Author Archive

Ahead of His Time

13 Sep

Errol was always ahead of his time. In this case, eighty (80) years so.

If not for his allegedly annoying moustache and smile, the movie may well have been his in ’36!

Hollywood is filming a Malaysian movie. Guess who it’s about (no, it’s not Najib)



— Tim


A Hell of a Lot of Fun

13 Sep

I enjoyed all three-and-a-half minutes of it!


— Tim


Indian Fibber?

12 Sep

Bald (Eagle) Lies?

Back in July I read several fascinating articles/obituaries including references to professed associations of a prominent recently-deceased Native American to Errol. I was tempted to the post the articles but could not verify the “stunt double” claim. Additionally, there was an obviously erroneous claim that this “Lakota chief” appeared with Errol in the movie “Flaming Arrow”.

As it turns out, per the last link below, someone was apparently speaking with forked tongue!………


— Tim


Your Vote is Requested!

12 Sep

At the IMDb Poll below:……



— Tim


More Manly Media

10 Sep

What a Wonderful World for Young Errol Flynn.

Thanks again Donna!





— Tim


More from Manly – Errol’s Early Stomping Grounds

07 Sep

Donna Juana sends more from Manly!

Including a photo of Mrs. Robinson’s(!) cottage, in the second photo below, where Errol’s grandmother and aunt lived, and where Errol stayed and played as a boy and young man. Donna has discovered that the Robinson’s cottage was at 91 Stuart Street! I have never seen this address or a photo of the home published before. Thank you Donna, and thank you to the Manly residents and officials who helped her find this address!!! With special thanks to Manly official John M!)


Mrs. Robinson’s cottage at 91 Stuart Street:


Believed to be of Errol’s childhood play areas, where Errol spent much time in this area during his formative years. Donna discovered that one of the things he is believed to have done is to jump off the cliff at the end of the block at Spring Cove, a rite of passage for Manly teenagers.


Stuart Street, at Manly Scenic Walk, near the Cliff Jumping:


— Tim


When and In What?

06 Sep

When and in what did Errol appear with both a White Hunter and a Black Entertainer?


1) One was male, one was female.

2) The black entertainer could act, sing and dance.

3) Blindfolds were involved in one part of Errol’s appearance, handcuffs in another.


— Tim


What a Dame!

06 Sep

Dame Gillian Lynne:

Still going strong with “Sensuality, Sensitivity and Sexuality”…




— Tim


LIVE FROM SYDNEY – Young Errol’s Manly Home!

03 Sep

Globetrotting Flynnmate, Donna Juana One, took these photos only a few hours ago in Manly, Sydney. This is where Errol lived with his grandmother Edith Young – @ 67 Wood Street! Thank you and G’day, Donna Juana!!!

Manly 4 Wood Stret Sign with Water

Manly 3 Wood Street Sign

Manly 1

Manly 5 67 Wood Street

Manly 6  67 Wood Street

Manly 7    67 Wood Street

Manly 8 - 67 Wood Street

— Tim


A Looks-Alot-Like-Liz Quiz

01 Sep

Who’s the Mystery Lady Sean’s a’Kissin’ and Serenadin’??

Sean and Not Liz

Added September 1:

Have Faith Sean!

Have Faith Sean

— Tim