I have given up on my favorite review site DVDBeaver which seems to show better quality images than other sites including this one, BluRay.com…. It has been too long so I am now posting this from Bluraydotcom. Quote: “For this 1080p, AVC-encoded Blu-ray release, Warner has created a new master from an interpositive, using digital technology to realign and “re- register” the three layers of the original photography of this 1939 classic. The result stands in stark contrast to its treatment of two other recently released Technicolor productions from a few years later, Anchors Aweigh (1945) and On the Town (1949). Dodge City’s Blu-ray image is much sharper and better defined, while still retaining a film-like texture and a natural grain pattern. The presentation may not be quite as impressive as an Ultra Resolution restoration such as that given The Band Wagon, but it is still good enough to render complex scenes like the huge barroom brawl, the cattle stampede or the train ambush with depth and detail.” I did not see if either Robin Hood or Gone With The Wind were given the (Ultra Resolution) treatment but from the images seen on all three it seems like GWTW has the clearest image but that is the way it was filmed to begin with I suspect were with Warner’s there is softer look to give it a fantasy element especially on Robin Hood. I have not purchased it yet but they say that the still image wont look as good as the moving images while watching the film. So far so good. Will report back after I get the film.

— twinarchers