Archive for the ‘Blog Authors’ Category

French Flynn

07 Feb

I just came across two French interviews with Le Flynn – thought you might enjoy them. How thrilling to hear him speak French!……

— Claudia


Flynn Fan Enamored of Blog. Hanging with Luke

18 Nov

Great blog. First class. Great esoterica.

I had occasion to work with Luke Stoecker (sp?) Flynn, Errol’s grandson, about nine years ago while directing my first film, The Mercy Man. I cast Luke in a small role as “the boyfriend.” He was a great guy. As handsome as Errol, and just a laid back fun guy. And a talented actor, because he was smart and listened well (to the other actors in the scene), and those two things are hallmarks of acting talent in my opinion. Every now and then between set ups or driving to the set with the cast, I’d talk to Luke about surfing and the West Indies (two interests of mine), and we’d get talking about Jamaica and his grandmother Patrice Wymore’s estate where he’d grown up, and of course Errol. Luke was well aware of his legacy and famous grandfather, but that was ancient history to Luke. He was smart enough to live in the present and not parade around as the grandson. I remember we were shooting a scene in a terrible part of Trenton New Jersey one night, which we were doubling for NYC, and we got lost in the car in an area where the cops told us not to go, and it was late at night and everyone in the car was unnerved and waiting to get shot to death, and Luke gazed about casually and said, “This is exciting. We should shoot here,” and I remember laughing at his blithe calmness. I wish him well. Acting’s a shitty business driven by luck and connections, so who knows.

— TJR McDowell


We Welcome new Author TJR McDowell to The Errol Flynn Blog!

17 Nov

I am happy to Welcome our new author, TJR McDowell to The Errol Flynn Blog! I am certain he has some great stories to tell us …

— David DeWitt


Amazing Errol Flynn Art of David Trioux!

21 Aug

David Trioux shares his wonderful art with us! His work is superb …

Thanks David Trioux!

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Claudia Raab to the Errol Flynn Blog!

27 Jul

I am pleased to announce Claudia Raab as our newest Author on The Errol Flynn Blog! It only took a little bit of arm twisting … We look forward to your postings and comments Claudia! Welcome aboard!

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Audie to the Errol Flynn Blog!

13 Jul

Audie, thanks for joining us aboard ship! We look forward to your comments and posts! Welcome aboard!

Zaca under full sail!

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author William Russo to the Errol Flynn Blog!

10 Jul

We are happy to welcome our newest Author William Russo to The Errol Flynn Blog! Thanks for becoming part of our l ship’s crew, Wiliam! We look forward to your posts and comments!


— David DeWitt


More Wicked, Wicked Ways Paperback Covers!

04 Jul

 The Dead Ringer article was fun.

 Here are a few more examples of his book from different years and places.

 Just for fun,


Enjoy your 4th!


[flagallery gid=32]

— Topper


Tina’s Love of a Father

17 Jun

Beautiful, Tina. Thank You and God Bless.

— Tim


Three More Sisters, Plus Grandma, Plus Errol

03 Jun

While we’re on the topic of The Sisters, here is an Errol Flynn song invoving four sisters.

— Tim