Author Archive

Supreme Court Justice

07 Oct

No, not that Supreme Court Justice. The justice being sought from the Supreme Court in the just-filed ODH v. FX.…

P.S. I’m not sure all the justices will be able to keep up with our Lady O.…

— Tim


The Case of the Curious Pneumonia

07 Oct


Los Angeles Examiner – Louella Parsons, October 4, 1938

Errol Flynn heard yesterday for the first time that he had pneumonia when he was so critically ill last week. So remarkable was his recovery that he is expected to go home today, and Lili Damita will sail Thursday on the Queen Mary. Errol’s doctors have ordered him to rest for two weeks, after which he is to report to Warner studio for Dodge City.

Don’t say “That’s where we came in,” for Hal Wallis really tried to borrow Ronald Coleman and Cary Grant for the remittance man who goes western. But when neither English accent was available, he went back to the original idea of putting Flynn in the role, postponing The Sea Hawk until early next year. Michael Curtiz, the director, who always favored Flynn, was rejoicing yesterday, for both Flynn and Olivia de Havilland were in Robin Hood Curtiz’ biggest hit.

Dodge City could-have-been cowboys, Coleman and Cary:

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Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Harrison Carroll
October 5, 1938

Errol Flynn went from the hospital to Edmund Goulding’s house at Palm Springs. He wanted to take a trip to Mexico City, but doctors vetoed it.…
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Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Jimmy Starr
October 10, 1938

Lili Damita shushed those Paris divorce rumors by nixing her trip to Gay Paree with the Jack Warners and flying back to hubby Errol Flynn in Palm Springs.

Here they are in Palm Springs:

— Tim


In Eirinn Like Flynn

03 Oct

“Many stories have circulated about Errol’s visits to Belfast, the most repeated (and uncorroborated!) tales are about the excitement he caused at local dances, packed with adoring girls who’d heard that Flynn was to grace their Saturday-night bop!”…

“Ian Rippey, Secretary of the Co Armagh Wildlife Society, reckons that Flynn definitely visited Belfast, and has information about a positive sighting. And Mr Rippey’s letter ended with an intriguing postscript: “Captain Thomas Blood…had Irish Presbyterian if not Ulster connections.” But first, Ian explained why he’s sure that Flynn came to Belfast.”

“A Miss Rene Liggett of Armagh informed me a good few years ago that she remembered seeing Errol Flynn at Queen’s University, Belfast, when she was a student. I assume that she studied biology under Errol Flynn’s father…I knew Miss Liggett from when I joined the Armagh Field Naturalists Society (now the Co Armagh Wildlife Society) in 1974 until her death. I don’t know whether “Miss Liggett saw Errol Flynn only once or on a number of occasions. All she said was that she had seen him…Miss Liggett died in a nursing home some years ago.”…

— Tim


Patch Yourself Up with Zaca

02 Oct…

Or buy a six-pack …


— Tim


7th Michigan, CHARGE!

01 Oct

Flynn and Custer, a perfect match – brilliant, discipline-proof, dashing, and destined for greatness.

(Benton Harbor News-Palladium, December 29, 1941.)

Monroe- The premier of the motion picture “They Died With Their Boots On” depicting the career of General George Armstrong Custer, was shown here Sunday. Seven members of the Custer family residing here attended the performance. Brigadier-General Custer, slain in the Battle of the Little Big Horn, attended school and married here.

(Benton Harbor News-Palladium, January 10, 1942)

Custer’s last stand is an epic of the old west, but the rest of Custer’s life is a Michigan story. As shown in They Died With Their Boots On, the new Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland film opening Sunday at the Liberty, George Armstrong Custer’s adventures were intimately concerned with his native state.

He made a name for himself in the Civil War at the Battle of Gettysburg depicted in the film by leading a series of charges by gallant Michigan regiments. Thrown back time and time again, they kept up the fight under his inspirational leadership and finally turned the tide of battle.

After the Civil War ended, Custer like so many brilliant young officers of the Union Army, was retired. A peacetime Army had no use for the vast number of officers developed by the war. Young General Custer settled down with his wife in their native Monroe, Michigan, to live a life of peace.

It was from the same Monroe that Custer had gone before the Civil War to become the most discipline-proof cadet that West Point had seen in years.

According to the film, the most famous song of Custer’s Seventh Regiment, the Gary Owen, was taught to the General in Monroe by an English soldier who was a Union veteran. When the regiment rode forth in battle on the Little Big Horn, the song Custer learned in Monroe, sped them on their way.

George Custer was only 37 when he died. Life in Monroe had bored him. In order to get back into active Army service, he accepted colonel’s rank. He was sent to the most dangerous territory in America, Sioux Country. The Indians called him “Long Hair.” The tribute they paid him in his last stand shows the esteem in which he was held, even by his enemies. Every man killed in the battle was scalped – except Custer.

(Detroit Free Press, June 27, 1921)

It has been remarked that George Armstrong Custer’s chief contribution to the history of his country was his personality. Such a statement looks like a truism, but in his case it was more peculiarly true than in most. An operose, impetuous spirit, his tepidity, his dash, his verve, has passed into legend while there are still people living in these states who thrill to the memory of the day when Custer fell, who remember the clash of opinion that arose before his gallant blood had cooled.

The forty-five years that have passed since June 25, 1876, have not settled the argument. Was Custer’s death with his three brothers, his nephew, and all of the old fighting Seventh Michigan Cavalry , due to mis-wisdom, an untutored impetuosity, or were the trap and the barbarous slaying inevitable? How much of the mistake can be placed on the two commanders under him, Benteen and Reno, and was the natural indignation of the country justified? The exact facts are obscure, for we are unwilling to accept the only evidence which came from an Indian.

The significant thing now is that Custer’s story is not allowed to die – it is too romantic, too fraught with the perilous spirit of the frontier days which have rapidly dimmed and receded. The story has been woven into pageants, it has been vividly acted before the camera in its own historic setting. Today, out in Hardin, Montana, it is being commemorated again, re-enacted with Indians, some of whom are from the fierce tribe of Sitting Bull. Tamed now and submissive, forgetting the hot rage of the warrior, they are acting for the pleasure of the conqueror and perhaps for the lost glory of their tribe, scenes which were part of the destructive tide that swept them from their last entrenchments in the badlands of the prairie.

What history will do with Custer a hundred years, hence it is impossible to judge; it is probably that no matter what the historian of the future makes of his case he will be handed along in the legends which gave the thrill to cold facts as the perfect cavalry type, the temerarious General of Horse. The nation will remember him as Edward Clark Potter has pictured him when in that significant moment during a lull in the Battle of the Little Big Horn, he spurred forward from the line, and hat in hand, his golden curls flowing from a head thrown back, he stood for a moment surveying enemy lines. His striking uniform, his youth, his daring, combined to make him a glorious, a charmed figure.

The nation will remember him too, however much they may doubt his judgment, as the general who immensely brave, immensely daring, overpowered twenty to one, stayed with his men and died fighting in place. They will honor him as the Sioux honored him, Sitting Bull’s warriors who killed him but held his body inviolate because he was a warrior of whose prowess they stood in awe.


— Tim



25 Sep

Was Albert Einstein one of Errol’s amazing universe of friends? Absolutely, relates this relatively unknown account. Is this just Hollywood spin? An unproven theory?…

Periodically, Einstein did circulate with a cluster of mega-stars from LA LA Land. But, in the orbit of Errol? For the reasons postulated? Improbable perhaps, but, as with all things Flynn, not astronomically impossible. Here’s A.E. with J.W., four years before Errol arrived from another world:…

And he was a high-flying star in a film at Warner Brothers …

— Tim


Friends @ The Old House

25 Sep

Singing legend and Errol’s friend, John McCormack, has a new album!…

McCormack is widely regarded Ireland’s greatest ever singer and was, in his day, the equivalent in classical terms, of Elvis or the Beatles. He made over 600 recordings across opera, Irish folk, religious music and songs from Russia, Germany, Italy and France.

He settled in America where his friends included the likes of Errol Flynn and John Barrymore. He built “San Patrizio”, in Runyon Park, where Errol later lived when it was known as “The Pines” (featured very prominently as Errol’s estate in the final scene of the movie “Breathless” with Richard Gere.)

McCormack’s left LA in 1938, intending to return to his beloved San Patrizio, but never made it back, due apparently to WWII and ensuing illness. A&P heir, and In with Flynn man, Huntington Hartford, subsequently purchased the property, with Errol famously residing there late in his own life.

“The Old House” may have been McCormack’s last recording. Perhaps it was partially inspired by and/or invoked memories of San Patrizio.

Here are great photos of the old estate:…

THE OLD HOUSE by Runyon Canyon resident, John McCormack
(Not to be confused with This Ole House by Mulholland Farm resident, Stuart Hamblen)

— Tim


Double ‘O’ Flynn

23 Sep


Has any actor ever had a higher percentage of double ‘o’ films than Errol?

Eight of Errol’s films have ‘oo’ words in their titles.

That’s approximately 14.8% of all his movies.

Here are Errol’s “Double O” Eight:









— Tim


See Errol Flynn’s Ghost!

20 Sep

Sunday in Jersey City!……

— Tim


“The Tunnel of Love”, Starring Errol Flynn, 1935

18 Sep

In June of 1935, before he went over the marital falls with Lili and sailed into international fame as El Capitan Blood, Errol Flynn was a mega-star at the Venice Amusement Pier. He wasn’t yet King of Cinematic Swashbucklers, but he did reign supreme at the “Over the Falls” Tunnel of Love – which made him “the talk of the town in Hollywood.” (Anyone surprised at that?)…

One might wonder how Tiger ‘Lil handled that! … Well, news coverage of this legendary Tinseltown shindig indicated that she did have at least one uplifting experience at the party:

“Lili Damita apparently was given a rather unorthodox entrance [at the Fun House], courtesy of a gust of air that lifted her skirt. However, she recovered her composure to pose with Carole. Marlene and husband Errol Flynn”…

History and Imagery of the Venice Pier, including very rare a moving picture of the pier from the ’30s.……

A Perfect Place for a Big Rascal Like Flynn:

— Tim