Author Archive

Sailfishing on the Zaca

10 Feb

“Cruising Down Mexico Way” with Errol Flynn and Howard Hill

— Tim


Swordfishing on the Sirocco

10 Feb

Featuring Howard Hill and Ronald Reagan…

“Swordfishing is not for the timid. This magnificent creature that lives 30 years
and can reach 1,200 lbs at 14 feet long lurks in the deep waters of the Gulf Stream
offering lucky anglers a brutal fight and trophy size fish. And they are excellent eating.
Once hooked this aggressive Billfish are known to shoot straight out of the water from
a depth of 500 feet in an instant then dive straight back down to the same depth offering
one of the most exciting catches of your life. The Swordfish is one of the fastest swimmers
— 60 mph sprints are very common.”

— Tim


Flynn v. Flynn

08 Feb

All Rise. Flynn versus Flynn is in session.…

— Tim



05 Feb

Did Errol ever get credited with being in a movie involving (American) Football?

— Tim


Flynn, Errol Flynn

02 Feb

Roots of Fleming?


Locke, Steve Locke

Listen at ~ 6:10, when British Agent Errol Flynn introduces himself to Stalinist Colonist Frances Farmer


Flynn plays European playboy Interpol Agent Chris Casanova

Recorded by Flynn when he was living in Jamaica … at the same time as Ian Fleming…


— Tim


In Tasmania Like Flynn

31 Jan

What rock star moved to Tasmania because he’s a big fan of Errol’s?

— Tim


What’s the Club?

16 Jan

The three men depicted below were all early members of a club that few of their acting colleagues in Tinsel Town joined.

– It involved a skill relatively rare among their acting colleagues.

– Sean later had the skill involved, but was not a club member.

– It was founded in 1944 and is still active.

What’s the Club?

Errol golddiggers


No. 3

— Tim


Sean the Athlete

15 Jan

Soccer, Football, Tennis (& Motorbiking)

Yesterday while at the Palm Beach History Museum, I had the great fortune and pleasure of meeting a Palm Beach contemporary of Sean’s and of George Hamilton, who funded and hosted the film and exhibit we were viewing. Out of our conversation spun some spontaneous research leading to the following confirmation that Sean played both flag football and soccer for his school, the Palm Beach Private Day School.


From the Palm Beach Post:

Soccer Begins
February 1957

“The Palm Beach Private School varsity teams and Ransom School of Miami played to a 1-1 tie in the local school’s first home soccer game of the season here Thursday. The one goal for Palm Beach was scored by Sean Flynn.”

October, 1956

“Palm Beach Private Day School opens its touch football season today at 2 p.m. against Webster-Tufts School at Lake Worth. Line-up for the Private School: Bob Kolb, RE, Dale McNulty, C, Sean Flynn, LE, Nick Smith, QB, John Logsdon. RH, and ….”

Summer, 1956

And here’s Sean with Errol only a few months earlier, in the summer of ’56. He looks very happy and proud to be with his Dad, an occasion that surely helped inspire and enhance Sean’s athletic success that ’56/’57 school year.


Gigi Phillips, a schoolmate of Sean’s, recalls:

“I went to school with Sean at Palm Beach Private back in the 50’s. He was older than I was, but was always so kind to me. Once he left Palm Beach, he would return to the school on his vacation. I have fond memories of him helping me with my math homework.

“Sean was a fine teenager when I knew him. Friendly to everyone, even the younger students. Gave anyone who asked rides on his motorcycle. His mother doted on him. I’m sure she was devastated when he disappeared.”

And from the gorgeous Gita Hall, who was dating Errol during this time, in fact she and Errol were out on the town in the Big Apple quite a bit the very week of Sean’s soccer success in early February of ’57:

“I knew Sean through his father who was so proud of him. I watched him play tennis, got to spend some quality time with him on several occasions. What a rare outstanding young man and what a tragedy that he lost his life at such a young age.”

— Tim


To the Slopes with Errol

14 Jan





Photo at top is of Errol and his Sugar Bowl Buddy, Hannes Schroll, the legendary Austrian Dare Devil, Yodeler, and Ski Slope Character.

— Tim


Herr to Eternity

12 Jan

A Compelling Urgency……


‘Clung to the side of a hovercraft’: Mike Herr and Sean Flynn at Dong Tam Lagoon, 1968. Photo: Tim Page

— Tim