Archive for the ‘Behind the Scenes’ Category

Flynn Family Reunion — Happy 30th Errol

08 Jun

June 8, 1939

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

For the first time since Hollywood gave stardom and world-wide fame to Errol Flynn, the Irish actor and his family are to have a reunion.

It will take place here, revealed Flynn today, with the arrival of his mother and heis sister, Rosemary, in about two weeks. The star’s father, Theodore Thompson Flynn, who is the dean of science at Queen’s University in Belfast, also is expected on the coast after a brief stay in New York.

According to the actor, it is more than three years since he has seen his parents.

This family reunion coincided with Errol’s 30th Birthday on June 20, 1939.

Errol Greets His Dad

United with his sister Rosemary

On Catalina with His Mom and Dad

— Tim


Tibby or No Tibby: Arno was at it Again – June 8, 1939

08 Jun

Tibby of Elizabette dared turn her back on Arno of Essex?

June 8, 1939

Behind the Makeup

Erskine Johnson
Los Angeles Times

Errol Flynn’s Schnauzer (Arno) chasing Bette Davis’s Scotty (Tibby) around the Warner Studio Cafe…

Errol himself was known to have done some chasing around the WB Cafe … but never after dogs

Bette Davis Eyes appeared wary of Arno in a previous caninical encounter.

Good doggie, Arno

— Tim


The Name’s Flynn, Errol Flynn — June 7, 1937

07 Jun

British Agent Errol Flynn – The Original Bond?

Listening to Flynn introduce himself at 6:11 to Frances Farmer as “Locke, Steve Locke” leads one to wonder whether Ian Fleming heard and was influenced by Errol’s British Agent performance.

— Tim


Flyin Like Flynn to Venta Cruz — June 5, 1939

05 Jun

June 5, 1939

Jimmy Starr
Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn’s finally got a private pilot’s licence and flew to the Elizabeth and Essex location at the Warner ranch in his own plane.*

* The only parts of Elizabeth and Essex filmed at the Warner Ranch were the sepia scenes in “Venta Cruz”, featuring Sir Francis Drake and his men hacking their way through the isthmus jungle.

The Warner Ranch was located in Calabasas, near where Calabasas Park is now located, “near Calabasas Creek and the vicinity of Mulholland Drive and Valmar Road.” Errol filmed several films in Calabasas.

The lower portion of the Errol-era aerial below includes the Warner Ranch.

Venta Cruz is called “”Cruces” in present-day Panama. It is located at the head of the Chagres River. The map below shows the Spanish trades routes during the days of Drake.

— Tim


Singin’ Like Flynn — June 4, 1939

05 Jun

June 4, 1938

Although not rated as singing stars, Errol Flynn, Cary Grant, Gary Cooper, Warner Baxter, Frank Morgan, will, if the occasion demands, tear off a cinematic tune or two.

— Tim


A Very Gracious Olivia — June 3, 2009

03 Jun

Answering by a letter she dated June 3, 2009, questions from Nick Thomas of Tinseltown Talks:

[How many films did you and Errol Flynn appear in together?]

I worked with Errol in eight movies from 1935 to 1941. We appeared quite separately, however, in a ninth film, ‘Thank Your Lucky Stars,’ in which we had no connection whatsoever. This film’s shooting dates extended from October 1942 to early January, 1943. Our first film together, “Captain Blood,” began August 5, 1935 and ended in October, 1935.

[Your final film together was “They Died with Their Boots On.” Did you ever see Errol again?]

After ‘Boots’ was completed in September, 1941, I saw Errol only three times during all the years that followed:

1. At Harvey’s Restaurant in Washington, D.C., in the spring or early summer of 1942 when, perceiving John Huston and me dining there, Errol crossed the room, sat down at our table, and conversed for a while.

2. Very briefly at a soirée in Los Angeles in the spring of 1943.

3. In the fall of 1957 at the Beverly Hilton’s Costumers Ball. Quite unexpectedly, while I was talking to friends during the cocktail hour, Errol left his own group and asked if he could take me to dinner. He seated me on his immediate right and, soon joined by others, took on the role of gracious host with everyone on his left – all the ladies – while I did my best to entertain the gentleman on my right.

[Over the years, Errol has been sensationalized by the press and authors. Has he been mischaracterized?]

His roguish reputation was very well deserved, as he more than candidly revealed in his remarkable autobiography, ‘My Wicked, Wicked Ways.’ However, through this very same book we also know that he was a reflective person – sensitive, idealistic, vulnerable, and questing. But I think he has been incompletely represented by the press: it vulgarized his adventures with the opposite sex and seldom, if ever, touched upon or emphasized the other facets of his life.

[Errol had 4 children, a son and 3 daughters. What were his feelings about parenthood?]

I know that, as a very young man, Errol very much wanted children. Children were, in fact, an issue between Errol and Lili (his first wife) in the early years of their marriage as Lili, influenced by a common belief in those times, was afraid that carrying a child would threaten the perfect figure with which she had been blessed. Later, when the marriage was disintegrating, Lili changed her mind and Sean Flynn, that beautiful child, was born. It may well be that the only steadfast loves of Errol’s life were his love of the sea, his love of his house, and his love of his children.

[Flynn was never recognized for his acting with even an Oscar nomination. Was that an oversight?]

Unfortunately, at the time when Errol enjoyed his greatest success, the adventure film, as a genre, was not sufficiently appreciated and therefore his appearances therein were not as highly regarded as they might. ‘The Adventures of Robin Hood’ is perhaps an exception: it was nominated for the Academy Award as Best Picture in 1938. The film was based on an historical legend, and this gave it a certain prestige. As to which of Errol’s performances should have merited an Academy Award, I would have to run all of Flynn’s films to give a proper reply!

However, I do feel he played his roles with unmatchable verve, conviction, and style. In doing so, he inherited the mantle of Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., who was my favorite film star at the age of 9 and whose ‘The Black Pirate’ made an indelible impression on me. No one since Errol has worn that mantle; it is buried with him.

[Olivia concluded her letter with the following post script.}

On June 20th (Flynn’s birthday), I will raise a glass of champagne to Errol, as I always do.

— Tim


The Producer(s)

01 Jun

June 1, 1939

Louella O. Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

Hadn’t been back but a few minutes when I heard that Jack Warner plans a Westward trek serialization with Mark Hellinger, the well-know Hearst writer, making his debut as a producers, and Michael Curtiz directing. Dodge City, which brought in the shekels, gave Warners the notion. Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, and Ann Sheridan, will star in Tombstone, laid in 1881, starting with the line in Dodge City, let’s go to Virginia City.” That name cannot be used because of the RKO movie. After Tombstone, City of Angels, a history of early Los Angeles in 1889, will be made with same cast and director.

Well, as we Flynnmates know, Tombstone was never made with Flynn, Olivia, or Annie. Nor was City of Angels. Virginia City was made, but not with Mark Hellinger producing. Hellinger, an extremely popular and successful show business figure, known not only for his great writing talent but also for his loyalty and fairness, got fed up and left Warner Bros. in response to Jack Warner’s egomaniacal habit of not giving proper production credit to others. (JW infamously did the same to Hal Wallis over the Oscar for Casablanca.) Hellinger did return, however, to produce his wartime baby inspired by MGM’s first musical (and part Technicolor production,) Broadway Melody of 1929,Thank Your Lucky Stars. So, Hellinger did finally get to produce a film with Errol, Olivia, and Annie, though certainly not how he had originally envisioned. Moreover, he got to act in the film himself, as can be seen in the clip below, in full from ~ 0:50 to 1:50. That’s him with Eddie Cantor.

Here’s Mark Hellinger with Errol’s Man Friday, Alex Pavlenko, at Mulholland Farm’s legendary bar. This photo is from the Deirdre Flynn Collection. A better image of this can be seen in Robert Matsen’s Errol Flynn Slept Here. Thank you, Deirdre.

— Tim


T minus 22 /// \\\ T minus 33

31 May

T minus 22

Today is 22 days till the Errol Flynn Global Toast on June 20, 2020, the 111th Anniversary of Errol’s birth.

A Global Birthday Toast to Errol

For all those lookin’ to drink like Flynn for this event, here is a post that details dozens of liquid refreshments Errol is known to have enjoyed at various locations throughout his life, around the globe.

How to make an Errol Flynn

T minus 33

Please remember that we are also toasting Olivia d’s birthday on July 1st, her number 104! Olivia herself toasts Errol every year on his birthday with champagne at her home in Paris. So, you may find champagne or French wine apropos on her birthday. But, again, please toast with anything you wish – from Tang to Tangueray – or even, perhaps, some Sake from her birthplace in Tokyo!

— Tim


Friday, May 29 Quiz — What was It? Who was It?

30 May

He was in love with a famous swinger …

There was a lot of drinking and skullduggery involved …

And some weekend fun up at the Farm …

Alas, but not least, you know him well

— Tim


Errol Leaves India for Africa — May 28, 1933

29 May

After a side-splitting incident with a rickshaw boy on the island of Ceylon, Errol left with Erben for the mainland French Colony of Pondicherry. From Pondicherry they traveled an intolerably slow and hot five days on a train “jammed” with “Untouchables”, up the east coast of India to Calcutta, where they witnessed a ~ “dizzying spectacle of temples, beggary, dung in the street, wispy Indian girls in their white wrappings, and whorehouses.” Leaving Calcutta for Africa on the French ship La Stella Errol brawled with a spitting-mad “huge Black Sengalese soldier who bunked above him in steerage. Erben had a good laugh at how decisively Errol lost that dispute.

Finally, on May 28, 1933, Errol left India on the French paquebot Compiegne, through the Gulf of Mannar, then through Arabian Sea to Djibouti, in what was then the French colony of Somaliland.

As depicted below, this route was part of an ancient maritime portion of the old “Silk Road” between China and Europe. Sounds sensible to call it the “Silk Seaway”.

— Tim