Archive for the ‘Co-Stars’ Category

The Show Must Go On — But with Whom??

16 Jul

Which of these two terrors would you pick for Errol- Bette or Tallulah??

July 16, 1936

Louella O. Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

The witty, inimitable Tallulah Bankhead of Broadway and points West, is being tested like mad over at Warner Brothers Studio for the leading feminine role in Another Dawn, the film in which Errol (Captain Blood) Flynn is the hero. In fact, Tallulah is probably signed at this very minute.

This is the role originally slated for Bette Davis before she decided “to take a walk.” However, there is nothing but the friendliest of feelings at the Warner Brothers Studio toward Bette, and if she chooses to return she’ll find the door wide open and a big Warner welcome on the mat. But the show must go on with or without Bette.

Bette Before Another Dawn

Tallulah Before Another Dawn

O-Kay then, at the end of the day, who was in Another Dawn?

— Tim


From Florida for Olivia

01 Jul

à votre santé et bon anniversaire de Highland Beach, Florida

— Tim


To the Immortal Olivia

01 Jul

A Global Toast to Olivia de Havilland on her One Hundred and Fourth Birthday, July 1, 2020

Four for Olivia on Her 104!!!!


One from Errol Flynn Blog Author, Tina Nyary (aka Bariebel)



— Tim


Global Toast to Olivia De Havilland on Her 104th Birthday — 3 Days Away — Wednesday, July 1, 2020

28 Jun

Watching you all these years has been a most gracious thing, Olivia. Happy Birthday!

— Tim


No Highballs, Jingle Bells or Rah-Rah

13 Jun

But it was a Really Big Shew Nonetheless

June 13, 1939

Ed Sullivan

Hollywood Citizen News

Director Mike Curtiz, one of the best on the Warner lot, has a bad memory for names….He calls John Garfield “Group Theater”….Claude Rains, to Curtiz, always is “Mister Theater Guild”….Wayne Morris is “Bank Night”….Olivia de Havilland is “Baby”….In Elizabeth and Essex, Curtiz became impatient with a love scene that Errol Flynn and Bette Davis were doing, and stopped the action….”Remember always,” he explained, that this is a 17th Century love story without the highballs, jingle bells and rah-rah”….

— Tim


Tibby or No Tibby: Arno was at it Again – June 8, 1939

08 Jun

Tibby of Elizabette dared turn her back on Arno of Essex?

June 8, 1939

Behind the Makeup

Erskine Johnson
Los Angeles Times

Errol Flynn’s Schnauzer (Arno) chasing Bette Davis’s Scotty (Tibby) around the Warner Studio Cafe…

Errol himself was known to have done some chasing around the WB Cafe … but never after dogs

Bette Davis Eyes appeared wary of Arno in a previous caninical encounter.

Good doggie, Arno

— Tim


June 6 – What Quiz is This?

06 Jun

— Tim


Announcement of USO Tour — May 30, 1951

30 May


— Tim


Memorial Day 2020, 3 PM

25 May

In addition to his early and enthusiastic anti-Nazi tour of South America, his war bond tours, his appearances for the Red Cross, and his anti-Axis war films, Errol also supported the troops and country as a star on USO tours, including in 1943, at various locations in Alaska, including Amchitka, Attu, and Dutch Harbor, with Martha O’Driscoll, most notably.:

Meanwhile, Back in Korea

And here is a 5-minute preview of Our Man from Mulholland’s, i.e. Jack Marino’s, magnificent tribute to our Forgotten Heroes, part of which was filmed at the location of the former Mulholland Farm. Thank you, Jack!

— Tim


Neil M. Nicklin’s Nice Errol Flynn – Olivia de Havilland Collection!

06 May

— David DeWitt