Archive for the ‘Collectibles’ Category

Captain Fabian Letter 29 April 1955!

08 Jun

— David DeWitt


Errol’s Awesome Auburn

28 Jan

Errol Flynn and Marlene Dietrich tooled around Hollywood in limited-production Auburn Speedsters, the most flamboyant of the boattail breed.…

— Tim


Amazing Errol Flynn Art of David Trioux!

21 Aug

David Trioux shares his wonderful art with us! His work is superb …

Thanks David Trioux!

— David DeWitt


Titchfield Hotel Menu circa 1959

01 Aug

I am fascinated by the old Titchfield Hotel when Errol owned it. We know it has long since gone into history but my late friend Dennis Mullen was able to get onto the restricted grounds where the hotel stood by charming a soldier there at the military training grounds the area subsequently became with a few cocktails they might drink together on what remained of the hotel and pools, and toast Flynn. Dale Westin, who was then manager of the Errol Flynn Marina had told him access to the site was impossible but Dale did not reckon with Dennis’s wit and guile and sheer Flynn style wicked ways …

Dennis Mullen at the Titchfield swim up bar, the first of its kind.

Titchfield Pool Remains

Dennis and his new soldier pal sat in what they figured was the same spot as Errol and Earl Conrad and drank to Flynn and our blog, he told me. So over the years, after Dennis passed away far, far too soon, the hotel still fascinates me and I look here and there for any tidbit about it I can find. Occasionally, I find a postcard. Or two.

And if lucky find an item I have not seen before. Here is something in that happy category: an eBay item featuring a menu from the hotel that looks like simple dinner fare …

A bit hard to read but the seller provides a date:

Titchfield Hotel Menu 1959 Jamaica
One page with cover on one side and dinner menu on backside. Dinner menu is dated 13th Aug. 1959. Does not have prices.

— David DeWitt



23 Jul

By Errol Flynn

Woman’s World – March 1939

“All my life I’ve fought fear, because I believe it is the only real menace to a man’s hopes and peace of mind.”

— Tim


More Wicked, Wicked Ways Paperback Covers!

04 Jul

 The Dead Ringer article was fun.

 Here are a few more examples of his book from different years and places.

 Just for fun,


Enjoy your 4th!


[flagallery gid=32]

— Topper


Mail Bag! Dead Ringer for Flynn, The Sons of Flynn!

03 Jul

The mailbag brings us a wonderful email from William Russo:

I’ve been reading your stuff I guess for a couple years now. Truly enjoy it. Takes me into a world I truly love. Though it was the world of my parent’s generation, I feel a nostalgia for it I cannot explain. Though I grew up on Flynn’s movies, I did not come to become immersed into his life and personality until late hippie years. One of my best friends then was a guy named Steve Gilbert. He was a dead ringer for Flynn. Amazingly he had gone to Hollywood High, knew and even dated, I think, Rory! I introduced him to “My Wicked, Wicked Ways”. We each had a copy and would quote from it regularly. We both thought of it as kind of a Bible. I started a club; called it “The Sons of Flynn”. I always kept a couple copies of the book and whenever I met someone who reminded me of Flynn in some significant  way, I’d give them a copy. There were only about four additional that I deemed worthy. Most recently, a couple years ago, I met a twenty something attractive blonde from South Africa by way of Canada, at a Cannabis farm in Humboldt county. Not only was she into Flynn, but astonishingly, knew that Vivica Linford played the Queen of Spain, in Don Juan ! She wanted a copy of the book (I didn’t have one at the time), and demanded to become a member of the club!  Unfortunately, we lost touch before she could be initiated. This was never a club in anything more than a name, and in my own imagination. One “member” lives in Honolulu, a good  look-a- like, the most like Flynn athletically, an ex Army Ranger. Another lives in western Massachusetts. The other is the guy who owned the cannabis farm; eerily reminiscent of the Robin Hood persona.  As for Steve, sadly he died about the same age as Erroll, from drug and alcohol abuse. I think Rory’s book, the Baron of Mulhollandis a treasure. It’s like being there, feeling it all. I am going to be traveling in Europe soon (doing some sword fighting!) and living my own version of The Sun Also Rises. Though most of my reading material will on kindle on my tablet, I will be taking only one book, my original paperback copy of  My Wicked, Wicked Ways. 
Cisco Bill

Thanks so much for the note! and what a read MWWW’s is … I envy anybody who is reading it for the first time, and understand why we keep going back it! Here is the first paperback I read of it:

And two others I read later on:

— David DeWitt


Robert Osborne Estate Auction

13 Jun
Robin Hood book signed by the cast of The Adventures of Robin Hood
Warner Bros., 1938. Pyle, Howard. The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1935. 296 pp, 4to. Howard Pyle Brandywine Edition, signed by approximately 108 of the film’s cast and crew members, most in ink, some in pencil, with several small cards throughout identifying various departments’ autographs, with a September 23, 1982, article from the Chico Enterprise newspaper about the filming in Chico. An extraordinary collection of autographs of almost every major cast and crew member of Michael Curtiz’s The Adventures of Robin Hood, most inscribed “To Bob” or “To Bobbie.” From September-November 1937, the film’s company was on location in Chico, California, where they were housed at Richardson Springs, a local resort. The autographs in this book were collected by the son of the resort’s owner. Several cast members signed the book below Howard Pyle’s illustrations of their characters. In Pyle’s frontispiece of Robin Hood, Errol Flynn added an arrow pointing to Robin and quips: “God! Is this me? / Errol Flynn.” Under an illustration of Friar Tuck, Eugene Pallette writes: “For / Bob / Eugene Palette / Friar Tuck / Warner Brothers Productions / Oct 1937 / Richardson Springs Butte Co California”; Pallette signed a second time below another illustration of Tuck. Below Pyle’s depiction of Sir Guy of Gisbourne’s death, Basil Rathbone writes: “He may be dead / but thank God I am / very much alive. I have / greatly enjoyed my stay with your / father. / Sincerely / Basil Rathbone.” The book is also signed by Olivia de Havilland (Maid Marian), Melville Cooper (The Sheriff of Nottingham), co-director William Keighley, Una O’Connor, Alan Hale (who added “Little John”), Patric Knowles, Harry Cording (“Dickon Malbete”), Saul M. Gorss (“Double for Flynn”), Herbert Mundin (added “Much De Malleison / Good Luck”), Fred Cavens (“Fencing Master”), and dozens of others.
8 x 12 x 2 in.
There are some fascinating items at this auction!

— Maria


Errol & The Blushing Bride

02 Jun

Oakland Tribune
Sunday, December 28, 1941

“Errol Flynn’s been tipping the waiter for Jackie Gately, the prize show girl.”

“American glamour girl Jackie Gately was a burlesque dancer who worked both in the US and Europe. At the age of 17, she was picked as the most attractive girl at the Paradise Restaurant on Broadway in 1938. After that she spent a season dancing in European night clubs, chaperoned by her mother. She appeared in a ‘soundie’ titled The Blushing Bride released in 1942, doing a sort of striptease as the bride gets ready for her nuptial bed, removing her wedding gown, but at the end she is still wearing her undergarments. In 1942, her short career as a glamour girl ended when she married.”…

She was “The Girl from Yell County”…

— Tim


Errol Flynn’s Costume from ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN to be auctioned

11 Mar

Apparently Russell Crowe is auctioning off a lot his stuff and one of the lots is Errol’s costume from The Adventures of Don Juan (1948). It’s expected to draw AUS$10-20K.…


Don Juan costume

— Paula