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Question Thread

10 May

Flynn is the only movie star that I find just as interesting in him as in his films. Other stars like Sean Connery for example, it’s really all about his films and nothing about his personal life. But with Flynn, ever since I purchased his book MWWW way back in the mid 70’s I find him just as interesting if not more than his film characters. I still think that it would make a great mini series combining all the books written about him from MWWW on. “A Memoir” by Earl Conrad maybe my favorite but there are a few others I don’t have yet. Conrad’s book always makes me feel that I am a fly on the wall or a mute sitting next to them. Any one else feel the same about Flynn or do you enjoy other stars as well? We always run the risk about finding out something bad that would spoil a lifetime of pleasure since all hero’s seem to have clay feet. Like I said I am a Flynn geek. Who else but a geek has this framed on his wall. I purchased it for 5 bucks but ended up spending a fortune for the frame around 70. Look’s cool though.

— twinarchers


Desperate Journey 1942

09 May

While watching the movie I was thinking or dreaming really.
I just love this film and even though some of the humor is old fashioned by today’s standards it holds up quite well. The image here is just so fantastic you almost want to be there with them staring down death in the face. How cool is it to be in a Nazi train like they are. I also like the scene with them lurking and hiding in the swamps. I would love to see what they could do with the film today with some CGI and modern day colorizing and at the very least a Blu Ray worthy restoration.
The model work is really good but needs a bit of work here and there. This is only suggested for a jaded audience that is used to seeing things like part of California sliding in to the Pacific. If I had the money I would do it myself and the product would include my special version plus an as is restoration for the purists. It has worked for Paramount with the original Star Trek series in that you can see the restored show as is or with up to date CGI special effects. I am being naive but like I said I was dreaming.null

— twinarchers



07 May

Just so you know about me, I am always scanning the net for photos and images of my hobby’s in this case Errol Flynn. He is a big one and there a others but for now he is one of my passions. Big Bang Theory is about geeks and we are geeks of Errol I think. I found another site with cool photos and I am now sharing with you all in case you don’t know about it. It has many photos of Flynn but you have to search a bit maybe. The question on this photo: is it from Hello God?…


— twinarchers


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Mara Maru

04 May

I just ordered this film and it will be the first time in many years that I have seen it. I think I have seen it all the way thru but now I will have it in my collection. Ruth Roman is very nice and I enjoyed her in The Far Country with James Stewart which I hope will be put on Blu Ray some time since it is a great film but does not hold up to LED screens. I never saw it on a CRT but I am sure it looks much better on those.null

— twinarchers


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Mystery Movie

04 May

I wonder what film Errol lost out on because of this injury. I found this photo on a site (address shown below)
I have no idea but this will be a good test for our resident Flynn experts.…

— twinarchers


Flynn Is The Master

02 May

After watching Against All Flags I had to put on Master Of Ballantrae. I have to admit that with location shooting, Cardiff filming it and maybe a larger budget if stands up better than Flags.
Even the matte painter is famous. You can see two of them below. My question is I have a DVD that is several years old and it is now available as a Warner Archive DVD. Is it the same transfer or a new one that is better? The old one looks pretty good but you never know. I will certainly get the Blu Ray if it comes out but not another DVD unless its far superior. Does anyone have both versions? Thanks

PS I found Yvonne Furneaux sexier than Beatrice Campbell. No wonder he was seeing her on the side.
She should have been the female lead I think.


— twinarchers


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Is “Against All Flags” the best kept secret in town?

01 May

I have to admit this is a film that has escaped me most of my life and never really watched it. I was too critical of Flynn after “the booze and the broads got to him” as a local film host Bill Kennedy used to say. Now however I take his later films for what they are and don’t put any expectations on them and what do you know?, I am having a great time. This film may be one of the best ones but it is hard to come by unless you get it in a package deal with 3 other films (shown below) or live in Europe region 2. This film deserves a proper Blu Ray release so there will be more talk about it since there is very little now. As it is it looks very good on my 1080p LED Sharp 60in and if they went one step farther it would really rock on Blu Ray. Three big stars ( Flynn, O’Hara, Quinn ) means 3 sets of fans from all over the world so I think it would sell. Any comments or am I alone on this one.

— twinarchers


Box Office

25 Apr

Here is a link to a nifty box office list for Flynn.  It even mentions this blog. Since there were only half as many people living on the planet at that time you really have to double the numbers I think even though they are adjusted for inflation…

— twinarchers


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Santa Fe Trail DVD

24 Apr

For some reason that I don’t remember, this film is in the public domain and there are many versions of it available. The image below is far superior from the other pictured, and from what I have read its the best version. It also contains another feature as a bonus. Marengo Films puts it out but the copy I received the other day has a different cover than the one shown. As long as its from Marengo you are safe. This is one of Flynn’s better western films and maybe Warners will put out an official version at least as good looking as Virginia City. Has anyone else purchased this film and if so what have you found out? Diamond put out a version of One Eyed Jacks with Marlon Brando and one person has purchased 19 different versions of that film which all come from the laser disc release that was official.

The image below is another version I have and it’s the one to stay away from, a Diamond release. Very poor quality.

— twinarchers


Quicky Fix

10 Apr

This is a fixed version of what you posted. I made a few mistakes but I am not going to tell you what they are. This was a fairly simple fix and I enjoy doing them. To get it perfect it would take alot more time but for what it is its pretty good I think. I have done many old photos and if you go to my Facebook page you can see them. If I ever decide to do this for money I will have to get a better program. I hope this is what you had in mind. Rick

flynnsword arc

— twinarchers


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