Archive for the ‘Co-Stars’ Category

A Pig in a Joke

16 Oct

    October 16, 1937

    Hollywood’s Gabby Corners

    Garbed in their Robin Hood costumes, Errol Flynn and Patric Knowles scared a farmer near Chico, Calif., where the company is on location, by asking him how to kill a pig – one they claimed they found. He took one look at their costumes and slammed the door in their faces.

— Tim


Swinging & Dancing in Chico

15 Oct

October 15, 1937

Harrison Carroll
LA Evening Herald Express

Must have been fun, the party that the Robin Hood location troupe gave at Chico Saturday night. Members of the cast, the crew and some outsiders were invited, but when they got ready to dance, it was discovered there weren’t enough women to go around.

So Errol Flynn invaded the kitchen of the hotel and drafted 11 waitresses to join the party. Danced with everyone of them himself, too.

Likely Site of the Party:…

— Tim


Errol Flynn as Nathan Hale*

08 Oct

I only regret that he had but one show on Hale to leave, and it was not on film.

More of the amazing talent in Errol’s orbit and world:

October 10, 1941

Zuma Palmer
Hollywood Citizen News

Errol Flynn on the Kate Smith Hour from KNX at 9 will play the part of Nathan Hale in “Heritage,” an original drama by Jean Holloway. Johnny Burke as “The Original Draftee” and the Three Pitchmen will be other features. Miss Smith will close her program with “We’re All Americans.”

JOHNNY BURKE – One of the greatest writers of popular song lyrics in history. (With a later, second Flynn connection through the song for Nora, “But Beautiful”.)…

THE THREE PITCHMEN – A Popular Novelty Musical Trio

KATE SMITH – Closed her show with Flynn with the crowd-rousing “WE’RE ALL AMERICANS”

Here’s one of great Kate’s contemporaneous versions of We’re All Americans (All True Blue), followed by three other spectacular songs that were “sang in the name of victory” for WWII.

* Not to be confused with Alan Hale

— Tim


It Was 30 Years Ago Today

07 Oct

October 6, 1989, Bette Davis died in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. She lived 81 years. It was a bumpy ride.………

— Tim


Errol’s Little Clock Bellied Man!

18 Sep

His clock at Mulholland and at Pat’s ranch in Jamaica …

PORTLAND, JAMAICA – CIRCA 1980: Patrice Wymore Flynn is seen at her home, the Errol Flynn Estate, circa July 1980 in Portland Jamaica. (Photo by Bette Marshall/Getty Images)

— David DeWitt


I will be in the neighborhood? Olivia deHavilland!

09 Sep

Jan van der Vliet shares a note he got from Olivia deHavilland’s secretary back in 2010 when he was going to Paris on a trip and thought: why not write to Olivia and see if he could stop by … knowing his chance were slim to none she would say yes, he wrote a nice letter and received this reply:


Thanks for sharing, Jan!

— David DeWitt


Have the Stars Lost Their Magic?

08 Sep

Even less luminosity since this was written in 2007? I’d say so.…

— Tim


The Adventures of Star Wars

05 Sep

‘What George Lucas Borrowed from The Adventures of Robin Hood to Make Star Wars’…

Errol Flynn exudes exuberance that can’t be understated as the beating heart of the film.

Flynn makes The Adventures of Robin Hood a joy to watch.

Not only did the film get the legend of Robin Hood, of medieval heroes and villains, right, it got them so right that its distillation of the myth is still the gold standard almost a century later.

In 2003, Roger Ebert wrote:

The ideal hero must do good, defeat evil, have a good time, and win the girl. The Adventures of Robin Hood is like a textbook on how to get that right.

— Tim


Singer of “Errol Flynn” Shuffles Off His Mortal Coil

29 Aug

“He truly was an encyclopedia of knowledge about the wild and woolly world we both loved. He mentioned a song — “Errol Flynn,” by Amanda McBroom — and I admitted I hadn’t heard it. He said, “Do you mind if I play it?” He sat at his trusty old Wurlitzer, and tore my heart out. At one point he leaned back at me mid-song and made eye contact. It was a strategic move, because he knew the line that was coming would get me. The topper was that he had a tear streaming down his face. By the end of the song, so did I.”…

“He had roles in a handful of films, including the Sam Peckinpah-directed Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid, Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia, and Convoy. He also appeared in the 1976 version of A Star Is Born, and his most recent on-screen role was in the 2012 film Jayne Mansfield’s Car, written and directed by Billy Bob Thornton.”

“His songs have been recorded by Charlie Rich, Jerry Lee Lewis, Dolly Parton, the Rolling Stones, Arthur Alexander, Lulu, Robert Plant, the Box Tops, and Sheryl Crow, among many others.”…

— Tim


Ringside with Bette & Errol

06 Aug

August 6, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

They are staging a prize-fight, vintage of 1905, for Warner Bros Picture, The Sisters.

Two old time fighters are in the ring and Bette Davis and Errol Flynn are sitting in the front row. Flynn plays a sports writer in the story and Bette is his wife. This is supposed to be the first fight she has ever seen and one of the boxers gets knocked out of the ring and practically into her lap. She is sickened and leaves the stadium.

Bette Davis isn’t a fight fan off the screen, either.

— Tim