With the rape trial ‘acquittal’ still fresh in the press, Errol is back to work on his next picture. And there is never a dull moment in this time period.
There is also a large photo shoot in mid-May which we will present later.
— Topper
Errol arrives in San Francisco by ocean liner on November 9th, from his Hawaiian vacation. He had sailed to San Francisco on his yacht Sirocco and now sails back to Los Angeles. From there, he will get ready for his next film, Dodge City, on location in Modesto, California on November 10th.
— Topper
With The Knight and the Lady (Elizabeth and Essex) beginning filming, it does not slow Flynn down from finding time for his adventures, big or small. Oh…you will notice an “ooops” in the middle of the first page. I had an article incorrectly dated as May 15 when I placed it there. The correct date is April 15. Instead of redoing two pages, I figured it was time for an “ooops“.
Enjoy …
— Topper
‘ADVENTURES of DON JUAN’ opens in theatres through the holidays and Errol begins working for MGM on his next picture, while living at his Mulholland home. There he hosts a dinner party and invites more than 300 guests. There are 2 bars and 3 bands which began at 8:00 p.m., and ended about 6:00 a.m. the next morning.
— Topper
From wrapping up filming on his latest adventure picture, to traveling coast to coast and back again for; radio appearances…magazine and newspaper articles … going to the ballet or a premiere…dinners and shows … or becoming an honorary Indian, all of this and more, in only two months.
— Topper
In researching Errol Flynn’s 50 years over the last 50 years, I sometimes became very confused by the different times and dates printed by the myriad of sources. So, I decided that there needs to be something to help out! May I present …
Enjoy …
— Topper