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Just An Idea

26 May

I went ahead and ordered Roots Of Heaven even though its not Flynn at his best but also I only saw it on YouTube about a year ago because it was free then but not now. The main reason though is that just maybe if the film sells out they may choose to do another Flynn film. This one should have sold out by now but is still available which is a bad sign. I will right a review when I get it.

— twinarchers


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The Black Swan 1942

24 May

Never saw this film before and noticed it was one of the top box office film’s the year it came out. I watched it on YouTube and the image was not the greatest but 20th Century Fox always did a good job so I had to imagine a fine looking film. It was interesting to see another studios style from that era and some things were more modern and a bit more ruthless than the Flynn films. It also was more American and less British feeling which may have had to do with Power I don’t really know. All in all I enjoyed it but Mr Power was no where near the level of Mr. Flynn which I did not expect. I thought he would better since I remember seeing Zorro. I just wasn’t feeling it with him and her as far as chemistry so I wondered if anyone else has anything to say about Power and ever Miss O’Hara who was in her prime on this one for sure (she does a commentary track on the DVD). I know Tyrone can act as I have seen him in other things. Is this his top Swashbuckler? I wish I would have seen this on Blu Ray out of the gate instead of the way I did.

— twinarchers


Street Car Named Premier

23 May

Here is another YouTube video I have never seen before. I came across it looking for something else.

— twinarchers


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Roots Of Heaven Blu Ray Question

22 May

I just ordered ‘The Man From Laramie’ from Screen Archives that puts out limited editions of films on Blu Ray that look great. Usually they sell out quickly but TROH is still available and I was wondering is it worth 30 dollars to get a pristine version of the film and if anyone here has purchased it yet?

— twinarchers


Flynn + Fantasy?

19 May

I have a guilty pleasure of a wish that a Flynn in better shape could have stared in this 1958 classic film that is on Blu Ray and has more than a cult following since it is a Ray Harryhausen film. I love fantasy and science fiction and I think he would have been perfect in the role that Kerwin Mathews had. The only problem is that all his films were low budget back then and they would not have been able to afford Flynn. Anyway its fun to dream about it.null

— twinarchers

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Talk About Booty, These Were Made For Walkin.

19 May

Scroll down for a surprise.…

— twinarchers


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New Images and Links

17 May

I get bored at work and to keep from losing my mind I search the net on all my interests. Last night it was Flynn and I was successful.
The first link is for an event that happened a few years ago but the article contains a photo that is huge, meaning of high quality (2.42mb!) and could be blown up to poster size. It is a shot from Captain Blood and I have never seen it before. I don’t find images that big very often. This one is not included in the photos posted since the file is so big so you have to go to the link. I hope you have not seen them. This always makes me think how many others there are.…
I remember reading that The Case Of The Curious Bride may be lost? Here it is, just follow the link.…

— twinarchers


Cuban Rebel Girls

15 May

Maybe I should ashamed of myself but I have never seen it other than some easy bits on YouTube. Never sitting down to watch it straight thru. I wanted to do it properly and also my buddy said he would watch it with me if I ever purchased it. I have been surprised by many of his later films on how much I enjoyed them. My only guide for years was “The Films Of Errol Flynn” by Tony and Rudy and they were very hard on his later films. I wish Rudy would update it with some revised and expanded reviews. Any way my question is who here owns this copy or any copy and can you advise me about it.null

— twinarchers


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Being Jipped On DVD’S

14 May

I am a fan of setting my Blu Ray player (Panasonic) to zoom so the older films fill the screen. At times it cuts the heads off the actors but once you get used to it its great and turns the film to wide screen. It does not work for Blu Ray films but that’s ok because you are seeing the actual image the way it is supposed to be unlike std DVD’s that cut off the sides a bit. I notice that with my zoom feature you can see more image on either side some more than others. Its not a huge difference but its there and I wonder why? Has anyone else tried this and if so let me know so I know its not just my player. The full image is there its just not showing up. As a side note I am also a big John Wayne fan and wonder are there any others here? I would have loved to see them work together in a film. I wonder if there is a photo of the two of them together?

— twinarchers


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Rare Booty

11 May

Given to me by a friend and fellow Flynn fan who purchased it from a hobby shop way back when. Could be late 70’s or early 80’s?
The person who made it may have a marking on the bottom of the stand but the wood block it. It is made of lead and then painted. I have seen other versions with a different paint job.

— twinarchers


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