Archive for the ‘Behind the Scenes’ Category

Chi era lei?

08 Feb

Read the rest of this entry »

— Tim


The Amazing Story of Sean’s Leica M2

31 Jan

“Sean Flynn’s Leica M2, with a Steel Rim Leica 35mm Summilux
and a strap that was hand fashioned from a parachute cord and a hand grenade pin.”…

— Tim


A Day in the Life of Flynn – January 7, 1947

07 Jan

“Nora expects the baby in the last week of February. She got a beautiful bracelet and some gorgeous gold filigree jewelry from Errol at Christmas.”

Errol & Rory at Mulholland Farm

— Tim


A Day in the Life of Flynn – January 6, 1943

06 Jan

Down Mexico Way

“One of my friends in Mexico writes that when Errol Flynn was there he was attentive to the most beautiful, dark-eyed Mexican girl she had ever seen.” – Louella Parsons, January 6, 1943

“In 1943, Errol Flynn flew down to Acapulco – then nothing more than a clutch of buildings surrounded by jungle” – The Guardian: April 15, 2006″

Acapulco in the 1940s

Acapulco 2017

— Tim


A Day in the Life of Flynn – January 5, 1940

06 Jan

Motion Picture Daily

“Errol Flynn left Hollywood yesterday for a two-week vacation in Boca Raton.”


When Flynn visited Boca in those days, a town of only a few thousand residents before WWII, he was known to visit the world famous Boca Raton Resort, Cap’s Place restaurant and casino (where FDR and Churchill dined during there planning their taking down of Hitler and Hirohoto),and the legendary Delray Arcade Tap Room, all still here and all pictured below. He also fished off the coast of Ft. Lauderale, and is said to have also liked hunting in the Everglades.

— Tim


A Day in the Life of Flynn – January 4, 1940

04 Jan



Errol Flynn has drawn from his own private circle of cronies for many of the characters of his new original screen play entitled Illegal Passage, intimates of the Warner star have disclosed.

One, for example, is named “Big” Thompson. He is a former Texas cowboy, rough and tough, but with a heart as big as his frame. He’s the principle character’s best friend. Another of Flynn’s closest friend’s is Guinn (Big Boy) Williams, former Texas cowhand turned motion picture actor. And the description fits like a glove.

Another character bears the name of Bud Ernest. Friends pointed out that Flynn’s flying companion and his close friend for many years is Bud Ernst, former stunt flyer and now a radio promotion executive.

Several other characters of the story – the nature of which is being kept a close secret – bear striking resemblance to other members of Flynn’s intimate circle. There is even a comic, friends say, by the name of John Byer, who might be John Meyer, Flynn’s demon promoter pal.

Flynn’s story is now being read by Warners.

— Tim


New Kid On the Lot

29 Dec

Quiz on a Questionnaire

Fresh from England in the Fall of 1934, Errol had his “first official” stateside interview. Conducted on Warner Brothers’ “Burbank campus” by Carlisle Jones, “dean of Hollywood press agents”, this debut interview revolved around answers Errol had recently provided on a WB publicity questionnaire. According to that questionnaire and interview:

1. Errol’s Schoolboy Ambition was:
a) To be a pirate
b) To be a movie star
c) nil

2. His Present Ambition was:
a) Success in movies
b) To meet Greta Garbo
c) To sail to Hawaii in his own yacht

3. His foremost interest aside from acting was:
a) Literature
b) Marrying a movie star
c) Big game hunting in Africa

4. He suppressed a desire to be a:
a) Biologist
b) Bartender
c) Pianist

5. If he failed at acting, he would:
a) Go to law school
b) Marry rich
c) Return to New Guinea as a gold prospector

6. He reported his dancing and singing talents as:
a) God-given
b) Better than average
c) Imperceptible

7. He identified his favorite city as:
a) Paris
b) London
c) Shanghai

8. Following his interview, Carlisle Jones escorted Errol to the Warner Brothers first-aid hospital to treat:
a) A fencing wound
b) A blister
c) A sudden malarial attack

9. The reason for his hospital visit was:
a) Olivia De Havilland
b) Pinch-toed shoes
c) The Sepik River

10. On the way to the Warner Brothers hospital, Errol asked Carlisle Jones:
a) What were the best bars in Hollywood to meet women?
b) Who were the best movie star tennis players in Hollywood?
c) Was Lili Damita married?

— Tim


Robin Hood Days — 50 Years Ago

04 Dec

‘Robin Hood Days’ Part of Proposed Tourist Program

The Chico City Council has been asked to participate in a tourist-luring program designed to draw metropolitan residents with the slogan “Come to Chico for a Change.”

If the three-part program is adopted, Bidwell Park will become “Sherwood Forest” and “Robin Hood Days” will become an annual civic celebration.

Chamber Manager Don Woodside said chamber officials decided some type of program is necessary to lure motorists from the Bay Area off Interstate 5 on the west side of the Sacramento Valley.

The advertising and marketing program to sell Chico as the recreation center for northeastern California was prepared for the chamber by the San Francisco advertising and public relations firm of Johnson-Gleason.

Johnson-Gleason proposes to capitalize on the fact that Bidwell Park was the site for the filming of the Errol Flynn epic, “The Adventures of Robin Hood.”

Hood’s band of merry men would be identified in the park, such as The Friar Tuck Picnic Area, Little John Acres, etc.

– Chico Enterprise-Record, November 1967

Robin & Marion in Chico, California 1938


Here’s one currently popular site in Chico’s Sherwood Forest – the Sherwood Forest Kids’ Disc Golf Course.


— Tim


Lynne, Flynn & Hamilton @ The Victoria Palace Theatre

01 Dec

£50 million renovation incudes a “Lynne Promenade”:

“Pride of place will be given to a photograph of Ms Lynne, taken back in the day with an old beau by the name of Errol Flynn.”……

— Tim


Seventy Years Ago Safari

24 Nov

Seventy years ago – during, prior to, and following the Thanksgiving holidays of 1947 – Errol was planning a major hunting expedition.

With what other person did Errol plan this safari, and in what country was it to take place??

¤ They planned to include about thirty (30) people.

¤ It was planned to last for about two months.

¤ They planned to record, ship, and broadcast clips of the expedition.

¤ It would involve big game hunting.

¤ The safari was to begin immediately after completion of The Adventures of Don Juan.

¤ It never happened.

— Tim