Archive for the ‘Behind the Scenes’ Category

The Virginia City Junket

30 Apr

An historic article from the Nevada Journal about preparations for the Virginia City Junket…



— Tim


Oh, Olivia.

14 Apr

Attributed to Olivia, 1978, in a discussion about the most legendary drinkers in film history:

“During filming of “The Swarm”, 1978, a disaster film about killer bees, starring Michael Caine, Henry Fonda, Ben Johnson, Slim Pickens and Fred MacMurray, definitely some guys who knew something about putting them down. One day they were joined for lunch at the Warner Brothers commissary by the quiet Olivia de Havilland. There were complaints that no booze was being served. “That’s because of Errol Flynn”, said de Havilland. “He used to get so drunk he couldn’t work, so Mr. Warner said no more booze.”

The men wanted to hear more about the famous swashbuckler. “Oh my God, that Errol Flynn was something. Do you know he once got so drunk he wagered a film crew $500 that he’d have his way with me.” The men could see she was a lady and the incident must have been embarrassing for her. Olivia grinned mischievously “Oh it was, it was. And you see that tree on the hill out the window. That’s where he won his bet!”

ca. 1939 --- Olivia de Havilland and Errol Flynn in a publicity shot from the 1939 film . --- Image by ?? Bettmann/CORBIS

ca. 1939 — Olivia de Havilland and Errol Flynn in a publicity shot from the 1939 film . — Image by ?? Bettmann/CORBIS

— Tim


Hello Sherry!

01 Apr

Sweet and gorgeous Sherry Jackson is back again, with tales of Errol, almost performing as the young Olivia character in The Snake Pit, crying for Mean Mr. Michael, and being dead on the beach in Hello God!

Welcome back, Sherry!…



— Tim


Patrice Interview Video

29 Mar

While looking for info on Flynn and Jamaica I found this video. I wish there was more.

— twinarchers


An Easter (Island) Quiz

27 Mar

How in the world is this scene from Night at the Museum connected to Errol Flynn?

— Tim


Actin’ Like Flynn >>> From Errol to Eternity >>> >>> Virtual Errol/Digital Flynn

06 Mar

Is this the Future of Flynn? Syn-Flynn?

Rotoscoping, Computer Cloning, Silicentric Vactoring, Synthespianism, Schwartzneggerism, Avataring?

It’s on its way. And what about DNA recreation?…

Here’s a notable early prototype, one of The Baron’s Bundy Drive Buddies. Other A-Listers in the Flynn Crowd, including Dietrich and Bogie have been done, too.

And Marilyn, but “not yet ready for her close up”.…

More on related history and technology, featuring Tom Cruz, Brad Pitt, Oliver Reed, Paul Walker, et al:

— Tim


Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 16 – A Near Future Flynn from the Distant Past?

02 Mar

Michael Fassbender in the major 2016 science-fiction, game-world epic “Assassin’s Creed”?

A Future/Futuristic Flynn from the Days of Knights Templar?

With highly-regarded Aussie director Justin Kurzel at the helm.

“Errol Flynn in a world of digital avatars.”

Looks promising. We shall see.……

— Tim


Errol Flynn visits Olivia de Havilland and Black Kitten while Filming Different Movies

02 Mar

strawberryblonde_optThis is an interesting and touching photo that shows Olivia and Errol’s friendship was strong beyond working on the same films. Here Olivia is filming ”THE STRAWBERRY BLONDE”, while Errol visits her from his filming ”FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK.” (1941).

— Kevin Wedman


Tribute to Robin and Ralph

25 Feb

A Superb Tribute to The Adventures of Robin Hood: Featuring Errol Flynn and Ralph Dawson.

Was Ralph Dawson the greatest film editor of the 1930s? — Three academy awards in less than four years – Midsummer’s Night Dream, Anthony Adverse & The Adventures of Robin Hood. Mighty impressive.…

Ralph Dawson


— Tim


”THE SEA HAWK” (1940) ”The Albatross” At Warner Bros.

23 Feb

Due to the lack of a sound stage large enough to accommodate the full scale ships used in the production, the studio built a new sound stage that covered a specially constructed artificial lake-water tank. The ships were 165′ and 135′ and surrounded by water twelve-feet deep. This photo was taken at Warner Bros Studios sound stage in 1943 while filming ”This is the Army’, one can clearly see the set of the military chorus singing.  Now,  If you to the right side of the photo, you will see the the stern of the Albatross  in skeletal form. This photo give you an idea on how large these sound stages are.  A terrific behind the scenes photo.

this-is-the-army sound stage sea hawk

— Kevin Wedman