Archive for the ‘Blog Authors’ Category

Mulholland Jack Marino’s Tribute to the Forgotten Heroes of Vietnam

31 May

Directed and Produced by Filmmaker and EFB Author, Jack Marino.

Filmed in part at Mulholland Farm.

Starring William Smith.

Featuring Jack Marino as David DeLuca

With references to Errol, including a “Swordfight” a la Robin Hood in the jungles of Vietnam, some of which can be seen in each of the two previews linked below:

Costume Design by Deirdre Flynn.

— Tim


Eightieth Anniversary Celebration of Captain Blood – April 11, 2015

12 Apr

St. Augustine, Florida

Quoting primarily from…:

The St. Augustine Pirate and Treasure Museum hosts a cinematic tribute to Hollywood’s iconic swashbuckler, Errol Flynn, on Saturday, April 11, 2015, The event marks the 80th anniversary of Flynn’s pirate classic, “Captain Blood”, which will be shown on a large outdoors screen in the Colonial Quarter.

“The Sea Hawk”, another classic Errol Flynn swashbuckler, is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year and will also be shown. The Sea Hawk is loosely based on the history of Sir Francis Drake, who took St. Augustine from the Spanish.

Among the many activities planned for the evening are “Captain Blood” and Errol Flynn look-alike contests (with face painting and mustaches available for Errol Flynn impersonators), swordfighting demonstrations, and a discussion and sampling of the pirate’s favorite drinks, Rum and Grog, by Jamie Jackson of Pusser’s Rum.

Live music, visits from The Pirate Museum’s Captain Mayhem, and a black powder final salute will round out the evening.

This event is planned to appeal to the whole family (though only adults, of course, can participate in the drink tastings).

Admission: Free.

When? Saturday, April 11, 2015, beginning at 5:30 p.m. The screening of “Captain Blood” will begin at 6:15 p.m., and “The Sea Hawk” will begin at 8:45 p.m.

Where? The Colonial Quarter is located at 33 St. George Street in downtown St. Augustine.

Errol Flynn’s Captain Blood Coat

— Tim


On the Second Day of Christmas🎁🎁

26 Dec

On the second day of Christmas

Errol gave to us

One golden film

And the Captain Blood premiere…..!

From Bonnie Paraschos on the Facebook Errol Flynn Blog, the FB-EFB, here’s Errol and Lili with Ross Alexander and his wife, Aleta Freel Alexander, at the world premiere of “Captain Blood”, at the Mark Strand Theater in Manhattan, on December 26, 1935. Original in B&W, edited green here in the seasonal spirit. Thank you, and Merry (second day of) Christmas, Bonnie!

— Tim


Captain Blood: The Greatest Pirate Movie Ever Made

19 Dec

And “Best Popcorn Movie of the Mid-Thirties”

Released Eighty-Five Years Ago Today
December 19, 1935

— Tim


We Welcome New Author Laura Miceli to The Errol Flynn Blog!

23 Sep

Great to have you with us Laura!

— Boss Boy


Goldie Gets Along on TCM today

11 Sep

I know it’s late notice, but Lili Damita is on Turner Classic Movies in Goldie Gets Along today (Friday, Sept. 11) at 1:00 p.m. Eastern. I have never actually seen one of her films so am looking forward to it.

— Paula


(Out of Africa) A Star is Born

26 Aug

August 25, 1935

Los Angeles Times

By Muriel Babcock

Adventure again is holding the stage. The cutthroats and brigands and brave seamen of Raphael Sabatini’s swashbuckling tale of the Seventeenth Century, Captain Blood, are coming to life on the Warner Brothers set in Burbank, California, in this year, 1935.

One of the most interesting sets I have seen in visits to many studios, is the great, sprawling layout if a Jamaican slave plantation of the Captain BloodCaptain Blood, as you know, is the story which gives Errol Flynn, the Irish adventurer, his big chance in pictures. Chatting with him idly between scenes, I discovered that while his adventures in Captain Blood are thrilling, he has had almost as exciting ones in his own life before he came to America. He has a terrific scar on his left leg from an arrow shot at him by African natives.


He was lost in the African jungles, and for two days, while hunted by the incessant tom-tom of drums, he hid from the natives and tried to make his way to safety. “Never in my life have I been so frightened” he told me.

But more about these interesting sets of Captain Blood. On still another stage are two huge replicas of galleons of that day, on of the Arabella, a Spanish ship, the other the Diligent, a French pirates’ boat. They are a beautiful sight to come upon, and it takes you a moment to realize they are only half ships that move back and forth on pulleys across the stage against the painted canvas sea background, instead of sailing the Caribbean as they did in Captain Blood. I climbed up on one, and I assure you it gives you a thrilling feeling.

The Jamaican Plantation*

*Imagery from the superb “Blonde at the Film” review of “Captain Blood 1935”

— Tim


We Welcome New Author Barb Leff!

03 Aug

Good to have you with us, Barb, as always. Looking forward to more great comments and posts!

— David DeWitt


“An Unscrupulous Writer”

12 Jul

On July 11, 1981, UPI reported that Rory and Deirdre sued low-life Chuck Higham, correctly describing him as:

“An unscrupulous writer with gross imagination given to extravagant charges, deceit and defamation of deceased persons as his modus operandi of authorship.”

“A skilled and practiced character assassin who used the law preventing libel suits of relatives of a deceased person to defame the family without any threat of legal action.”

UPI News Report

Our Man Flynn by Tony Thomas
Tony Thomas cites another outrageously unscrupulous writer and notorious fraud in his “Our Man Flynn” article -Falseman Capote.

Brava Rory & Deirdre!!

— Tim



22 Jun


Cheers to All Who Toasted Errol on his 111th!!!


I am not able to name all those who deserve praise for their participation, but here are some key Flynnmates we can thank here, alphabetically by first name



Andy Hill from Chico, “Home of Sherwood Forest”
– Whiskey

A.R. – Cognac

‘B’ from Chicago

Bob Searles from Boston
Toasted from Cape Cod with a Cape Codder

Cathleen Schutz and Husband
G&T’s from North Haledon, New Jersey

Claudia from Germany
Champagne in Bavaria

Debby Phielix from Dordrect, Netherlands
Vodka and Cola

Jack ‘Mulholland Man’ Marino
From just north of Mulholland

Jose Garcia from Albecete, Spain
Toasted with La Mancha wine, a la Errol in ’37

King David from Myrtle Beach
CEO of the EFB

King Karl Holmberg
A Jack Rose from Upstate New York

Linda from New York
From Manhattan with a Jack Rose

Mitchell K. Green from Atlantla
Will “lift a libation”

Paul Harrison from Manchester, UK
formerly from Laguna Beach, USA
A G&T from Manchester

Ralph Schiller from outside Chicago

Selene Hutchison-Zuffi
From Kentucky – White Zinfandel

shangheinz – Flynn’s Main Man in Europe
A Will Tell from Vienna.

Steven Springer from Silver Spring, Maryland
Steve and his wife met online because of their
shared love of Errol and his films! He proposed on June 20, 1996

Steve & Genene (tassie devil)
From Hobart, Tasmania
Toasted with a G&T and Cascade beer

Tina Nyary
18-year-old Glenfiddich Malt Whiskey
Once poolside in the afternoon, once in the evening!!

Tita Lopez
Tequila in Tijuana

— Tim