Author Archive


09 May

Who is He or She?

He or She:

Came from a Famous Family

Had Interesting & Unusual Connections to:

+ Abraham Lincoln

+ William Howard Taft

+ A Dictator Named Castro

Was a Talented & Successful Actor or Actress

Was Involved in a Robin Hood Movie

Was Involved in a Pivotal Part of Errol’s Life

Almost Made a Movie Involving Nora Flynn

Another Clue is Present in This Photo:


— Tim


Cinco de Mayo Salute to Senor Flynn

05 May

Senor Flynn Sojourns South to Old Mexico for a Red Cross Benefit Premier of Yankee Doodle Dandee (Gringo Doodle Dandee?).

Errol Heads Up Benefit Trip – Hopping on a Mexicana de Aviacion Flight with Hedda Hopper & (Future Roosevelt, White House Resident & “First Lady of Television”) Faye Emerson

Errol, Hoppa & Faye Joined by Journalists Bill Brogdon, Hub Keavy, W.R. Wilkinson
Actors Juanita Stark, Nancy Coleman, Julie Bishop, Dennis Morgan

— Tim


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Errol’s Most Beautiful Dates & Girlfriends

05 May

As we (and most all of the first world!) know, one of the things Errol is most famous for is his astonishing list of gorgeous dates & girlfriends. Some of these stunning beauties remain legendary; some are almost entirely forgotton. How about we try to list as many as possible, with images from relevant timeframes when possible!

To start, may I introduce the magnificent Mary Ann Hyde:


— Tim


Mush Ado About Nothing – Bogie & Flynn Go Up River

04 May

Bogie & Flynn Go Searching for the Source. Artwork by Bogart.

Humphrey Bogart sketches Errol Flynn and the boys



— Tim


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Errol’s Most Beautiful Co-Star

02 May

Dear EFB Authors & Colleagues:

Based on your impeccable taste, extensive expertise & often-infallible good judgment:

Who do you believe was Errol’s Most Beautiful Co-Star?

In what film with Errol do you believe she looks most beautiful?

With which co-star did Errol look best together?

What particular film clips and/or stills do you believe support your choices?


— Tim


An Omelette at the Mocambo

29 Apr

Most people would end up with egg on their face after such a public rumpus. Not Our Man Flynn.…

— Tim


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Errol Strikes Gold in New Guinea – By the Light of His Hurricane Lamps

29 Apr

When Errol moved to Salamaua, Papua New Guinea, he “plunged” himself into reading great works of literature – through “Russian novelists, Greek philosophers, French writers” he nightly “skipped, waded, muddled” and “sometimes swam well”, by the light of his hurricane lamps, fondling these books as if [he] were running his hands through a lovely woman’s hair”. “An inner need for learning sprang up in [him]” “to connect with the ideas of the world” – a need that proved pivotal in his life. This was where and how Errol found gold in New Guinea, as he put it.

Here’s Errol’s own description of that transformative time & experience:

And here’s pre-WWII Salamaua, where Errol lived:

Salamaua Aerial

Prewar Salamaua

Errol’s Jungle Reading List included:


Honore de Balzac

George Baudelaire (Correction: that should obviously be Charles Baudelaire!)

Victor Hugo

Guy de Maupassant


Edmond Rostand – Errol particularly liked the “beauty of style” of Rostand, who he read with the help of a French dictionary, and said had the “greatest influence upon [him]”. He specifically cited L’Aiglon, the story of Napoleon II. I imagine he also read Rostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac. Here’s some images of the books as Errol may have seen them:

L'AiglonL'Aiglon -

Robert Louis Stevenson

H. G. Wells

Here are some 1930 images of The Outline of History, as Errol may have seen it:

The Outline of History - 1930 - with CoverThe Outline of History - H. G. Wells 1930

— Tim


Out Like Flynn: Senor Fleen Sneaks Out Through the Banos Window

25 Apr

Hotel Florida

Party at the Hotel Florida! (… A Spanish Republican party at that!)

Gelhorn chasing Hemingway. Hemingway hitting Welles with a chair. Capa faking photos. The Duchess eating all the spinach. Philby spying for Stalin. Flynn sneaking out the bathroom window. F. Scott giving his highest praise.* Man, Errol got invited to (and skipped out of)the best parties!

* Doesn’t say so here, but I think John Dos Passos was hanging around the Hotel Florida in those days, too. In fact, didn’t he even write something about a bathroom there once? Heck, who knows, maybe that was the one Errol snuck out of!…

Flynn in Spain

— Tim


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“Cruise of the Cotten” Starring Errol Flynn

24 Apr

Errol Joins Some Sailors Cruising the Med for Dinner!~ [Third week of September, 1955]

The “French Riviera” “controversial Bikini”, along with the “prettiest sightseeing [in the Mediterraranean] is discussed on the following page, page 27. The Ward Room where Errol likely dined is on p. 47.

In the Med, September, 1955 – Just how & when Errol saw her:

Cotten in the med

Cotten head On

— Tim


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Virile Errol’s Royal Pain in the Ass

24 Apr

Mystery Solved!

Who Brushwhacked The Baron-to-Be in Manhattan? Madame Natalie Paley LeLong,that’s who!

Here is Man Ray’s photographic portrait of Errol Flynn’s notorious “Princess Naomi Tiarovitch”, who, to my knowledge, has never been identified before in any document or forum. In fact, she is specifically never identified by her true name in any work I have seen regarding Flynn, including, of course, not in My Wicked, Wicked Ways. Using the “Errol Code” I have confirmed that she twice travelled on the same ship from Europe to New York with virile Errol*. The first time she was carrying with her a rather infamous hair brush. She was on a separate SS Paris passenger list than Errol, and she did not identify herself as Russian, nor as a princess – but she was indeed both. Mr. Flynn was telling the truth – in Errol Code!

This 1934 photographic rendering by Man Ray was published the same year Errol got the “brush off” from notorious Natalie:

Paley by Man Ray

And here’s a lovely portrait of her hanging in the Museum of Modern Art:


A website devoted to her life & career:…

With her Royal Family, Natalie (aka Natalia) standing next to also prominent older sister Irina (aka Irene):

The Royal Family

* Under different names and biographical descriptions.

— Tim


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