Archive for the ‘Blog Authors’ Category

We Welcome New Author Mary Ann Hearn to The Errol Flynn Blog!

06 Sep

We are so pleased to announce New Author Mary Ann Hearn to The Errol Flynn Blog! Mary Ann, we look forward to more of your great comments and posts!

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Dennis Mullen to The Errol Flynn Blog!

06 Sep

We are pleased to announce our newest Author, Dennis Mullen, to The Errol Flynn Blog! Dennis is the renowned owner/operator of the famed Havana Writer’s Retreat– we look forward to Dennis’s participation on the blog! In the future, Dennis has planned a special Flynn related getaway for both Havana and Jamaica “In Search of Errol Flynn!“,..and I’m looking forward to hearing all about the details…

— David DeWitt


Jack Marino on LA TALK RADIO!

04 Jul

— David DeWitt


Well wishes for the Legendary RICK DODD!

25 Jun

In a personal email to me from our own Brian Twist, Bri tells me the new about the legendary Rick Dodd. Brian explains this news so well that I am quoting him here for us all…

“One other thing David – I would appreciate it greatly if you could post
something at the blog about Rick Dodd. I rang Rick today… I usually
ring every 4-5 weeks or so. I was going to go and visit him in the next
couple of weeks or so. He is very ill… and has just had a heart
attack. He sounded very weak on the phone, which broke my heart as he is
so very lively even at his age. He is the most amazing person I have
ever met… so kind… so eager to hear all on Flynn. He lives and
breathes Flynn… but in a very positive way. I passed onto him good
wishes in your name, and Karl’s… Jack’s and Robert Florczak’s… that
really made his day to know that he is thought of among the Flynn
community. Could you please post a blog entry for him and ask for
prayers and wishes. I can’t tell you enough what a great friend he is to
me and how it hurts so much to know that he is not his usual
full-of-life and sprightly self. I know that people at the blog know who
Rick is… and would spare a thought and prayer for him.”

Of course, we all offer Rick our prayers and well wishes for a complete recovery from his heart attack and to let him know how much he is respected in the Flynn community all over the world…

I am certain the first book I ever opened about Errol Flynn after reading My Wicked, Wicked Ways and wanting to learn more had several picture in it from the famous Rick Dodd Collection. This is a common experience among many Flynn fans over the years and I was always excited to see them!

Then to hear what a fine gentleman he is from so many people was an added blessing.

All the best, Rick…



David DeWitt


— David DeWitt


We Welcome new Author Angel Rivera to The Errol Flynn Blog!

04 Jun

We are pleased to announce our Newest Author, A.R., to The Errol Flynn Blog! We look forward to all of your comments and posts, welcome aboard!

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn as inspiration for Thor film character

09 May

This weekend I saw the new movie “Thor”, based on the Marvel Comics superhero and his adventures. I really enjoyed the film, and was surprised to find one of the characters in it (he's a character from the Thor comic books) resembles, in part, Errol. His name is Fandral and he's one of the Warriors Three and friend of Thor, the main hero. He looks like a combination of: Oliver Queen (aka Green Arrow from DC comics who's modeled after Errol and Robin Hood), Cary Elwes from “The Princess Bride” and “Robin Hood Men In Tights”, and a young Errol Flynn! Joshua Dallas is the young actor who plays Fandral.

I found the following on the Wikipedia page for the “Thor” film:

“[Fandral is] a member of the Warriors Three, characterized as an irrepressible swashbuckler and romantic…Joshua Dallas said he believed that Fandral 'would like to think of himself a philanderer. He’s a lover, not a fighter'. Dallas also mentioned that Errol Flynn was an inspiration for the character stating, 'He was a big inspiration for the character and for me. I watched a lot of his movies and kind of got that into my bones. I tried to bring out that little bit of Flynn-ness in it. Flynn had a lot of that boyish charm that Fandral’s got all in him'.”

So I thought that was pretty cool. :-) I've attached 2 images: one of Fandral from the Thor comics, and the other of Joshua Dallas as Fandral.

— Rachel


A great interview of actor Chris Mitchum!

05 Mar
Marino's  LA Talk Radio interview with Christopher Mitchum. You can tell by this show
that Chris is one great story teller and he has this tremendous life
experience that some actors can only wish for. Any Chris Mitchum fans
out there this is a show for you to hear!…hives/Marino-030411.mp3

— David DeWitt


Jack Marino is featured at:

25 Feb…

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Robin Robertson to The Errol Flynn Blog!

13 Feb

We’re pleased to announce our Newest Author, Robin Robertson who provides us with another Flynn at his typewriter photo! Robin, we look forward to all of your thoughts and posts here at The Errol Flynn Blog! Welcome aboard…

In part, Robin writes:

“In response to your reply about not having see Errol at the typewriter many other times, I am sending you this image. Based on the ascot he is wearing, I believe it may have been shot in the same photo shoot as Tina’s posting, the difference being he has removed his jacket...”

— David DeWitt



03 Feb

Hi Folks

You may remember some time ago before Christmas, Crossed Swords was released on Dvd Officially in a brand new remastered print.

There has since been some confusion due to other lesser quality versions previously available, as to whether the new release is as good as reported by some fans on here and other sites, including myself. Well if in doubt, please check out my review on…, which i believe i had previously posted on here as well.

As the price had also been a bit off putting for many fans ( Originally $49.95 ) , however i contacted the Customer Services Director and told her that the heavy price was putting people off from buying the Dvd, despite the rarity and Excitement it's release generated.

I am pleased to tell you, that they have agreed to lower the price for web based Flynn fansites only, and only with the link i am providing for you now….this is great news, it is now a more reasonable $29.95, which is more like it…..not many of us are rich these days.


The link has a special code on the product ( Crossed Swords Pris GD ZZ) to
identify it is the Special Offer



— InlikeFlynn