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A cool vintage movie mag website

07 Sep

Aloha from Hawaii, everyone! Last night, while websurfing, I happened across a website that you might find interesting. It features about 30 vintage movie mags, all digitally uploaded and available to read. Such publications as The Hollywood Reporter, Film Daily, Photoplay, and many others. The issues go back to around 1914, and up to recent times. They don’t have every issue for every mag, but what is there is very extensive, and will keep you busy for hours. Each issue is complete and in color, so you can see vintage covers and film ads in color. It is like looking at the original magazines, with original photos, etc. In the January 1938 issue of Photoplay, there is an article written by Errol about yachting up and down the California coast, with his characteristically humorous and trenchant observations about the whole scene. He mentions fellow Hollywood sailors, such as James Cagney, John Ford, and others, too. I’ve read a lot of his writings, but never seen this one. I think there must be other articles by him on this site, as well as contemporary reviews for his films, and original ads for them.

Anyway, the website address is:…

Edit: I just corrected the link above, from my original post– see zacal’s link below for the fan mag page. Thanks, zacal, your link is the best one, I think! The above link takes you to a page with numerous film mag covers, including Photoplay, with Clark Gable on its cover. You can then pick and choose. You don’t have to download the articles– though you can– as it’s possible just to view them on the site.

I messaged David about this, and he has looked at the site and likes it, and suggested I post the address here. It’s an excellent site, and I think there are plenty of articles to keep you very busy! Aloha! Tom

— Tom Webb