‘Robin Hood Days’ Part of Proposed Tourist Program
The Chico City Council has been asked to participate in a tourist-luring program designed to draw metropolitan residents with the slogan “Come to Chico for a Change.”
If the three-part program is adopted, Bidwell Park will become “Sherwood Forest” and “Robin Hood Days” will become an annual civic celebration.
Chamber Manager Don Woodside said chamber officials decided some type of program is necessary to lure motorists from the Bay Area off Interstate 5 on the west side of the Sacramento Valley.
The advertising and marketing program to sell Chico as the recreation center for northeastern California was prepared for the chamber by the San Francisco advertising and public relations firm of Johnson-Gleason.
Johnson-Gleason proposes to capitalize on the fact that Bidwell Park was the site for the filming of the Errol Flynn epic, “The Adventures of Robin Hood.”
Hood’s band of merry men would be identified in the park, such as The Friar Tuck Picnic Area, Little John Acres, etc.
– Chico Enterprise-Record, November 1967
Robin & Marion in Chico, California 1938

Here’s one currently popular site in Chico’s Sherwood Forest – the Sherwood Forest Kids’ Disc Golf Course.

— Tim