Author Archive

Looks like February 25, 1941? It is 1948!

02 Sep

— Tina


I like this picture best of this series with Ida Lupino! No date?!

02 Sep

— Tina


From the Decker-Tie series! Has anybody any details of this magazine?

31 Aug

— Tina


Errol Flynn by John Decker

30 Aug

Here he is in all his wonderful might!

The picture is located at the Errol Flynn estate in Jamaica.

People like and dislike this painting – BUT – one fact remains this painting captures to perfection Errol's Mona Lisa “non-smiling” captivating SMILE.
His eyes projecting thought and feelings combined with his unusual facial expression of tenderness are communicated to perfection in this painting.
The painting maybe should be called “The Seductive Smile” or “The Melting Process” 

There are two photographs in which he displays this very smile! (See below)

Errol with his picture at the fireplace in his living room!

And here are the two photo captions of “The Seductive Smile”

It was the melting process!

— Tina


Two Great Talents!

30 Aug

We didn't have a quiz question going for a long time and I thought it is about time for one! Please participate and show your knowledge about Errol!

This is a four part question!

1. Who was Max Flynn?
2. How did Max come into Errol Flynn's life – what was the reason?
Max Flynn admired a special person, in particular he thought of him as a generous warm-heart and with a very unique and rare talent.
3. Who was this person?
4. What was this special rare talent of his?

Deadline Saturday! 
Good Luck!

— Tina


Did Errol own “The Falling Rocket” by James Whistler?

25 Aug

“The Falling Rocket” by James Whistler


As promised, here is the information about ownership of James Whistler's “The Falling Rocket”

The following is the information given to me by Kenneth Meyer, Curator of the Detroit Institute of Art, the current owner since 1946 of the painting, which proofs to 99% or so that Errol did not own the painting.

Hi Tina: All I know is the information in Andrew McLaren Young, et. al., The Paintings of James McNeill
, 2 vols. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980). Which
states that it was bought by Charles Sessler at Parke-Bernet on May 10,
1940), exhibited in New Britain in 1943, acquired by Knoedler Gallery in
NY who lent it to Toronto in 1944, sold by Knoedler to Scott &
Fowles (dealers) in 1946; and that they sold it to Dexter Ferry who gave
it to us.

If any more recent information has turned up,
it would probably be included on the provenance information given in the
Centre For Whistler Studies on-line database to find that, just google
Centre for Whistler Studies and follow directions.……

I suppose there is a
chance someone else could have owned it in the period 1940-1946, or
perhaps had it “on approval” for a sale which was not consummated. If
you turn up any convincing evidence for such an additional owner, I
would love to see it.


Kenneth John Myers,
Ph.D, Chief Curator, Curator of American Art, Detroit Institute of
Arts, 5200 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI 48202


Btw, due to my joking remark in the other post of mine – about the painting would have fit into Errol's life style – I am providing this link – if you are interested – it is the story of the lawsuit connected with the painting.…

I wonder how many paintings Errol owned – any insiders out there?

— Tina


He loved that painting!

23 Aug

Let's continue with the next painting he loved so well!
Errol and his prized possession – Mother and Child!

Vincent Van Gogh “The Man is at Sea”

This painting is in a private collection today – would anybody have any information who's collection?

“The Man is at Sea” is – oil on canvas, size 25.98″ x 20.8″ (66 cm x 51 cm) was painted in October 1889 by Vincent Van Gogh while residing in Saint Paul asylum in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, France, to which Vincent Van Gogh admitted himself to find a cure of his very serious ailments. 
During this tragic time Vincent Van Gogh chose to paint pictures – themes and motives – of other painters and “The Man is at Sea” was one of them.

When you find this phrase  – Van Gogh's “The Man is at Sea” after Demont-Breton, this has a special meaning.  Van Gogh painted it after a picture, an engraving in this case, produced by Virginie Demont-Breton.  Meaning Van Gogh used her engraving to paint his “The Man is at Sea” in oil, in his style and his colors.

Virginie Demont-Breton produced her mother and child engraving in 1889 and it was  exhibited at “The Salon” Brussels (?) of the same year.  The Salon was in those days the highest venue to be exhibited. Van Gogh must have seen it in Brussels at the time of the exhibition as he painted his painting at the end of the same year. (October 1889)

Titled “Her Husband is gone to Sea” by Virginie Demont-Breton 1889:

A warm and wonderful picture! 

Two link of interest to enjoy
Virginie Demont-Breton and Vincent Van Gogh……

Errol sure knew how to pick pictures – with “wow” backgrounds! Never a dull day! Have fun and always a great time!

P.S. Would anybody know if Errol owned James Whistler's “The Falling Rocket?”
Another picture with a hoopla background.  If he owned it it had to be prior to 1946 as the picture is owned since 1946 by the Detroit Institute of Art.

— Tina


Paintings Errol Flynn Owned

21 Aug

Now that I have a little time I would like to place an information on the blog which I have for quite some time.  I asked David to make an Errol' Paintings tab for me to put all the information I have gathered.  Thank you David for obliging me.

It is quite well known that Errol Flynn owned several priceless oil paintings of which two are always shown in one way or another or mentioned in articles or books.  Not to much is known about the any other paintings and how many were there really?
Has anybody facts and figures?  In addition, does anybody know who owns what painting today?

Let's start with one, which is so well known and Errol love it:


Paul Gauguin “Famille Tahitienne”


or “Bathers”, a title which is not well known for the painting.
Painted in 1902, oil on canvas, size 39 1/4 x 28 3/4 (92 cm x 73cm)

This painting was purchase in 1997 by Steve Wynn of Wynn Resorts Ltd. in Las Vegas.  I wonder who owned it between 1959 and 1997?  If anybody is going to Las Vegas may have a visit with the painting!
This is the link I found:
@font-face {
font-family: “Tahoma”;
}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Tahoma; }.MsoChpDefault { font-size: 10pt; }div.WordSection1 { page: WordSection1; }

Paul Gauguin, Famille Tahitienne (1902), around $35
million, 1997. Buyer: Steve Wynn.  Broker:
Alex Reid & Lefevre Ltd., London. Auction record for the artist: $24.2

One very funny thing about the link above is – that it is written by Andrew Decker who writes for… and gave me the information of the sale.  The family name is the same – what coincident – but there is no relation to John Decker – I inquired.

There is a website of Wynn Resorts and the picture is in the inventory.  If you want a long corporate reading here it is – have fun.

WYNN RESORTS LTD (Form: S-1/A, Received: 10/07/2002 08:16:38)

That's all for today have fun!

— Tina


Errol Flynn Slept Here – a wonderful book about Mulholland Farm! One of the greatest!

19 Aug

— Tina


Errol Flynn and the Sword of Fate! Great book – informative!

19 Aug

— Tina