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My Wicked, Wicked Ways – What year was this publication printed? Anybody? As per David and Inga this is the Dell's January, 1961, first printing! Thank you!

08 Jun

In the quest of making this Blog a complete as possible information
center about our hero, I am proposing and asking the help of all our
Authors to bring for a start to the surface of “How many publications
where made to date of MWWW and publish as available, all book cover pictures of these reprints.” Furthermore, being most likely the hardest to establish is the year printed. Maybe we are lucky!
sincerely hope to acquire your assistance and good will in this
worthwhile venture.
I thank you in advance for any help and for your
most valuable expertise you always give so freely!      

— Tina


“Montana” Date – looks like July 1954 any others? A favorites movie of mine!

05 Jun

— Tina


Oh là là – Errol!

05 Jun

Is he ever a Perfect Specimen!
Is there a story which goes with is picture? There are very few pictures of Errol, if any, depicting him in this “oh là là” way!

— Tina


Sean Flynn 70th Birthday!

03 Jun

I just read the post of ILIKEFLYNN and he /she reminded us that Sean's 70 Birthday was on May 31st.
We all forgot to honor Errol's son with an appropriate post!  I for one hold my head in shame, I feel guilty to have forgotten about it.
I like to remedy this situation by posting this remembrance in the name of ILIKEFLYNN and myself, who is unable to place this post him/ herself and who wishes to join us!

It was May 31st 1941 when Sean Leslie Flynn son of Errol Flynn cried out for the first time and grew into a most handsome young man standing 6'3″ tall and equally handsome as his father! He too ventured into a movie carrier and made quite a few movies, but decided that the movie business it not quite his forte.

Tracking back, baby Sean grew into a thoughtful, sensitive, kind and intuitive child and teenager who had to endure the sadness, as any
child would, being separated from his father. Every child wishes to be
part of his parents on a continual basis and in Sean's life it was only conceivable at intervals, yet Errol was with him as often as allowed and humanly possible.  When ever son and
father were together they had great and memorable times. They loved each
other! In our days we call it “Quality Time”, they had that with certainty.
Errol made sure of that, he loved his son ever so dearly.

Needless to say, Sean inherited his father's sense of adventure and the risk taking bravery, which ventured him into a carrier of covering the most treacherous war in Vietnam and Cambodia. He became a war photographer and correspondent for Life Magazine, which ended his life much to early and extremely tragical. To this day his sister Rory tries to find his remains! A heart-wrenching story of a young man who should have lived to tell his story!

I am sure we all wish to remember and commemorate Sean and celebrate the life he lived! Please join ILIKEFLYNN and me with your heartfelt comments to praise Sean's short but ever so worthwhile and courageous life!

ILIKEFLYNN and I wish you all never to suffer tragedy only to experience the happiness of life it can offer!

— Tina


Posted in Main Page


Desperate Journey! Year? We found it – NO – it is Inga who knows all the dates from here to Kingdom come! The date is February 22, 1951! Wow!

02 Jun

— Tina


Silver River! Year 1948? We found it – May 4th, 1950. I love this movie!

01 Jun

— Tina


Errol Exposed – about what? No date as usual! And the picture is reversed! His hair parting in pictures is on the left not on the right side! Does anybody know anything about this publication?

31 May

— Tina


I would say from “King's Rhapsody!”

31 May

— Tina


Uncertain Glory! Errol enjoyed making this movie! Year? We found it – August 9, 1951

29 May

— Tina


Is this Errol?

25 May

Is this really Errol?
Would anybody know if this is Errol?
If it is – who is the lady?
What is it in context with or the purpose of this picture?
It looks like a car commercial – could it be?
Did Errol advertise products?

— Tina