Archive for the ‘Dates & Girlfriends’ Category

A Salute to Olivia

24 Jun

Read the rest of this entry »

— Tim


Making In the Wake

28 May

A Superb Site on “In the Wake of the Bounty”:…



— Tim


Cocoanut Grove

21 May

Errol & Olivia on their first date, at the Coronation Ball. The Coronation Ball was in celebration of King George’s ascension to the British throne on May 12, 1937, after his brother Edward’s scandalous affair with Wallis Simpson compelled his abdication.


“Electrifying Homage to thr Cocoanut Grove”…

History of the Coconut Grove:

Fiction at The Grove, with Flynn, Hepburn & Hughes:

— Tim


Letters from Livvie

10 May

A Wonderful Story…


— Tim


Olivia de Havilland Film Festival

04 May

Celebrating Olivia’s 100th Year (Congratulations Livvie!)

At the Historic Stanford Theater, Palo Alto, California


The Adventure of Robin Hood: May 6-8

Captain Blood: May 13-15

Charge of the Light Brigade: May 20-22

They Died with Their Boots On: June 3-5

The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex: June 10-12

Four’s a Crowd: June 17-19……

Errolivia Kissing

Stanford Theater

— Tim


A Very Gracious Thing

29 Apr…


— Tim


Oh, Olivia.

14 Apr

Attributed to Olivia, 1978, in a discussion about the most legendary drinkers in film history:

“During filming of “The Swarm”, 1978, a disaster film about killer bees, starring Michael Caine, Henry Fonda, Ben Johnson, Slim Pickens and Fred MacMurray, definitely some guys who knew something about putting them down. One day they were joined for lunch at the Warner Brothers commissary by the quiet Olivia de Havilland. There were complaints that no booze was being served. “That’s because of Errol Flynn”, said de Havilland. “He used to get so drunk he couldn’t work, so Mr. Warner said no more booze.”

The men wanted to hear more about the famous swashbuckler. “Oh my God, that Errol Flynn was something. Do you know he once got so drunk he wagered a film crew $500 that he’d have his way with me.” The men could see she was a lady and the incident must have been embarrassing for her. Olivia grinned mischievously “Oh it was, it was. And you see that tree on the hill out the window. That’s where he won his bet!”

ca. 1939 --- Olivia de Havilland and Errol Flynn in a publicity shot from the 1939 film . --- Image by ?? Bettmann/CORBIS

ca. 1939 — Olivia de Havilland and Errol Flynn in a publicity shot from the 1939 film . — Image by ?? Bettmann/CORBIS

— Tim


Still Lots of Snap in Her Celery

05 Feb

Lovely Lady Livvie wins Prestigious Oldie Award…




— Tim


Marilyn Monroe Music Videos

16 Jan

This being the inaugural weekend of the Coronado Island Film Festival, here a couple of timely music video tributes to Errol’s friend, Marilyn:

Now and Then from the Hotel Del Coronado, Errol’s old stomping grounds:


— Tim


Music Video Tributes to Errol & Olivia

12 Jan

Which is your favorite? Others??

She is the Sunlight

100 Years

Passionate Kisses

— Tim