Archive for the ‘Blog Authors’ Category


12 Feb

…I hope this works. I ran across this set of Adventures of Robin Hood lobby cards on tumblr this morning and just had to share. They look hand-colored to me. Apologies if they have been posted before, I looked back through the library a bit but didn’t see them.


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— Paula


We Welcome New Author Paula Guthat to The Errol Flynn Blog!

11 Feb

Paula, we are pleased to have you as our newest Author on The Errol Flynn Blog!


— David DeWitt


Special Announcement! New Errol Flynn Blog Authors!

04 Feb

We have a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT today on The Errol Flynn Blog! Two new Author accounts have been created to bring News and Information to our members and readers about exciting events taking place here in the US, and around the world in 2015 to honor Errol Flynn!

We Welcome Captain Blood Brotherhood!


We Welcome The Sea Hawk Society


— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Benjamin S. Johnson!

10 Jan

We’re pleased to announce new Author Benjamin S. Johnson to The Errol Flynn Blog! Welcome, Ben! We look forward to your posts and comments!


— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Alina Durand to The Errol Flynn Blog!

27 Dec

We’re happy to announce New Author Alina Durand of France to The Errol Flynn Blog! Alina is busy with other things just now, but is happy to join us and we look forward to her presence on the blog!

Errol Flynn as he appears in THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD, 1938. This image is from an advertisement for the film that appeared in the trade papers.


— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Delvan Irwin to The Errol Flynn Blog!

29 Oct

I’m happy to announce our newest Author Delvan Irwin to The Errol Flynn Blog. Delvan, we look forward to your Posts and comments! Welcome aboard …



— David DeWitt


Best EF GIFs

04 Sep

What are the best EF GIFs on the Net?


— Tim


We Welcome New Author May MacGregor to the EF Blog!

01 Jun

May, we look forward to your posts and comments.


— Inga


We Welcome New Author David Trioux to The Errol Flynn Blog!

07 May

I am happy to announce new Author David Trioux to The Errol Flynn Blog! David, we look forward to having you here with us!


— David DeWitt


Errol Strikes Gold in New Guinea – By the Light of His Hurricane Lamps

29 Apr

When Errol moved to Salamaua, Papua New Guinea, he “plunged” himself into reading great works of literature – through “Russian novelists, Greek philosophers, French writers” he nightly “skipped, waded, muddled” and “sometimes swam well”, by the light of his hurricane lamps, fondling these books as if [he] were running his hands through a lovely woman’s hair”. “An inner need for learning sprang up in [him]” “to connect with the ideas of the world” – a need that proved pivotal in his life. This was where and how Errol found gold in New Guinea, as he put it.

Here’s Errol’s own description of that transformative time & experience:

And here’s pre-WWII Salamaua, where Errol lived:

Salamaua Aerial

Prewar Salamaua

Errol’s Jungle Reading List included:


Honore de Balzac

George Baudelaire (Correction: that should obviously be Charles Baudelaire!)

Victor Hugo

Guy de Maupassant


Edmond Rostand – Errol particularly liked the “beauty of style” of Rostand, who he read with the help of a French dictionary, and said had the “greatest influence upon [him]”. He specifically cited L’Aiglon, the story of Napoleon II. I imagine he also read Rostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac. Here’s some images of the books as Errol may have seen them:

L'AiglonL'Aiglon -

Robert Louis Stevenson

H. G. Wells

Here are some 1930 images of The Outline of History, as Errol may have seen it:

The Outline of History - 1930 - with CoverThe Outline of History - H. G. Wells 1930

— Tim