Author Archive

A Jewel in the Desert: “Where It’s Summer All Winter Long”

16 Oct

The San Marcos Inn
In the Valley of the Sun…
“Where Nora and Errol Honeymooned”




— Tim


A Big Hello from Texas

14 Oct

On the Trail of Flynn in the Lone Star State. Here is some memorabilia they have displayed to remember him.

His Pearl Tuxedo Cuff Links in His Clamshell Case


His “Spectator Shoes” from Northhampton


What were you expecting … a cowboy hat and boots?!

And South of the Border from El Paso (Home of the above shies and cuff links), to the Kentucky Club in Juarez, which claims to have invented the Margarita. Ruth, Capone, McQueen, and likely Flynn, who is also believed to have visited other nearby establishments.


— Tim


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Errol Inspires Historic Archaelogical Discoveries

10 Oct…

— Tim


Hollywood Vampires

09 Oct

Errol & Olympiads an original inspiration for a 1970’s ad hoc drinking “supergroup” with a brand new, self-titled debut album, “Hollywood Vampires”

Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp, Paul McCartney, among many others, record a rock music tribute to deceased musician friends John Lennon, Harry Nielson, Jimi Hendrix, Keith Moon & many others.…


— Tim


Merrill-y He Rolled Along

07 Oct

Rollin’ on the River, that is.

Thanks to Karl Holmberg we have this! Was it Errol & Merrill?!?

Picture this, says Errol to the camera man:

From MWWW:

“There she was, the River Queen, about a block long, with a high tower, handsome rails, artistically painted, looking like an aged- in-magnolia Southern belle. And for now it was all ours.

I led Amelia out of the car, and we went up the gangplank. I was about to return to the auto to gather our luggage when there, at the top of the gangplank, were two smiling reporters. One had a camera and he was shooting me busily. The other greeted me, talking fast about how well connected they were. What about some pictures and who was with me?

I did the first thing that crossed my mind. With all that passion which I had been reserving for Amelia and hadn’t been able to expend on her yet- because we’d almost never been alone in a place where a little expending could be done- I lifted this newspaper fellow right up in air, as I would a package, and delivered the package over the side over the side of the rail, plump into the Mississippi mud.

I had to get my hands on the camera man. These fellows are usually not too fleet- footed. They have a tendency to hang around until the camera is knocked out of their hands.. I caught this joker about twenty yards from the gangplank and pulled an old aussie trick on him, stamping on his feet while I pushed him. That doesn’t leave a man many places to go.

I grabbed the camera away from him and took out the film. I gave the camera back.

I knew the reporter had the story anyway. He may not have known who was with me, but he could release a story about Errol Flynn, seeking A bit of privacy, had hired a steamboat and crew for himself and a mysterious little lady.

From a news article of the day:

“2/22/39 HCN ERROL FLYNN RETURNS FILM SNATCHED AT MARDI GRAS FESTIVAL- Errol Flynn on vacation trip, having come from Florida, is now in New Orleans, takes film pack from photographer who snapped his picture while watching a parade with a N.O. SUB DEB previous night, and today, gives interview and gives it back.”

And here’s a photo of N.O., taken yesterday from the Natchez, the last steam-driven paddle wheeler of its kind (with a roif top calliope!) on the Mississippi – like the one (maybe even the one, though he called his the Mississippi Queen) Errol rode with Dina(?).


— Tim

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Flynn @ the Old Absinthe House

07 Oct

Patience & Impatience @ the Old Absinthe House, Bourbon Street, N.O.


Twain, Wilde, Hemingway … and Flynn. They were all there. … And so was this apparently impatient fellow with an apparently extra penny to spare. A penny for his thoughts.…

And here is Patience, Lit Major, Flynn Fan & ambassador extraordinaire for the Old Absinthe House, who revealed the location of Errol’s circa 1942 encounter – not at today’s main bar, but in the back room shown in the photo below.

Thank you, Patience!



— Tim


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Flynn @ The Roosevelt

07 Oct

The (Teddy) Roosevelt. Flynn’s one time N.O. headquarters. Where Errol stayed and parked his cab in New Orleans.

A Mature Story:

The Stars Came Out For The Yankees’ Dollars…





And the pre-Errol mural Errol likelly looked upon as he downed a Sazerac or two.


— Tim


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“In Testimony to the Sea” – The Blanc Bleu Flagship

03 Oct

Thank you, Tina, for the history of Karenita! It’s now the flagship of Blanc Bleu:…


Karenita Photo


— Tim

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Errol and “the Future”: A Quiz

01 Oct

The following images are clues to something that was very famous and significant in Errol’s life. What was it?






— Tim


Poolside with The Flynns: Errol, Rory & Deirdre

30 Sep

Mul House w PoolMul House with Errol, Rory and Dierdre

— Tim