Author Archive

Errol Flynn at Home, and Right Back to Work!

26 Aug

Errol is a family man here for a few days at Mulholland “ranch”… or “farm” or just plain Mulholland, with his daughter and Nora, while he recovers from his blackwater fever illness. Then it is right into work on Never Say Goodbye.

By the by, I was unable to confirm the photographer’s name for this session and believe it is Bert Six. If you know who it is, please drop us a line here at the blog.

Appreciate it.

— Topper


Errol Flynn, in September 1940!

22 Aug

In between films, Erol enjoys his second favorite hobby … tennis! His first, of course, is sailing … along with all of the associated water sports. Here he does both during the month of September.

— Topper


Errol Flynn on the Cover of Movie Life, 1940!

18 Aug

It is not always possible to get vintage movie magazines in prime condition. But of course, Flynn looks great as usual!

— Topper


Errol Flynn is in Print Everywhere!

14 Aug

After spending a few days in Good Samaritan Hospital in L.A. from September 25, 1938 with pneumonia, Errol is back home with Lily by the 28th, after her return from New York City.

We will pick it up from there …

— Topper


Errol Flynn’s Only Photo Session of 1944!

11 Aug

This photo shoot was believed to have been taken between September 28 to October 2, 1944. He is shown here complete with full sideburns in preparation for his film San Antonio, which began filming on September 21st. With no specific records of this photo session, it was most likely done by Bert Six.


— Topper


Busy Year for Errol Flynn! 1944

07 Aug

Here is a little excerpt from mid-March,1944 to mid-May. Lots of stuff going on in his life, as usual, with movies, parties, incidents, etc.


— Topper


Errol Flynn & The Big Boodle in Havana, Cuba!

04 Aug

Errol is in Havana, Cuba doing his next film, The Big Boodle and a few other things during his visit there from May 15, 1956 up to June 20th when Patrice and daughter Arnella arrive on his birthday.

— Topper


Errol Flynn in Alaska and More!

01 Aug

Errol, and a group of four entertainers, spent over a month on a USO tour of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, cheering up the troops stationed at the U.S. outposts there during World War II.

This map and time frame tries to pinpoint their destinations based on a wide variety of sources … from Army records to some soldiers personal photos (and even some of those documents were contradictory).



— Topper


Errol Flynn On the Cover! 1959

28 Jul

Errol, still enjoying his popularity around the world with a picture taken during the filming of The Roots of Heaven January 10, 1959.

— Topper


Errol Flynn vs Fidler Fracas and the Follow-Up! 1941

25 Jul

On September 20th, 1941, Errol Flynn and columnist Jimmie Fidler got into a scuffle at the Mocambo night spot. The incident made some small headlines the next day along with a lot of gossip and speculation. Perhaps one of the best coverages of the story appeared on this page of the Movie-Radio Guide of the 27th.

There were more events following the dustup.


— Topper