Archive for the ‘Dates & Girlfriends’ Category

What Number One Hit?

07 May

In what number one song did the singer sing about going to Mexico with Errol Flynn?

– Errol was in the news quite a bit for traveling south of the border before (and after) the release of this song

– It hit the top of the charts in the same month Errol was appearing with one of his most beautiful co-stars, with the same first name initial as his.

– It was performed by a very well-known big band.

– It was recorded again, about seven years later, by one of the most popular singers of all time, a major celebrity who knew Errol from having worked with him several years earlier in a Warner Brothers film.

– Errol’s name was replaced in recordings with “You know him” (rather than “Errol Flynn”), but it was a direct and widely recognized reference to Errol.

– In live. professional performances of this song, and amateurversions sang by female fans of Flynn, Errol’s name was sometimes sang as the true lyric. (i.e. “Errol Flynn” rather than “You know him”)

— Tim


Eighty Years Ago – 4/6/1937 – “Urban”/Livvie

07 Apr

“Urban”/Livvie at its finest.

Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Harrison Carroll – April 6, 1937

At the time of the Madrid incident–when a machine gun bullet creased his
forehead–Errol Flynn is supposed to have been accompanied by Dr. Harmine
F. Urban (sic), expert in tropical diseases. If so, it was not the first time
the two had been in a tight spot together. They were once ambushed by natives
on the Sepia (sic) River in New Guinea and it was motion pictures taken of Flynn
in this fight that won him his first screen test and role in the British picture,
In the Wake of the Bounty.

Olivia De Havilland, who was Flynn’s screen sweetheart in Captain Blood and The Charge
of the Light Brigade
was driving down Hollywood Boulevard when she saw headlines about
his being shot.

She told me yesterday: “I nearly ran into a street car.”

— Tim


A Big Easy Quiz

03 Mar

Well, maybe not so easy …

Thanks to top Flynnside source(s).

How do the below images relate to Errol? What, where, why, and with whom????

— Tim


A “Thinly-Veiled” Film on Flynn

31 Dec

Starring A, A, and A Read the rest of this entry »

— Tim


Happy Thanksgiving EFB

24 Nov


— Tim


Live from Livvie’s

15 Nov

From Olivia’s childhood home in beautiful Saratoga, California:


A fun and very informative circa 1990’s interview of Olivia from Saratoga, including some very humorous references to “touching bases” (and not touching bases) with Errol. (At ~ 12:00 and briefly at very end of interview.)…

— Tim


Live from Lovely Rita’s

17 Oct

In Celebration of Rita Hayworth’s 98th Birthday

Live from Lovely Rita’s home in Chula Vista, California, where she lived as a young teen, working across the border in Golden Age Tijuana, only fifteen or so minutes away. Rita performed at Hollywood honcho hangouts like the Hotel (Agua) Caliente and the Foreign Club Cafe de Luxe, where she began her entertainment career dancing with her father in The (Dancing) Cansinos.…


In a photo taken this weekend for the EFB, here is Margarita’s former childhood home, a fact her present day neighbors were thrilled to learn.


And here are photos from that era of her early career, when she was Margarita Cansino.



As a young teen, Rita danced at the following famous Hollywood-popular venues in Tijuana, where it is said she was discovered.




¡Adios, Flynnamigos!

— Tim


What a Dame!

06 Sep

Dame Gillian Lynne:

Still going strong with “Sensuality, Sensitivity and Sexuality”…




— Tim


Errol Behind JW’s Bar — “Glorious In White Tie” — “New Year’s Eve, 1939 or 1940”

25 Aug

Jack Warner's Bar

The House That Jack Built……

— Tim


Errol’s Girl in Cats Spat

02 Aug

Hamilton Hip Hopper vs. Mistress Marianne:…


The Lynne Flynn Fling:…

— Tim