Author Archive

Warm greeting to everyone and little Tribute to Errol!

04 Dec

Being a new
author and being so warmly welcomed by David, I would like to start with a
friendly greeting to everyone who is associated with this wonderful website of
our common friend Errol Flynn, the immortal idol we all love.  He was
something special to all of us in one way or another.  Each of us has a
different reason why he is so exceptional to us, but whatever the reason he was
unique indeed.

There are only very few men born, if ever, with his charisma, his looks, his
magnetism, his magic spell, his outstanding personality, in particular his
disarming smile, his sparkling eyes and so many special talents and
attributes.  A gifted man indeed!  He had it “All” in one
magnificent package in spite of his abusive and adverse childhood.  His
parents never realized what a treasure of a child they were blessed with. 
A “Happy Home” was foreign to him.  He was a most intelligent
child what we call today a “gifted child” and he was, due to the
conditions he lived in, ready to make up his own mind.  Right or wrong, he
did what he thought was best as valuable parental guidance, in particular for a
gifted child was absent.  Errol suffered all his life of these traumatic
experiences and that in silence.  He would never open up his inner most
self to anybody.  He should have, but he avoided that step intensely as he
thought it would be interpreted as a weakness or may give an edge to an

All he ever wanted is being loved, respected, and accepted by his parents, like
any child. 
Most of his life he was left alone to his own devices   Left alone at
various boarding schools, in and out of the country, which he hated.  Away
from friends and familiar surroundings, this is very hard to take for a child
in the tender and formative years.  Errol being a Gemini, loneliness is
like poison to them and he was so much alone in his young years. 

Through all these negative aspects in his life it was totally natural that he
became somewhat a rascal, even a hell-raiser and why not?  Did anybody give
him stability, dependability, or positive attention?  No!  But, whatever the case, he was the
most lovable rascal ever!  Nobody could ever be cross with him and if –
not for long!

Through hardship and in spite of all he
made a Man out of himself and what a man.  Most of all he became a
“Man's Man” and an “Australian Man's Man” on top of
it.  Australian men are different and so was he, hard men but often
chivalrous, however they call a spade a spade in more ways than one.  This
aura surrounded Errol all his life and talking about “Man's Man” –
Errol was it! 

A Man's Man is a class act
– an alpha male like Errol!  He was always well groomed and dressed to win.  He was educated (via schooling and as an
autodidact), worldly and a gentleman.  He was always polite, but never a
pushover.  He knew how to stand his grounds.  He would swear when he
needed to, he would be upset and frustrated, but he always tried to control his
temper.  He could handle is liquor.  He would admit his faults and
errors.  He did not have to belong to any race, creed, or color he
automatically respected and understood the fundamental principles of
humanity.  He did what ever he could or thought made him a good person in
order to have self-respect.  He was very proud; he hated mediocrity, his
aim always was to achieve excellence, but not perfection and he knew the important
difference between the two. 

For all
these reasons, women
wanted him and men wanted to be him!

— Tina


Posted in Main Page


Thank you!

01 Dec

Dear David!
Thank you ever so much for your wonderful introduction, you sure couldn't have done it in any nicer way then you did! What a nice picture of Errol!
I wish you all the very best, but in particular a

continuous steady recovery!
Best regards,
Tina (Bariebel)

— Tina


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