Archive for the ‘Co-Stars’ Category

Rita on the Zaca

24 Nov


P.S. Rita turned 100 this year! Thank you, Rita, for all the beauty, talent, joy and love you brought the world!

— Tim


Collect Call for Sherlock

21 Nov

“The only perfect screen version of me was the great Errol Flynn.”

“I’faith, there was a man who knew how to swashbuckle.”

— Robin Hood……

— Tim


Flyin’ Flynn – October 1937

24 Oct

“Warners have fired Errol a red-hot telegram, ordering him to discontinue
flying lessons on the Robin Hood location. Studio nearly had a fit
when it learned Flynn and Patric Knowles have been renting a plane at a Chico
airport and making night flights. Knowles, a licensed but comparatively
inexperienced pilot, was in the role of teacher. Flynn, of pupil.”

– October 26, Harrison Carroll


“Garbed in their Robin Hood costumes, Errol Flynn and Patric Knowles scared a farmer near Chico, Calif., where the company is on location, by asking him how to kill a pig-one they claimed they found. He took one look at their costumes and slammed the door in their faces.”

– October 16, Hollywood’s Gabby Corners


Here is Flight Instructor Knowles with His Illustrious Student Pilot ..

— Tim


“The Tunnel of Love”, Starring Errol Flynn, 1935

18 Sep

In June of 1935, before he went over the marital falls with Lili and sailed into international fame as El Capitan Blood, Errol Flynn was a mega-star at the Venice Amusement Pier. He wasn’t yet King of Cinematic Swashbucklers, but he did reign supreme at the “Over the Falls” Tunnel of Love – which made him “the talk of the town in Hollywood.” (Anyone surprised at that?)…

One might wonder how Tiger ‘Lil handled that! … Well, news coverage of this legendary Tinseltown shindig indicated that she did have at least one uplifting experience at the party:

“Lili Damita apparently was given a rather unorthodox entrance [at the Fun House], courtesy of a gust of air that lifted her skirt. However, she recovered her composure to pose with Carole. Marlene and husband Errol Flynn”…

History and Imagery of the Venice Pier, including very rare a moving picture of the pier from the ’30s.……

A Perfect Place for a Big Rascal Like Flynn:

— Tim


The Masters of Mulholland and Malabar Farms

15 Sep

Errol Flynn and Louis Bromfield

Not So Simple Farmers, with Not So Similar Farms

“Throughout the 1940s, Hollywood’s most glamorous stars found refuge from their demanding careers at Ohio’s Malabar Farm, home of Pulitzer Prize winner, author and screenwriter Louis Bromfield.”……

“Many of Hollywood’s brightest stars visited Malabar Farm over the years, including Errol Flynn, Edward G. Robinson, and George and Gracie Allen. James Cagney could be spotted selling vegetables at the farm’s produce stand. Any visitors had to earn their keep by doing farm chores. And on May 21, 1945, Malabar Farm hosted the wedding of long-time friend Humphrey Bogart to Lauren Bacall, with Louis Bromfield serving as best man — a star-studded event for Happy Valley!”

Malabar Farm

Mulholland Farm

— Tim


Hollywood Home Movies

25 Aug

Hollywood Home Movies: Treasures from the Academy Film Archive

A program of rarely seen home movie segments from some of the 20th century’s biggest stars such as Jimmy Stewart, Betty Grable, Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland.

Old Town Music Hall, 140 Richmond St., El Segundo, (310) 322-2592. Aug. 26, 2:30 p.m. $10. No credit cards.……

— Tim


Long Live Olivia!

01 Jul

“After more than a century lived in and out of the spotlight, the Oscar-winning actress is still going strong,
serving as an inspiration to millions around the world.”


ARGENTINA: Cumpleaños Olivia de Havilland sopla hoy 102 velitas…

DEUTSCHLAND: Promi-Geburtstag vom 1. Juli 2018: Olivia de Havilland…


ESPANA: A punto de cumplir 102 años, Olivia de Havilland sigue conservando su espíritu combativo……

ITALIA: Olivia de Havilland, l’ultima diva della golden age di Hollywood compie 102 anni

Tanti auguri a Olivia de Havilland! 102 anni della diva di Via col vento I

Olivia de Havilland, l’ultima diva della golden age di Hollywood compie 102 anni

POLSKA: Olivia de Havilland, Melania z “Przeminęło z wiatrem”, kończy 102 lata…


— Tim


Meanwhile, Back in Korea

12 Jun…

Korean War Project
Salute Of Entertainers

Jack Benny and Company

(w/ 5th RCT, 24th Div.)

It was around the middle of July, 1951. The peace talks began earlier and there was peace in the Kumhwa valley.
Instead of combat, everyone was talking about rotating home. There was also a rumor about a USO troupe coming to this forward camp. During combat, we would see entertainers of two or three hitching rides to the rest areas, rain or snow, to give their little shows. I gave them a lot of credit for their courage. Bob Hope was also here for the troops but he was 50 miles behind us somewhere.

On this July day, the entertainers in trucks and jeeps, came driving into this little clearing. A makeshift stage was built for the occasion. To our surprise, It was none other than Jack Benny and with him, in the group was Errol Flynn and Marjorie Reynolds.

This is the first time I’d ever seen movie stars in the flesh. For this country boy, I was fascinated and they looked so human and of course, they were. On the stage, Jack did his comedy of jokes and Errol and Marjorie acted their series of mostly funny skits, a lot of laughs for all of us.

Everyone was standing around intermingling after the show. I was standing close to Jack. He somehow looked smaller than in the movies. I slowly sneaked up behind him and sure
enough, I really was taller than he was!

Errol Flynn was walking by and I got this sudden impulse. I stuck out my hand and Mr. Flynn, can I shake your hand sir? He stopped, looked at me for a couple of seconds, smiled and said, My pleasure, lad, my pleasure. I think when he stopped and saw this oriental face, I can feel his uncertainty, but I think what won him over was this pure American slang coming from this face. He must have thought this guy has got to a real Yankee.

RICHARD ISERI wrote on January 29, 2018
Garden Grove California

— Tim


Flynnosophy 101

05 Jun

Flynnie reveals his real-life philosophy of life to “Sister” Bette.

— Tim


67 Years Ago Today

30 May

May 30, 1951 – The Canberra Times


HOLLYWOOD – Tuesday.

Jack Benny and Errol Flynn
will head troupe to ‘entertain
soldiers in Japan and Korea,
the Hollywood Co-ordinating-
Committee of the United Services
Organisation announced yesterday’

— Tim