Author Archive

Olivia in Ireland

22 Apr

April 22, 1938

Harrison Carroll

From Belfast, Olivia de Havilland writes that her trip has been taken up partly by commissions for her Hollywood friends. In the village of Shanonbridge, she looked up George Brent’s old nurse who, at 79, is still earning her living as a dress-maker. The star’s visit almost caused a riot in the community.

In Belfast, Olivia spent a day with Errol Flynn’s parents. His father, a professor of biology at Queen’s university, still isn’t sold on Flynn’s acting career.

He told Olivia he wishes that Errol would give up the cinema, return to Ireland, and take up a more serious vocation.

Warners would be satisfied if he’d even get off his yacht and return to Hollywood.


Following the filming of The Adventures of Robin Hood, before its release on May 14, 1938:

Meanwhile, back across the pond, with Warners in hot pursuit:

— Tim


Last But Not Least — At an Easter Parade of Stars

19 Apr

April 20, 1935
Sally Frank Moore
Evening Herald Express

It’s Easter in Hollywood and naturally a time for celebration. And our Hollywood socialites are planning any number of gay Easter parties tomorrow.

One of the smartest, undoubtedly will be, the buffet supper the beautiful Dolores Del Rio and her husband, Cedric Gibbons, are giving tomorrow evening at their Santa Monic home. For Dolores and Cedric are among filmdom’s most noted hosts and hostesses.

In the afternoon, a few friends a few friends are coming over early to play tennis. Dolores, who is one of the film colony’s best players, joining them in the game.

In the evening, this group will be augmented by an imposing list of filmdom’s elite, Dolores receiving her guests in a gorgeous pair of blue hostess pajamas.

Included in the list of those bidden to the party and Messrs. and Mms. Robert Montgomery, Irving Thalberg (Norma Shearer), Merian Cooper (Dorothy Jordan), Joel McCrea (Francis Dee), David Selznick, Frederick Marsh, Donald Ogden Stewart, Philip Barry and Wells Root.

The Countess Di Frasso, Gloria Swanson, Jean Harlow, Ann Alvarado, Virginia Bruce, Lili Damita, Betty Hill, Katherine DeMille, Maureen O’Sullivan, Gwili Andre and Jack L. Warner, Herbert Marshall, William Powell, Bert Taylor, William Brown, King Vidor, John Farrow, Gene Markey, Whitney de Rham, Willis Goldbeck, Dr. Carl Volmoeller and Errol Flynn.

The Del Rio-Gibbons home in modern times, or should I say less post-modern times:…

Like “Stepping Into a Dream”:

Mary Mallory / Hollywood Heights — The Gibbons-Del Rio House: Like Stepping Into a Dream

Streamlined like the gorgeous Dolores herself

Gorgeous Mrs. Gibbons with future Mrs. Flynn, before either knew Errol, before he was “In”:

— Tim


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Wrestling with Lili

18 Apr

April 22, 1935
Lloyd Pantages
Cover Hollywood
Los Angeles Examiner

“Lili Damita has developed a sparkling interest in Man Mountain Dean – of all people.
Every time he gives forth in a local match, Lili can be found hanging over the canvas at ringside…”

Here is some Pathe film of perhaps such a match, a late 1934 contest between Jumpin’ Joe Savoldi and Man Mountain Dean at the Olympic Auditorium in LA. Anyone see Lili hanging over the canvas? Maybe she was studying some of Jumpin’ Joes’s famous flying kicks for her early dates and dalliances with Flynn.

— Tim


Thanks for the Memory — — A Poetastic Quiz

16 Apr

Who was the following for, whose films we adore, but is with us no more?

(Even more fun if the verses are sung, to the music below, a tune you all know)

Thanks for the memory.
For that dolly shot,
The tears that menthol brought,
We went to see the rushes,
… and the rushes weren’t so hot.
But thank you so much.

Thanks for the memory,
Why is Gale so slow?
Why does Lola blow?
Why aren’t Rose and Pat on time?
… and Felix gotta go?
But thank you so much.

You said hell with the mixer.
Then Flynn said hell with the picture.
But you’re a Hungarian Fixer.
We’ve had so much fun – you five bell bum!
Thanks for the memory.

We really think you’re tops.
You never turn out flops.
… and Limey says your only fault
is that you eat the props.
So thank you very much.

Cheerio, Toodle-oo

— Tim


No Blood. No Charge.

13 Apr

June 13, 1935
Hollywood Citizen News
by Elizabeth Yeaman

Apropos of The Three Musketeers, and the quest for a dashing D’Artagnan, Warners are looking for a captain Blood to replace Robert Donat in the picture of that title. Captain Blood was Irish and had all the emotional verve typical of the Irish, so Warners hacve decided to test George Brent for this role. Errol Flynn, another Irishman under contract to Warners, probably would be tested also if he had been established with the film public, but since his name is unknown outside of Hollywood, he will not qualify. Dwight Franklin, a great authority on pirates, who has been working on technical aspects of Captain Blood, feels that Brent should qualify for the role.
It is possible that Leslie Howard will be the star of The Charge of the Light Brigade, which Warners are going to produce as a big special during the coming year. The story, written by Abe Jacoby, was suggested by the Tennyson poem, “Charge of the Light Brigade.” Action will center around the Crimean War and Florence Nightingale will be one of the principal characters.

Before Blood, Before Flynn was in the Big Money:

— Tim


Happy 80th ~ Dodge City

10 Apr

“A Technicolor Triumph”

“The Most Spectacular World Premier Ever Given a Motion Picture”

— Tim


No. 1 for Apple Records

31 Mar

What was the first record pressed by Apple Records ?

It wasn’t “Those were the Days”

Na, it wasn’t “Hey Jude”

It wasn’t performed by The Beatles, but, rather, by a very famous singer who knew Flynn.

For many years few ever heard the recording, but a beautiful Flynn Mother Should’ve Known:

— Tim


Speaking of Errol Flynn …

29 Mar

From King Karl Holmberg, comes a rare image of a young Mrs. Olsen percolating over Errol Flynn. Thank you, Karl!

Mrs. Olsen saves another marriage.…

— Tim


The Stopwatch has Stopped for Richard Erdman

17 Mar

Fare thee well, Richard. You were a great Flynnmate.……

From another interview:

Erdman would go on to work with the best, including Errol Flynn in “Objective, Burma!”

“We drove out to the Warner Ranch in Calabasas for location shooting in the same car every day and he couldn’t have been nicer to me. In some scenes we were waist deep in mud simulating a swamp. It was a very hot summer and tiring, but Errol was great throughout. There were no actresses in the film, but women would just turn up on the set and follow him around. He literally had to fight them off. He was a man’s man, but also had a sensitive side to him. He was just a charming guy.”

— Tim


Bond, Ward Bond

14 Mar…

— Tim