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Did Errol Live Here (Too!)?

11 Aug

If so, when? When he first arrived in Hollywood, before he hit it big with Blood?




Hollywood Landmarks: the 1929 Villa Bonita Building

— Tim


Sailing with Senor Flynn — August 1937

10 Aug

August 5, 1937: LA Evening Herald Express, Harrison Carroll

Errol was the lad who said that no women, not even Lili Damita, was going to be allowed on his boat — and we were the sucker who printed it… Well, Lili must have changed his mind.

But quickly. The two of them are yachting at Catalina…Incidentally, Hollywood hears that Lili is home to stay…

More Flynnnfo on this @…

August 7, 1937: Peter Pry’s Notebook

Tennis shorts may walk in regiments on Hollywood, but they are strictly taboo in Ensenada. Errol Flynn made that embarrassing discovery a week ago, when he left his yacht, clad in the customary shorts, and strode into the little Mexican town. He wanted to send a telegram. On the main street, a gendarme in a blue coat, red trousers and gold braid, flagged Errol down. Argument ensued, Errol explained that his shorts were quite customary in Hollywood. But the minion of the law informed him that Ensenada’s morals could not be trifled with in such a manner.

Finally the copper pointed to a clothing store across the street and suggested that Flynn could settle the matter peacefully by making a purchase. Reluctantly, Errol bought a pair of trousers and donned them.

August 26, 1937: LA Evening Herald Express, Jimmy Starr

Errol Flynn isn’t sure , but he has a sneaking suspicion he’s been well ribbed. No sooner had he parked his boat near Todo Santos Island in Mexican waters than he was fined 200 pesos (about $50) for his failure to possess a deep sea fishing license.

The one thing that puzzles Errol is that the Mexican official had a new license already made out.

Here’s Errol a’sailing two months later:


— Tim


Manhattan Beach Mystery

08 Aug

Was Errol really ever Master of this recently-sold-for-$4M Manhattan Beach Manse? Or is this a Suburban Flynnian Myth? Anyone out there know?

“Originally built in 1934 and owned by Errol Flynn, this exquisite home exemplifies how a historic piece can be modernized while brilliantly maintaining the elemental setting of the beach. At 4,200 square feet, this spectacular home has three levels: the ground floor accommodates the living and dining rooms, kitchen and wine area; the mid-level features a billiard room, two bedrooms, and a playroom; and the third level hosts the master suite with a large entertainment deck area with fireplace and panoramic unobstructed ocean views.

A team of experts worked to modernize this home while keeping its history. In an effort to preserve the allure of the 1930?s and the Deco era, materials such as glass and stainless steel were used to magnify the appeal and charm that time period had to offer. No detail was neglected in the creation of this magnificent rejuvenation which epitomizes the charisma of the era in which its style was born.”……

— Tim


Flynn was “Fleeing” in ’37

07 Aug

from “HOLLYWOOD”, January 1937

“News Scoop for January”

“Why Errol Flynn is Fleeing Hollywood”

In Charge of the Light Brigade Errol Flynn plays another dashing, adventurous role. Finished with this and two other pictures, Flynn is deserting Hollywood. Read why in this article!

To Some Mortal souls on this earth the call of the South Sea islands is greater
than any other thing in the world. To them the Song of the Islands is more than
a beautiful tune, a romantic interlude. It is a call to adventure in unknown places, an urge to move restless feet toward the mystery of antiquity, a willingness to dare uncharted reefs for the beckoning things beyond.

Errol Flynn is one of these souls, forever restless, forever in the pursuit of
adventure. For him there is no glamour in the present, not even in glamorous
Hollywood. The restless, haunting look you see in his eyes is not from clever
acting. The Errol Flynn of the screen is Errol himself, a man of the far horizons
who refuses to linger long in one place. And lately he has heard the call of distant lands.

Errol was just completing work on Another Dawn for Warner Brothers when
we talked with him about the mysteries of Tahiti, and other islands so remote that they remain nameless to this day.

“I guess the South Seas would lure most anyone,” he told us, pacing up and down the sound stage floor as the cameraman worked for new shooting angles. “I don’t think I’m much different from anyone else. We’d all go down there if we could. I guess the only difference is that I am going just as soon as I wind up this picture.”

And there the difference is, as plain a fact as you could ask for. The lure of big
money as a dashing movie star, the adulation of fans all over the world, the peacefulness of serene security — these things mean nothing at all to Errol Flynn.

You doubt that?

Then consider the facts. Errol has been in pictures only a brief year. He was
discovered” while the studio was testing for the lead in Captain Blood. It needed a dashing young man full of the spirit of adventure. Fate gave Errol that particular screen test, and overnight he became one of Warner’s most triumphant personalities.

Years of adventure in the South Seas made Errol Flynn a husky, stalwart adventurer. He’ll stack up nicely with Atlas anytime!

The studio knew its man all too well. It deciphered that faraway look in Flynn’s
eyes and sent out an order that might well have read like this:

“Attention all producers: we have a marvelous hit in Errol Flynn. But he is
a natural born adventurer who is hard to hold in one spot. Maybe we can keep him
inside Hollywood for a year, but not much longer. Do things fast with him.”

Of course they didn’t send out that exact order. But it is a fact that Errol, in that brief year, completed not only his first picture, but leads in the following master-pieces: Charge of the Light Brigade, An- other Dawn and Green Light.

All of these pictures are top notch productions. Most stars would consider it good fortune to do only one of these in a year. With the exception of Green Light, all of the films are costume pictures. And in Green Light Errol plays the role of a doctor who flees misfortune, battles spotted fever amid the backwoods roughness of Montana. So you see he is fundamentally the adventurous type of man in all three films.

Captain Blood made such a hit that they ran it many months longer than usual.
Charge of the Light Brigade’s release was held up for that reason. Last month we previewed the latter picture. It will make your masculine or feminine heart pound. Adventure is here in copious quantities, and romance too. It is another tremendous Errol Flynn hit. Soon you will be raving about the picture, and it seems destined for as long a run as Captain Blood.

That means only one thing: it will be many months before both Another Dawn
and Green Light are released to the theaters, and it is during these months that Errol will venture into the South Seas to get some of that restlessness out of his system.

Something to Think About

Warner Brothers might well worry about this trip. Why? Because, Errol Flynn being what he is, might decide never to return to Hollywood and motion picture fame. Just like that — with a cool snap of his fingers. But he will come
back. Warners are sure of that. They gave him a good reason for returning from the land of beyond.


Several months ago Errol joined Fawcett Writer William Ulman, Jr. in writing
a story on some of the actor’s personal adventures before he became a star. The
title of that picture is The White Rajah. The idea came about during a lazy week- end in Palm Springs when Ulman was visiting Flynn, gathering material for a series of stories for Movie Classic.

Out there in the desert the two reminisced together. Errol talked about a picture he would like to do, a picture full of the nostalgia of the South Seas, of thrilling incidents from his own life.

“Why don’t we get together and turn that story into a scenario?” Ulman asked
Errol after several hours discussion.

It was a deal. They worked it out, and sold the opus to Warners for a princely
sum. And that’s why the studio is sure that Flynn will come back!

Flynn ‘s itinerary is the kind you love to speculate about. He will take the last
scheduled steamer run to Tahiti and em- bark from there. (After this trip all regular ships will dispense with making Tahiti a port of call, there not being enough business to make it worth while.)

What he will do in Tahiti is still as much a mystery to Errol as to anyone else how he will leave Tahiti for other islands is a matter for fate and time to decide.

But by and by a tramp steamer, a fishing schooner, or some wandering ship will drop anchor off the dreamy shores of Tahiti, and Flynn will find his time to move has come.

While restlessness is perhaps a prime factor in luring Errol away, he has a
couple of real objectives in his Odyssey. Among the countless islands of the South Seas mandated to Japan is one particular lump of land that catches his fancy. He calls it The Lost Island, although of course it technically is nothing of the sort.

On this strange Lost Island, Japan is said to have secret fortifications. And
Nippon is usually extremely reluctant to allow visitors within the sacred precincts. Nevertheless, the intrepid Flynn will visit that island shortly, with the official permission of high Japanese dignitaries. And all because Errol, in one of his previous adventures, developed a close friendship
with a son of one of these influential officials.

A Lost World

What Errol wants to see is not any secret military outpost, but to delve into the
mysteries of a lost civilization which once flourished on the isle. Here, under the perpetual shade of dense palm groves, are the ruins of another era, said to rival even the mystical Mayan ruins of Central America.

That spells adventure to Errol. He is taking with him a 16 mm. camera with a
supply of natural color film. When he returns he hopes to have adequate proof
of another Yesterday in human existence.

From the Lost Island the actor will swing down to the East Indies, a familiar
sight to him, for it was here that he had some of his most exciting adventures
before he climbed the heights of Hollywood.

This country is the background of his White Rajah story. So somewhere along
the line he will pick up a professional cameraman likewise afflicted with wanderlust, and film familiar scenes as a basis for the actual production. Didn’t we tell you there was a good reason for Errol to come back to Hollywood?

Yes, Errol will come back, even if it wouldn’t surprise anyone that he didn’t.

He will make White Rajah and perhaps by then he will be willing to settle down for awhile. One cannot make any accurate predictions regarding his future. Errol is forever independent. And he loves the region “down under,” where he had his first mad adventures with life.


Here’s Errol Flynn in a scene from Green Light, due for spring release. The
faithful dog is an important character in the film adaptation of Lloyd C. Douglas’s
famous book.

Green Light

— Tim


Live from Rome

05 Aug

Straight from Alfredo alla Scrofa in the Eternal City, where Florida-based friends and Flynn fans Donna & Maura dined on some of the famous fettucini for the first time and sent the following four photos from their Flynn-inspired trip.





Grazie mille to Maestro Karl Holmberg for the Flynnside information that made Donna & Maura’s fantastic Flynn dining experience a Alfredo’s a reality! Grazie Karl!

P.S. Per Donna, “EF has the largest photo [in Alfredo’s]” and “Maura went on [in the restaurant] about how hot she thinks Errol Flynn is!”

— Tim


What Famous Actor?

02 Aug

What famous actor’s interest in the film business began when he saw Errol in the Dodge City premier parade?

1) He was a young child at the time.

2) He died in this decade, between 2010 and 2016.

3) He once had an indirect connection to Henry Fonda.

4) He also once had an indirect connection to Sean Flynn.

5) He was a very well known and often highly regarded actor.

Who knows, he may even be in the YouTube video below. … He said he was at the parade with his mother.

— Tim


Errol’s Girl in Cats Spat

02 Aug

Hamilton Hip Hopper vs. Mistress Marianne:…


The Lynne Flynn Fling:…

— Tim


The Stark Truth

01 Aug

The Stark Truth

— Tim


What’s the Common Denominator?

31 Jul

Errol Flynn

Lionel Barrymore

Spencer Tracy

Kurt Russell

Tom Hanks

Chris Evans

Viggo Mortenson

Brie Larson

Errol with Sword


— Tim


Octopus @ Ciro’s

28 Jul

Appears Errol would have been a sushi and sashimi man.



Unseen photos of Ciro’s Nightclub stars snapped by a cigarette girl and her best friend

I wonder if this is what he was having at Table 4 the night he was giving Rita Khan the eyes?

— Tim