Archive for the ‘Dates & Girlfriends’ Category

Long Live Olivia!

01 Jul

“After more than a century lived in and out of the spotlight, the Oscar-winning actress is still going strong,
serving as an inspiration to millions around the world.”


ARGENTINA: Cumpleaños Olivia de Havilland sopla hoy 102 velitas…

DEUTSCHLAND: Promi-Geburtstag vom 1. Juli 2018: Olivia de Havilland…


ESPANA: A punto de cumplir 102 años, Olivia de Havilland sigue conservando su espíritu combativo……

ITALIA: Olivia de Havilland, l’ultima diva della golden age di Hollywood compie 102 anni

Tanti auguri a Olivia de Havilland! 102 anni della diva di Via col vento I

Olivia de Havilland, l’ultima diva della golden age di Hollywood compie 102 anni

POLSKA: Olivia de Havilland, Melania z “Przeminęło z wiatrem”, kończy 102 lata…


— Tim


Speaking of Chico …

15 Jun

Here’s the story of “The House That Flynn Built” (Not)

The plot in Chico thickens ……

If you’ve ever tasted kiwis from Costco, or sneaked a peak of gorgeous Barbi Benton, this article and video may have extra appeal for you.…

— Tim


Skiin’ Like Flynn

15 Feb

Enjoy the Winter Games with Errol

— Tim


A Day in the Life of Flynn – January 6, 1943

06 Jan

Down Mexico Way

“One of my friends in Mexico writes that when Errol Flynn was there he was attentive to the most beautiful, dark-eyed Mexican girl she had ever seen.” – Louella Parsons, January 6, 1943

“In 1943, Errol Flynn flew down to Acapulco – then nothing more than a clutch of buildings surrounded by jungle” – The Guardian: April 15, 2006″

Acapulco in the 1940s

Acapulco 2017

— Tim


Looking for Lakshmi

23 Dec

What became of Lakshmi?

She was a wealthy, upper-class,
Balinese beauty, with brown skin and enormous mocha eyes. Her mother was a princess from Sumatra. Sean wanted to marry her, but her parents wouldn’t allow it.

If Sean had married Lakshmi, he would have likely lived much longer.

So, whatever happened to Lakshmi?…

She was named after the elegantly-gorgeous Hindu Mother-Goddess, Lakshmi, bestower of fortune, beauty, and fertility.

— Tim


Lynne, Flynn & Hamilton @ The Victoria Palace Theatre

01 Dec

£50 million renovation incudes a “Lynne Promenade”:

“Pride of place will be given to a photograph of Ms Lynne, taken back in the day with an old beau by the name of Errol Flynn.”……

— Tim


Sunday Morning Humor

08 Oct

Three mates Tom, Dick and Harry all turn up at the pearly gates.

St Peter says “Tom, you were a fine man! Faithful at work and in marriage; why you never even looked sideways at another woman. So here are the keys to your heavenly Rolls-Royce.”

Tom hoons off happy. Next St Peter says to Dick “Now Dick, you were mostly good, but you did have a wandering eye unfortunately, so here are the keys to your BMW.

Finally St Peter comes to Harry “Harry, I’m sorry, but your life made Errol Flynn look like a choirboy! Here are the keys to your Ford.”

So Dick and Harry are hooning along the highways of heaven when they see Tom’s Rolls-Royce pulled over and Tom sitting in the gutter bawling his eyes out. Dick and Harry say to Tom “Thomo! What’s wrong mate?”

“I just drove past my wife on the highway.” says Tom.

Dick and Harry explain “Don’t be upset Thomo, that’s great news mate!” Tom looks up teary and says “She was riding a scooter.”…

— Tim


Fare Thee Well, Blanche Blackwell

12 Aug

“A woman of great charm and intelligence.”

Errol’s before Ian’s?…

— Tim



10 Jul

Don’t Mess with Lady O!…

— Tim


Green Light for Errol & Olivia

03 Jun

Louella O. Parsons – Los Angeles Examiner
June 1, 1936

One of the directorial plums of the year has fallen right
into the lap of Frank Borzage. He will direct The Green Light
by Lloyd C. Douglas, author of The Magnificent Obsession,
which was one of last year’s big pictures. The production date
is July 6, so, of course, Warner Brothers won’t wait for
Leslie Howard, who remains in England for months and months.
But my guess is that Errol Flynn,who is being built bigger
and bigger by Warners, will have the lead.

Jimmy Starr – Los Angeles Evening Herald Express
June 2, 1936

…Tremendously enthusiastic over the forthcoming
production of Green Light, the Lloyd C. Douglas novel,
Cosmopolitan Productions, releasing through Warner Brothers,
has decided to again team those new raves, Olivia De Havilland
and Errol Flynn, under the direction of Frank Borzage. This
will be Errol’s first chance to appear in modern dress since
his sensational rise to cinematic fame. He will star in his
own story, The White Rajah, following this picture.

They never made it to the Silver Screen with Green Light, but it was blue skies on radio airwaves with this:

“From Hollywood California, the Lux Radio Theater Presents Errol Flynn and Olivia DeHavilland in Green Light”…

— Tim