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Bounty, Bligh, Bad Wig, Bottle, Babe, Bad Beard & Bible

20 Oct

Not Bad at All for a Maiden Cruise!


In the Wake of the Bounty

— Tim


At the Zoo

20 Oct

Taz sign

Something Tells Me Errol was At The Zoo …
I do believe it. I do believe it’s true!

Continuing my investigation into the Mighty Flynn’s travels & explorations in and around San Diego & Baja, I began research this past week into whether Errol ever visited or interfaced with the world-famous San Diego Zoo. My instincts tell me he did. So, without any not documentary evidence, I decided to visit the Zoo myself and see what I could see (and possibly meet who I could meet) that may help guide me in my search.

Lo and behold, immediately after entering the front gate, I was confronted by a series of sign proudly and prominently announcing that the Zoo was, for the first time in its illustrious history, building an area for and opening a major exhibit featuring Tasmanian Devils – just past the laughing kookaburras, next to Koalafornia, behind the Warner Building (no relation, they say)!

What better omen could I possibly hope for than a sign announcing the Taz Devil – an animal greatly popularized by Warner Brothers cartoonists – who, I believe, were inspired by Errol (stemming partially from his humorously and extraordinarily voracious appetites and nocturnal ways perhaps) in their creation of the Taz Devil character, before which few ever heard of the Tasmanian Devil. Perhaps others, including our marvelous expert zacal, can add to that history.

— Tim


“The Baron”

14 Oct

A few questions regarding the history of Errol’s regal sobriquet – “The Baron”:

Is there any definite evidence of WHO originated the name? Most often, if not always, it’s been attributed to Jack Warner. Is that certain and, if so, WHEN did he first use that in reference to Errol? And WHY? Is the name an allusion to Baron Munchhausen, known for his telling of impossibly fantastic tales? Or is the name a reference to what could be seen as Errol’s Baronial manner? Or possibly his being a “land baron” with the acquisition of Mulholland Estate?

There appear to be POSSIBLE origins with The Olympiads, maybe even with Raoul Walsh or Ida Lupino. Certainly – though it’s been written that only Jack Warner contemporaneously called him Baron – that’s not true; both Walsh & “Scout” (Errol’s name for Ida) did, also, among others, I believe.

So, what’s the true history of “The Baron”?? Was it Warner’s creation, or adoption?

The Baron of Mulholland

Baron Flask

Baron Cigarrette Case

— Tim

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Errol Flynn – “The NEXT Great Superhero”?

06 Oct

Spinning off of “The Next Errol Flynn” thread, I thought it would be great to explore with all of you how you think Errol would be as the NEXT superhero? Of course, we all know he’s the only guy that can really get away with wearing tights while saving and romancing the Damsel in Distress, but I got to looking at a couple of other, more reserved performances of his, confirming, for example, he would also be great as a Clark Kent-type alter-ego. Indeed, looking at the biggest comic book superhero of all, I got to thinking who could possibly be a better Superman than Errol? . Flynn would be the best superhero, I’m sure. In fact, wasn’t/isn’t he ALREADY, as Robin Hood – that greatest Cinematic Superhero ever?!

This gif, for example, shows Errol how he might look as Clark Kent:… [Errol As Clark Kent]

We all know what super-dash, glamor and humor, he could bring to the part of Superman. His swinging in to welcome Olivia to Sherwood Forest comes to mind!

[“Welcome to Sherwood” on YouTube]…

And, I might add, Olivia would be the best Lois Lane ever, IMHO!!

So I did a quick search a few minutes ago, and guess who pops up but Stan Lee, saying Errol was the hero and inspiration for his masterful superhero creations – Spiderman & Ironman, et al!!! For a real EF Fan treat, watch from 3:33 – 4:30!!!!

[Stan Lee Interview!]

So what do you all think? Which Superhero(s) would Errol be great as? And, for all the tech-savvy people out there, how could technology actually make it possible for Errol to be in a future Superhero film!? I think that day may be coming rather rapidly!

In a different computer-animated manner, Errol was in some ways already copied/interpreted for the big screen – when he was the inspiration for Flynn Rider. (No matter how many official denials or evasions of that there may be!

[Flynn Rider]


(not sure why url’s are not coming in right – probably me, or a temporary glitch) —–just fixed the urls!

— Tim


“The Next Errol Flynn”?

30 Sep


We all, of course, know there will never be another Errol Flynn. He was just too unique and too impossible to duplicate. But there remains MUCH of his life that could and should be depicted on film. That being true, it could prove very productive to begin searching for someone who could successfully portray him in a major production.

Last night, I had the completely unexpected pleasure of seeing “RUSH”, the new film by Ron Howard. Though I had heard Ron Howard directed the film (which led me to believe it would be of high quality), I had absolutely no idea of what the movie was about, nor whom it starred. As it turned out, the direction was sensational, the subject was terrific, and the star – Chris Hemsworth (who I knew nothing about until after seeing the movie) – he was great. More to the point, though, is the fact that IMO this actor has everything it takes to credibly portray Errol during his peak Hollywood years – and that, as you all know, is saying a lot!! He’s got the looks, the build, apparently the athleticism, the voice, the charm, the humor, the spunk, the verve, and the acting chops, necessary to cover the critical years from ‘Captain Blood’ to ‘Cruise of the Zaca’ and beyond. And, as I also found out after the movie, he’s from Australia, having lived on Phillips Island, not far from Tasmania!

I strongly encourage all to see this great movie, if only to see what you think about this young man’s potential and prospects as the next star to portray Errol?

Also, for the purpose of this tab, please recommend any other contenders for “the next Errol Flynn” – including the Baron’s own grandsons, in case they’re so inclined themselves!!

— Tim


Hola from Chiki Jai

16 Sep


This past Saturday & Sunday being Independence Day Weekend in Mexico, Tijuana was the site of great festivities.  For this reason, I chose Saturday to visit the city in honor of  Errol’s great affection for and history South of the Border, in Old Mexico.

First stop was Chiki Jai, where Senor Flynn dined & partied with the likes of Ava Gardner & Rita Hayworth.  Mr. Hemingway, too! As all at the restaurant enthusiastically agreed, wherever beautiful women gathered in Mexico, Flynn could be found – and where Flynn could be found, beautiful women would be found!

I have much more information regarding this wonderful research trip, but must do so later.  Suffice it to say for now, that Errol is still very much remembered and admired in Mexico!  (Plus I have an interesting personal story about a connection this restaurant has to a movie that was made in the Eighties.) … Hector, pictured above, sends his greetings and special invite to all on the

Errol Flynn Blog!

P.S.   As did Errol & Ernest, I had the paella & sangria.  Muy Sabroso!!

— Tim


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Errol in Acapulco

13 Sep

Going south of Baja some:  Here, on a cliff over Acapulco Bay, is the legendary Hollywood Gang’s legendary Hotel Los Flamingos, “where Errol Flynn tirelessly romanced …”

.los_flamingos_acapulco    acapulco

los_flamingos_acapulco  Inside Los Flamingos

— Tim


Mural for Errol @ “Flynn’s Inn”

12 Sep

Two years or so after working on scenic decoration for The Master of Ballentrae, mega-and-multi-talented visual artist Olga Lehmann painted the wonderful mural below for Errol’s place in Port Antonio, The Titchfield Hotel.  Any chance it has survived??  What a treasure it would be!

olga big

[Click on Photo to Enlarge]



— Tim


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“Memoir of Errol Flynn” vs. “The Big Love”

08 Sep

Getting ready for the upcoming “Last Of Robin Hood”, I read last week both Earl Conrad’s “Memoir of Errol Flynn” and “The Big Love” by Florence Aadland.  All factors considered, I found Earl Conrad’s account of Errol’s last years, a far superior work, and one which presents a far better basis for a screenplay and film.  In fact, it would be hard to imagine a more fascinating and substantive examination of Errol’s life and last days than the one Earl Conrad provides in this superb memoir of his time with Errol Flynn.  On the other hand, I found “Mommie Weirdest’s” book terribly boring, self-serving, and incomplete – leaving out so much of Errol’s extraordinary life, character, and philosophy of living.  I sure hope the movie follows the Conrad approach more than it does the Florence Aadland version of events.  After all, when all is said and done, the only good reason to watch this movie is because of Errol Flynn’s uniquely amazing life.  Anyway, that’s the way I see it.  What do you guys think?


Earl Conrad Memoir                              The Big Love


— Tim


War Correspondent Suffers 25 Wounds In Oran Provence, Algeria, 1942

08 Sep

Fake Flynn

— Tim

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