Archive for the ‘Blog Videos’ Category

Bloopers with Errol and Olivia… very candid stuff!

02 Nov

Those perfect scenes we enjoy in the classic old films of Hollywood didn't get perfect in one take, or two, or sometimes three takes… observe! These clips include three Flynn outtakes and a few with Olivia, as well… if you don't want to hear a bit of foul language, please do not watch!

Thanks to Bob P…

— David DeWitt


Interview: Cecil B DeMille, Errol and Olivia on Lux Radio Theatre

31 Oct

Again, thanks to Bob!

— David DeWitt


Cuban Story – 1958, the Intro and Outro with Errol.

26 Oct

Just prepared and uploaded a video which is the clipped intro and outro of Cuban Story.

It's in the Blog Videos, here.


— Russ McClay


David Niven on Merv Griffin – Higham Reference

24 Oct

David Niven on Merv Griffin circ 1981 with a Charles Higham reference… Robert Blake is a pain without knowing that Niv is terminally ill…

Niven on Merv Griffin

Check out Related Videos for Orson Welles and others…

Tip of the hat to our Author Bob Peckinpaugh…

— David DeWitt


Don't Bet on Blondes – Warren William

22 Oct

— David DeWitt


Duel… Anyone?

20 Oct

Ever wonder what it’s like to duel with a sword or rapier?


— David DeWitt


Coperta – Zaca… Russ's Version that works!

17 Oct

Zaca Deck

Re: Re: Coperta One – Zaca
by Russ McClay on Fri 17 Oct 2008 11:15 PM PDT
Btw, David, you can remove my swf when you get your videos working.

And btw, I found these pics of the Zaca which are great:…


— David DeWitt


The Sword Fights of Errol Flynn

11 Oct

To kick off the new Blog Video section I created this compilation of some of the greatest sword fights of Errol Flynn's screen career.  This includes the duels in Captain Blood, The Adventures of Robin Hood, The Sea Hawk, The Adventures of Don Juan and Against All Flags.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp
The Sword Fights of Errol Flynn from Russ McClay on Vimeo.

“I'm not a fencer. I'm a thespian. But I know how to make it look good.”
– Errol Flynn, My Wicked Wicked Ways


— Russ McClay


Home movies…

23 Sep

— David DeWitt