, I thought, ‘Oh, it’d be great to be like Errol Flynn. I want to be an actor.’ So I do my cameo. For that brief period, I’m an actor.”…

— Tim


Wha?! No. 2?! To What!?!

11 Feb

Regarding “The Adventures of Robin Hood”:

“This classic American technicolor tale is considered by many to be the best Robin Hood film of all time and for good reason. It stars Errol Flynn in the best role of his career as the valiant archer and Olivia de Havilland as his love interest, Maid Marian. The story follows the legend of Robin Hood more closely than any other on this list and the action is excitingly inventive. You get the real sense that the creatives behind this masterpiece wanted to push boundaries and test limits with every sword-fight, archery-contest, and all-out battle. It’s a must-watch if you’re a fan of the source material and it would’ve ranked number one if it weren’t for… ”…

— Tim


Errol’s Awesome Auburn

28 Jan

Errol Flynn and Marlene Dietrich tooled around Hollywood in limited-production Auburn Speedsters, the most flamboyant of the boattail breed.…

— Tim


A Really Big Show

27 Jan

Ed Sullivan proving Errol wasn’t alone in his admiration of early Castro …

A string of other gushing interviews would quickly follow Sullivan’s, conducted by everyone from the revered CBS newsman Edward R. Murrow to the Hollywood actor Errol Flynn. A few months later, in April 1959, Fidel even traveled on a victory lap of the northeastern United States: he was mobbed by admirers as he ate hot dogs in New York City, spoke at Princeton, and made dutiful visits to hallowed shrines of democracy such as Mount Vernon and the Lincoln Memorial.…

“Errol Flynn’s Ghost: Thomas McNulty on Flynn Meeting Fidel Castro” on Vimeo:

Errol Flynn's Ghost: Thomas McNulty on Flynn Meeting Fidel Castro from Hammer and Nail Productions on Vimeo.

— Tim


Get Giesler!

21 Jan


— Tim


A Classical Quiz

19 Jan

What classical music is used for a theme in the first official U. S. trailer for “In Like Flynn” ?

Classical Clues:

It’s one of the most recognizable musical masterpieces in the world.

The composer was very famous in his own lifetime.

This particular composition of his, however, was not published until forty years after his death.

— Tim


In Like Flynn in the U. S. A.

19 Jan

Kudos to King Karl for keeping us current on all the King of Swashbuckler news fit to print!…

— Tim