Archive for the ‘Candids’ Category

Errol at Mulholland in color

09 Nov

He is every bit the aristocratic gentleman that he wanted to be.

— Shamrock

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Posted in Candids, Photos


Errol with Burns and Allen

09 Nov

— Shamrock

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Posted in Candids, Photos


Errol with Jane Russell

09 Nov

— Shamrock

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Posted in Candids, Photos


Prince and Pauper pix

06 Nov

This unusual photo is seldom seen so I thought I'd post it here for Flynn fans to copy and keep for their collections. Enjoy!

— Shamrock


EF with Hemingway

04 Nov

— Shamrock


Captain Blood

03 Nov

Can you spot Curtiz?

— Shamrock


Robin Hood and the boxer

23 Sep

Flynn with heavyweight champ Max Baer (his son played Jethro)

— Shamrock


Another Robin Hood still

23 Sep

Photo taken in Chico, CA, (I think) but I don't recall the man's name on the left. Once, in the distant past of my youth, I knew who that was.

— Shamrock


Robin Hood still

23 Sep


— Shamrock


The MAN had S.T.Y.L.E….

11 Jun

— David DeWitt