I am pleased to send along the first page of my book, along with the last page, to celebrate the most fun 50 years I have researched.
Have an enjoyable day…with lots of happy memories.
Enjoy …
— David DeWitt
In researching Errol Flynn’s 50 years over the last 50 years, I sometimes became very confused by the different times and dates printed by the myriad of sources. So, I decided that there needs to be something to help out! May I present …
Enjoy …
— Topper
Errol, along with Johnny Meyer, press agent for Warner Bros., begins his South American Tour that is sanctioned by Warner’s as a good will tour. Newspapers, fan magazines, telegrams and even radio broadcasts and shows provided a variety of times, places and events. A map is provided to try and consolidate the where and when of Errol’s visits.
(you can double click a page for more detail…thank you David)
— Topper
After a portrait shoot … then traveling to New York City with wife Lily (Lili, if you prefer) … and all of the fanfare for the premiere of Captain Blood in three cities, including parties, restaurants and publicity stops … Errol’s month of December was filled to the brim with activities and excitement.
— Topper