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21 Sep

I am having trouble with the really cool ones showing up on this site. Very irritating.
My favorite is a very colorful fragmented one but this site wont let me show the image no matter what I do. Just look up Errol Flynn t-shirts and you will see them under images or by shopping. Amazon or Redbubble does something to the image so that even if I copy it and send it off to snapfish I cant get it to show. Is this a virus thing?

— twinarchers


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Our Boy Has Made The Rag Mags Again.

16 Sep

The September 21st 2015 Issue. Last Page Flashback Photo. Check it out at the grocery store to see Errol and Betty from Essex.

It is basically this photo with a short story but its interesting that he keeps popping up almost 56 years after he died. Interesting.

— twinarchers

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How To Colorize Your Favorite Sea Hawk

28 Aug

Sea Hawk Video Link

I would like to see some of these films made into color when the technology arrives. I know this is a sore spot for some but many films would benefit from it I think. Check out the video and tell me what you think.

— twinarchers


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Dodge City Blu-Ray vs DVD

28 Aug

Better late than never for this review. I don’t know how many of you have purchased this Blu Ray yet so first off I can say that it is worth the money to get it even if you have the DVD already. A lot of grain and film dirt are gone as well as vertical film lines. Paying close attention the image is more stable too. I noticed this at the start with the Warner logo. They have fixed the alignment problems that were on the DVD version and that makes for a much clearer, sharper image. The colors look better and detail like clothing material you can see much better. There is a scene early on showing steers in the pen that looked like a 3D image without the 3D glasses on the DVD which has been fixed with the new Blu-Ray. The sound is about the same as Warner’s is not taking the mono and spreading it out to at least stereo or 5.1 to get the sub woofer going. This make me wish more of his films were shot in color because when it looks this good, it gives this 76 year old film a much more modern look. It would have been nice for them to have added a commentary track since I would not think it would cost that much money for a few guys to sit in front of a microphone and talk. They added a nice one to the box set version of Objective Burma but changed some of the extras so now you need both copies. Anyway thumbs up for this and I hope they keep them coming for Errol and us.

— twinarchers

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A Pretty Groovy Photo.

26 Jul

I always like this album and was listening to it on YouTube and once again became fascinated with the cover photo. This is what I found on Wikepedia: Miss Christine appeared on the front cover of Frank Zappa’s 1969 album Hot Rats. She is shown halfway through emerging from an empty swimming pool on the infamous Errol Flynn estates in the Hollywood Hills. She also dated rock and roll singer Alice Cooper, as well as Todd Rundgren from Utopia fame and a member of the Flying Burrito Brothers. Miss Christine died on November 5, 1972, of a heroin overdose in a house in Cohasset, Massachusetts, which at the time was being rented out by musician Jonathan Richman and his original group, The Modern Lovers.[7] Her death occurred shortly after she had spent nearly a year in a full body cast to correct a crooked spine.

— twinarchers


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Dodge City Blu Ray

17 Jul

I have given up on my favorite review site DVDBeaver which seems to show better quality images than other sites including this one,…. It has been too long so I am now posting this from Bluraydotcom. Quote: “For this 1080p, AVC-encoded Blu-ray release, Warner has created a new master from an interpositive, using digital technology to realign and “re- register” the three layers of the original photography of this 1939 classic. The result stands in stark contrast to its treatment of two other recently released Technicolor productions from a few years later, Anchors Aweigh (1945) and On the Town (1949). Dodge City’s Blu-ray image is much sharper and better defined, while still retaining a film-like texture and a natural grain pattern. The presentation may not be quite as impressive as an Ultra Resolution restoration such as that given The Band Wagon, but it is still good enough to render complex scenes like the huge barroom brawl, the cattle stampede or the train ambush with depth and detail.” I did not see if either Robin Hood or Gone With The Wind were given the (Ultra Resolution) treatment but from the images seen on all three it seems like GWTW has the clearest image but that is the way it was filmed to begin with I suspect were with Warner’s there is softer look to give it a fantasy element especially on Robin Hood. I have not purchased it yet but they say that the still image wont look as good as the moving images while watching the film. So far so good. Will report back after I get the film.…

— twinarchers


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Dodge City Coming To Blu Ray!

11 Mar

No information yet as to what condition it will be in but it is part of a collection coming out in a few months time. Whether or not this is a restored print is not in the information I have seen. Just wanted to pass along the info.

Link to info:…

— twinarchers


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A Blonde’s Movie Site

13 Dec

You may have seen it before but for a person wanting to know all about a film with photo’s this one can’t be beat. This link is for Virginia City but there are others as well.

Virginia City (1940)

— twinarchers


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Random Photo

29 Nov

— twinarchers


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It’s been 55 Years Since He Passed.

15 Oct

I was still in the womb and would not come out until December 12th 1959. What about you?

— twinarchers


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