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One Plane Sailed East – To Err is Yuman

10 Jan

Visited Yuma today, where, in June of ’35, Errol & Tiger Lil (in)famously entered into (Un)Holy Matrimony.*  Here’s how EF recounted the event:

Below are links to the history of how Yuma came to become known as “Where the Stars Marry” and why the Justice of the Peace who married EF & LD – Earl A. Freeman – earned the title of “The Marry-ing Judge” – as did his successor Justice of the Peace Lutes, whose family still has a wedding chapel and restaurant (Lutes’ Casino) in town. I spoke with Justice of the Peace Lutes son today at his restaurant, which, by the way, is GREAT – like an Old West Saloon of sorts, with huge pictures of Hollywood Stars adorning its rustic walls.……

I also visited the History Museum and Heritage Center.  Gable visited town more than Errol, to hunt doves!, so they knew more local anecdotes concerning him.  But Errol, being Errol, fascinates everyone, and the townspeople were fascinated to learn more about the marriage, not really knowing much regarding Lili.I have a few photos on my phone, which I’ll try to post when I get a good chance.

* Having joked about the marriage, I fully realize of course that it may have been essential to Errol’s success in Hollywood.  Without Lili, we may well have never heard of Errol Flynn, at least not as we know him today.  (So, thank yopu for that, Lili!) Moreover, and more importantly, it resulted in the birth of a wonderful son.

Photos from June 25, 1935



— Tim


Sailing the Sirocco, 1965 – Home Movie from Hawaii

05 Jan


Ahoy & Aloha, Fans of Flynn.

Wouldn’t it have been great to be on this day-trip off Waikiki!…

— Tim


Posted in Main Page


Treasure Hunting with Errol

02 Jan


With the History Channel debuting its “Curse of Oak Island” series this Sunday, this is a great time to explore Errol’s many treasure hunting adventures – from his youth in the South Seas through his time in the Caribbean – and all those in between.   His interest in digging for treasure on Oak Island may have been frustrated by previous claims and legal impediments, but I’m not fully sure to what extent he researched, visited, or examined the island – or sought the right to dig. 

Anyone out there know??  … It’s a mystery, involving an enigma.

Oak Island map story

Errol Studying Treasure Map 

Errol Studing Treasure Map

Zaca in a Coat of Pirate Black

Ready for Some Treasure Hunting (In Cannes)

Zaca in Cannes

— Tim


Posted in Main Page


Under the Mistletoe – A Christmas Kiss from ELF

24 Dec


Errol Flynn Christmas

… Tis’ the Season to Be Jolly! Happy Holidays to All!

— Tim



17 Dec

Flynn with Sword in New York fLYNN tONGUE oUY fLYNN WITH TOY SWORD flynn split

Is this who should play Very Young Errol in the next big EF Bio-Pic? I think his Dad Orlando would say so.

— Tim


Posted in Main Page


Errol’s Menagerie & Lifelong Love of Pets

11 Dec


FLYNN We all know Errol Loved his pets … and they Loved him! … That being the case …

With the double-digits & wonderful spirit of December now upon us, I’d like to initiate an identification of and tribute to Errol’s astonishing lifelong menagerie of pets – his dogs, his horses, his cats, his monkeys, his parrots, his goats, his pigs, his fox, his lion cub, his peacocks, his sheep, his snake(s), and all others – commencing with ‘Man (or perhaps Dog) Friday’ and whatever native pets he may have had in Tasmania and mainland Australia – including, of course, any of the very rarely kept Tasmanian Devils or Tigers, platypodes, wallabies, kangaroos, and/or any other indigenous ‘pets’ he may have ‘held’ for any length of time through his father. And, as some of us will recall, he once had some ducks.

Together, with this identification of pets, it would be wonderful to include any photos, descriptions, and stories of interest, including how Errol came to obtain his pets, how he named them, where and when they were in his life, whatever happened to them, etc.

Also, any thoughts/feelings about what Errol’s profound love of animals said about him as a person??

To start things off, here’s one of many wonderful relevant photos! Anyone know the story on this one? Perhaps at Mulholland??

Errol with Goat and Dog


All photos & stories regarding Daisy (aka Man Friday), Arno, Onyx, Moody, Bes-Mudi (aka Bes Nov, Bes Novi & Besnovitch), Chula, Greno, Cold Nose, Peewee, Jack & Mike, Guyceewee, (and all others!) are greatly welcomed and encouraged!

P.S. Isn’t it intriguing that the Flynn coat-of-arms includes an heraldic canine, as on the elegant trivet at the top of this tab!?! Errol surely knew and appreciated that, of course.


— Tim


Errol’s Top Ten Best Kisses

03 Dec

What in our humble but extremely well-informed(!) opinions are Errol’s best kisses!?! He had a lot of good ones, I know, but maybe we can select what we regard his top ten.

I’ll help kick things off with this one, which I find especially poignant, not only because of what was being portrayed in the lives of Libby & George Custer, but also because all the difficulties (medical and otherwise) Errol was going through in his own life immediately before and during filming this magnificent motion picture:

My God, these two were wonderful together!!

If any of you think this one should be in the Top Ten, too, please let me know. And please provide a link and/or description of any kisses you believe should be there!

— Tim


Errol’s Hollywood Homes, Houses, Haunts, Hangouts & Hideaways

02 Dec

Based on prior research and previous visits, I endeavored this past Thanksgiving weekend to visit as many sites as I could that I connected to (and reportedly connected to) to Errol’s time in Hollywood. Naturally – being the Olympian that he was – there was now way I could visit, find, or even know all of Errol’s homes, houses, haunts, hangouts and hideaways, but I gave it the old college try. This Grand Tour of Flynnland included stops in Laguna, Newport Beach, Balboa, Hollywood, Bel Air, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Burbank & Glendale.

Below are some of the specific addresses/locations I visited, with very brief descriptions for each. I plan to add brief stories related to some of these in near future. And, please, if anyone has any additions, information, stories, insight, corrections, clarifications, or comments, please do add them. That would be great! Many of these need further investigation and analysis! Thanks.

Specific Addresses Associated with Errol

8946 Appian Way – Tiger Lil’s Lair, On the Crest of Lookout Mountain
4320 Cedarhurst Circle – The Cedars
9250 Cordell Drive – Home Errol Bought for Eddington Family
5930 Franklin Avenue – Chateau Elysee
2000 No. Fuller Avenue – The Pines (Guesthouse)
7245 Hillside Avenue – Reported Residence
6654 Hollywood Boulevard – Walk of Fame Star (Motion Pictures)
7008 Hollywood Boulevard – Walk of Fame Star (Television)
1714 Ivar Avenue – Knickerbocker Hotel
2450 Laurel Canyon Boulevard – Reputed Location for Parties
2451 Laurel Canyon Boulevard – Reputed Location for Parties
7740 Mulholland Drive – Mulholland Farm
1652 North Cherokee Avenue – Boardner’s Bar
601 North Linden Drive – Roz Russel Home, rented by Errol & Niv
801 North Linden Drive – Private Home, Association Unknown to Me
3400 Riverside Drive – Warner Brothers Studios, Burbank
1357 Schuyler Road – Allegedly Built By Errol, But Unconfirmed
1712 South Glendale Avenue – Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale
345 St. Pierre Road – Colleen Moore’s Mansion in Bel Air
1709 Tropical Avenue – Resided with Lili
6525 West Sunset Boulevard – Hollywood Athletic Club
8152 West Sunset Boulevard – The Garden of Allah
8221 West Sunset Boulevard – Chateau Marmont
8245 West Sunset Boulevard – Private Home, Association Unknown to Me
8358 West Sunset Boulevard – Sunset Towers

Locations without Specific Addresses

Balboa Yacht Basin (Newport Beach)
Three Arches Beach (Laguna Beach)

Here’s a set of hidden-from-public-view famous member photos security showed me and let me take a photo of inside the Hollywood Athletic Club:

Members of the HAC

And here’s a current view of Errol’s resting place at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale:


— Tim


Who and When Did Errol Kiss Most?

25 Nov

Errol Kissing Olivia

1) Which of His Co-stars Did Errol Kiss the Most? (on-screen, of course, as this is a family-friendly site!)

2) In What Films Did Errol Kiss the Most??

3) ” ” ” ~ ” ” ” the Least??…

— Tim


Story Behind the Dance

23 Oct

In the Following Photo:

1) Who is Olivia’s Dance Partner?

2) Who was Her 1st Date That Night?

3) To What Hit Song are They Dancing?


— Tim