Archive for the ‘Blog Authors’ Category

We Welcome New Author Kathleen to the Errol Flynn Blog!

30 Apr

I happy to announce New Author Kathleen to the Errol Flynn Blog! Kathleen, we look forward to your thoughts and contributions! Welcome aboard…

— David DeWitt


Posted in Katheen


Book Quote

06 Oct

Hello All,

I recently purchased a book entitled “Reporters: Memoirs of A Young Newspaperman”, by Will Fowler, the son of Gene Fowler. In it, he mentions Errol Flynn several times. David thought perhaps you’d like the following quote, taken from page 111.

“Shortly before Flynn’s death, he showed my father his “My Wicked Wicked Ways” manuscript, in which the perfidious prank of “stealing John Barrymore’s body” was fantasized. I had also read it, and when Flynn phoned pop for his critique, my father asked why he’d written the odious squib. The actor (who had been heavily into drugs and alcohol at the time) said: “I just wrote it in for laughs because that’s what I wish my friends would do for me directly after my final curtain.”


— Bob


We Welcome New Author Russ… to The Errol Flynn Blog!

06 Oct

We welcome New Author Russ to the blog and look forward to his comments and thoughts!

— David DeWitt


We welcome New Author Robert Florczak…

26 Apr

We are pleased to welcome new Author Robert Florczak to the Errol Flynn Blog! Robert tells us he has been a serious Flynn fan and collector for 35 years…

 Rare Flynn with Mr. Zanuck…



— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Amber to the Errol Flynn Blog!

14 Nov

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Bob Peckinpaugh to The Errol Flynn Blog!

25 Sep

Welcome aboard Bob!



— David DeWitt


Sometimes Errol really means business…

13 May

— David DeWitt


Remembering Our Friend, Linc…

11 Apr

The Errol Flynn Blog Honors our dear Friend Prof. Lincoln D. Hurst!

Professor Lincoln D. Hurst

Professor Lincoln D. Hurst


Bio & Eulogy

— David DeWitt


Nice Pic from Dive Bomber…

18 Mar

Here is a nice pic from Dive Bomber with Errol, Fred MacMurray, and Ralph Bellamy…

— David DeWitt


Welcome New Authors…

16 Mar

The Errol Flynn Blog Welcomes New Authors Jan, Ralph, Jack, Steve and Genene, and Brian to the blog! Watch for new articles by these wonderful writers and Flynn-o-philes!

We are looking forward to more Authors joining in the near future… and reading the contributions of all our Authors, including Karl and Bob–who are already onboard!



— David DeWitt