Archive for the ‘Candids’ Category

Errol on Capri

27 Mar

Two years ago I visited the beautiful island of Capri, Italy. While there I found a book about famous people who visited or worked on Capri. To my surprise there was a photo of Errol in the book. In this picture you also see singer Scarola and a lady. It looks like they have a lot of fun.

— Debbyphielix


Happy Birthday Errol

20 Jun

Last year I visited the beautiful island of Capri. There I bought a book about Capri in movies. Many movies were filmed there and many stars visited and still visit the island. Our dear Errol was one of them. Here is the picture of him that was in the book. I don’t know when it was taken but in the picture is singer Scarola (Giuseppe Savarese). I hope you enjoy this birthday treat. Happy birthday Errol.  Hope you have a good one up there.

— Debbyphielix


Errol Flynn’s Fourth Foto Shoot in 1937!

23 May

Going from the photo studio, during the week of August 23-27, to Errol’s home for some  more photos with Lily. Continuing Errol’s time off into mid-September also included some training rehearsals and lessons for his next picture … Robin Hood.


— Topper


Errol Flynn from Mid-March to Mid-April 1941

21 Dec

Dive Bomber begins screen tests on March 14th and Errol is in San Diego, California, on the 19th for location shooting to begin. (Remember, you can double click on a single page for more detail.)


— Topper


Errol Flynn with the Geek!

12 Oct


The “Geek” …

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn in October, 1944!

07 Oct

Errol is busy filming the western San Antonio, with co-star Alexis Smith, which began shooting September 21st and does not wrap up until January 8th of ’45.

— Topper


Nice Chef Costume Errol Flynn Candid!

05 Sep

— David DeWitt


Posted in Candids


Happy Birthday, Mr. Errol Flynn!

20 Jun

June 20, 1909 – June 20, 2023!

— David DeWitt


Errol in the Dawn Patrol Makeup Chair!

12 Jun

Errol is busy in the middle of the month of August, 1938, working on Dawn Patrol. These pics show how the make-up was applied, the old-fashioned way without any special equipment or applicators. Just blow it on. It came out just right.

A couple of related candid shots about a real war hero and the planes they used during the making of the picture.

Errol also received good news about a pay raise!

— Topper


Errol Flynn as John Barrymore Candid!

19 Nov

— David DeWitt