Archive for the ‘Topper MacKay’ Category

An Errol Flynn Birthday Celebration of 115 years!

20 Jun

I am pleased to send along the first page of my book, along with the last page, to celebrate the most fun 50 years I have researched.

Have an enjoyable day…with lots of happy memories.

Enjoy …


— David DeWitt


An Errol Flynn Giggle!

13 Jun

In researching Errol Flynn’s 50 years over the last 50 years, I sometimes became very confused by the different times and dates printed by the myriad of sources. So, I decided that there needs to be something to help out! May I present …

Enjoy …

— Topper


Tidbits of Errol Flynn in Newspapers June 1936!

04 Jun


— Topper


Here and There with some 1935 Errol Flynn News Bites!

29 May

A few rarely seen tidbits from the newspapers and magazines from Flynn’s pre-star days.


— Topper


Errol Flynn’s Fourth Foto Shoot in 1937!

23 May

Going from the photo studio, during the week of August 23-27, to Errol’s home for some  more photos with Lily. Continuing Errol’s time off into mid-September also included some training rehearsals and lessons for his next picture … Robin Hood.


— Topper


Errol Flynn Travelling the World Mid-May to July 1957!

14 May

The times, dates and places speak for themselves.


— Topper


A Busy Errol Flynn from Late April to Late May, 1941

06 May

During the filming of Dive Bomber, in April and May, Errol is as busy working off-screen as he was making pictures.  Never a dull moment.


— Topper


Errol Flynn Vacation Time in July, 1937

29 Apr

After completing filming of The Perfect Specimen in mid-July, Errol will spend the next month vacationing on his yawl Cheerio 2, with a few adventures along the way…and no Lily.

— Topper


Errol Flynn’s South American Trip, June 1940!

22 Apr

Errol, along with Johnny Meyer, press agent for Warner Bros., begins his South American Tour that is sanctioned by Warner’s as a good will tour. Newspapers, fan magazines, telegrams and even radio broadcasts and shows provided a variety of times, places and events. A map is provided to try and consolidate the where and when of Errol’s visits.

(you can double click a page for more detail…thank you David)


— Topper


Errol Flynn and a Busy December, 1935

13 Apr

 After a portrait shoot … then traveling to New York City with wife Lily (Lili, if you prefer) … and all of the fanfare for the premiere of Captain Blood in three cities, including parties, restaurants and publicity stops … Errol’s month of December was filled to the brim with activities and excitement.


— Topper