Archive for the ‘Errol Flynn Book Covers’ Category

Mail Bag! A Pictorial History of Errol Flynn in Two Volumes by Topper Mackay!

10 May

The Mail Bag brings us something that was a bit secretive until now! Our mission, should we choose to accept it, and we do, it to enjoy news of Topper MacKay’s superbly produced new two-volume book “A Pictorial History of the Life and Times of Errol Flynn, Movie Star” …

He says:

I am  introducing the latest published work on Errol Flynn, simply titled volume 1 “Errol Flynn”, and volume 2 “Movie Star”, authored by long-time blog follower, Topper MacKay.

It is a two-volume brace, totaling 492 pages, plus 12 pages of  preliminary materials.

The books were published in late 2022 and distruibuted shortly thereafter. Please note  that they were released as a ‘fair-use copyright publication’ with a limited edition of 50.

This means that the books are not for sale or readily available to the public…a true laborof love, so to speak.

Some fun facts are:

The books are 10 1/2″  X  12″ and weigh six pounds together.

There are over  2,364 illustrations and 1,989 of them contain Flynn.

It is chronologically based on his life with some pictures and articles that have not been seen in over 80 years.

I have attached a photo of the two volumes along with a pic of the back covers of each one.



Topper has agreed to share parts of the contents of his volumes with the blog in upcoming presentations of some of the pages.


Thanks, Topper, we take the assignment seriously, and will do our duty!

— David DeWitt


Love at first sigh

18 Mar

Dear Flynnstones,

enjoy this pretty picture of Errol‘s last love.

Make laugh not war,

— shangheinz


Mail Bag! New Errol Flynn Book Coming Soon!

11 Feb

We got a great recommendation in the Mail Bag from Greg Maradei for a new book about Errol Flynn …

“I received my new book today, Errol Flynn The Illustrated Life Chronology by Robert Florczak, and I love it.  Like most fanatics of our dear boy, I own and have read all the books on Errol Flynn, the majority of which have told the same story and danced around the same facts.  New information and new facts are what I crave, and Robert’s book completely delivers to include a volume of rare photos that I have never seen. For instance, if you want to see the chapel then and now where Errol and Lili were married, or Niven and Flynn’s house nicknamed “cirrhosis by the sea” you’re in for a treat.  By the way, that house is neither on Linden Drive nor at Marion Davies’ humble beach abode.  

“This is an illustrated chronological book of Errol Flynn’s life, and it provides a tremendous amount of accurate and detailed information never before published including rare events and anecdotes.  Additionally, the mass of production notes provides the reader with what it was like for producers and directors to work with Flynn on a film.   

“Robert worked tirelessly, researching Flynn for many years down every avenue and from all resources possible and successfully created a detailed and extremely welldocumented chronology of one of recent history’s most enigmatic lives.  So, for those of us who want to know more about Errol Flynn and his life – here it is …

“Thank you, Robert, for your excellent work and a great and extremely unique book on Errol Flynn.”

– Greg Maradei

This book is available on Pre-Order at Amazon.

We’ll publish some reviews when the long awaited book is published after February 28, 2022.

Thanks, Greg!


— David DeWitt


New Book by Josef Fegerl

22 Oct

Mr Josef Fegerl has privately published a new Flynn book. It features thousands of photos from Flynn’s westerns, including movie art and junket photos. A few sample pages can be seen below. The book is not for sale. Enjoy!


— Inga


Living according to Sean

21 Aug

Dear Flynnmates,

here are some photos of Sean Flynn`s Paris apartment courtesy of PARIS MATCH Magazine.

It was kept intact by his mother Lili Damita, long after he went missing in Vietnam, in hope he might return.

Its interior shows his old man`s lust for adventure as well as his mom`s knack for flair.

A miniature Zaca can be spotted sitting atop the book shelves and a how-to-become-a-photographer manual resides prominently on the kitchen table.

This time capsule`s address was Champs Elysees No. 77.


— shangheinz


LOOK 🎯 Errol Kissing Olivia

13 Apr

LOOK Magazine – April 12, 1938
The Adventures of Robin Hood


– The Rockefeller Women, wives of the John D. Rockefeller clan, the former Blanchette Hooker, Mary Clark and Mary French.

– Blind persons learn how to row at European school for the blind.

– Confidentially column includes Francisca Gall, Yehudi Menuhin, Barbara Huckins, May McAvoy, Will H. Hays, Lora Marlo, Sidney Skolsky, Anthony Averill, Mary Margaret McBride, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., David and Joseph Maddox and two unrelated men named Joseph John Toth.

– Auto driver Wilbur Shaw in an ad for Camel cigarettes.

– Photographic manipulations proved pictures do tell lies, samples by photographers Henry Clay Gipson, Bill Ries, and A.J. Sockoloskie.

– A photo study of who collects taxes and where they go in Peoria, Illinois; carpenter Homer M. Lynn and family buy shoes from Harry Frankel, groceries from John Frasco, discuss taxes with city assessor Dan Goggin. Other businesses include Hiram Walker, Rock Island railroad, Caterpillar Tractor, young Russell Deal at the Pea Ridge School, Marjorie Frye at the Proctor Recreation Center, Tildon Cecil at the relief office.

– A magician saws a woman in half using Horace Goldin’s trick.

– Boycott against Japan.

– Dorothy Wender Heizer of Essex Falls, New Jersey creates the world’s most expensive dolls.

– Passion play in Oberammergau, Germany.

– Is Paulette Goddard your choice for Scarlett O’Hara in “Gone with the Wind”?

– U.S. Navy builds biggest aircraft carrier, the Yorktown, illustration by Logan Reavis.

– The table manners of Mable Tanners.

– The camera trains diver Herta Schieche of Berlin.

– Hollywood off guard, Carole Lombard, Ginger Rogers, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Marlene Dietrich, Gary Cooper.

– Climbing the pyramid of Gizeh is a workout.

– Movie tricks, including Henry Fonda.

– The private life of Louisiana’s governor Richard Leche.

– Flash Gordon returns to Earth.

– Bill Klem, the umpire who never made a mistake.

-Girl archers at Long Branch Junior College in California.

– Ruth Law, first woman stunt flyer.

– 60-year-old Grace Logan of Los Angeles is skilled at jujitsu.

— Tim


More Wicked, Wicked Ways Paperback Covers!

04 Jul

 The Dead Ringer article was fun.

 Here are a few more examples of his book from different years and places.

 Just for fun,


Enjoy your 4th!


[flagallery gid=32]

— Topper


Mail Bag! Dead Ringer for Flynn, The Sons of Flynn!

03 Jul

The mailbag brings us a wonderful email from William Russo:

I’ve been reading your stuff I guess for a couple years now. Truly enjoy it. Takes me into a world I truly love. Though it was the world of my parent’s generation, I feel a nostalgia for it I cannot explain. Though I grew up on Flynn’s movies, I did not come to become immersed into his life and personality until late hippie years. One of my best friends then was a guy named Steve Gilbert. He was a dead ringer for Flynn. Amazingly he had gone to Hollywood High, knew and even dated, I think, Rory! I introduced him to “My Wicked, Wicked Ways”. We each had a copy and would quote from it regularly. We both thought of it as kind of a Bible. I started a club; called it “The Sons of Flynn”. I always kept a couple copies of the book and whenever I met someone who reminded me of Flynn in some significant  way, I’d give them a copy. There were only about four additional that I deemed worthy. Most recently, a couple years ago, I met a twenty something attractive blonde from South Africa by way of Canada, at a Cannabis farm in Humboldt county. Not only was she into Flynn, but astonishingly, knew that Vivica Linford played the Queen of Spain, in Don Juan ! She wanted a copy of the book (I didn’t have one at the time), and demanded to become a member of the club!  Unfortunately, we lost touch before she could be initiated. This was never a club in anything more than a name, and in my own imagination. One “member” lives in Honolulu, a good  look-a- like, the most like Flynn athletically, an ex Army Ranger. Another lives in western Massachusetts. The other is the guy who owned the cannabis farm; eerily reminiscent of the Robin Hood persona.  As for Steve, sadly he died about the same age as Erroll, from drug and alcohol abuse. I think Rory’s book, the Baron of Mulhollandis a treasure. It’s like being there, feeling it all. I am going to be traveling in Europe soon (doing some sword fighting!) and living my own version of The Sun Also Rises. Though most of my reading material will on kindle on my tablet, I will be taking only one book, my original paperback copy of  My Wicked, Wicked Ways. 
Cisco Bill

Thanks so much for the note! and what a read MWWW’s is … I envy anybody who is reading it for the first time, and understand why we keep going back it! Here is the first paperback I read of it:

And two others I read later on:

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! French Curtiz Bio & Film Book!

16 Apr

Dear Sir,

For all those who love Curtiz and read French, I found this book. He presents an excellent biography and analyzes each of his films including his pre-Hollywood production.
Best – Erik Anzi
Thanks, Erik!

— David DeWitt


Flynn in Cannes

23 Jan


Invention of the French Riviera:…



Errol & Bridgett:




Errol & Tilda:


Errol & Clelle @ what appears to be Cannes:

03 Sep 1953, Venice, Italy --- Original caption: Errol Flynn Suffers Back Injury. Venice, Italy: An old back injury, which sent him to bed in his hotel suite, is keeping film star Errol Flynn from enjoying many days such as the one he is shown sharing with Mrs. Barry Mahon under sunny Italian skies. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

03 Sep 1953, Venice, Italy — Original caption: Errol Flynn Suffers Back Injury. Venice, Italy: An old back injury, which sent him to bed in his hotel suite, is keeping film star Errol Flynn from enjoying many days such as the one he is shown sharing with Mrs. Barry Mahon under sunny Italian skies. — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

A Glimpse of Flynn at the Festival:

— Tim