Archive for the ‘Topper MacKay’ Category

A Premier Date! The Sea Hawk!

04 Oct

I am sure many of us use several sources to confirm the movie premiere dates for Flynn’s films. One of the largest, and generally reliable, is is IMDb. But it is always good to double check.

As an example I checked the date for The Sea Hawk with IMDb and it is listed as July 1, 1940 with a second listing of August 10 in New York City. Wellll, that’s not quite right.

After filming was completed on April 19, 1940 there was no release date set. On July 4th there was a special sneak preview of the film in Pomona, Cal. and still no release date set. On July 17 there is an all day preview of the film at Warner’s Hollywood theatre with guests anD reporters and a tentative premiere date was announced to be the Labor day wekend, but not printed. Read the rest of this entry »

— Topper