Archive for the ‘Dates & Girlfriends’ Category

Feliz Cumpleanos, Lupe (111)

18 Jul

— Tim


The Star of Stars

01 Jul

Olivia is One Hundred and Three

— Tim


Damita Flim Flams Flynn

18 Jun

Marriage Makes News Around the Globe


June 17, 1935
Evening Herald Express
Flim Flam with Sidney Skolsky

Lili Damita and Errol Flynn have made plans to elope to Yuma this week.

June 19, 1935
Evening Herald Express
Lili Damita, Errol Flynn Flying to Yuma to Wed

It took a handsome Irish actor, Errol Flynn, to lead the elusive Lili Damita, vivacious French film actress to the altar.

At least the couple took off at a Los Angeles airport in a black and yellow “monoplane of romance” and headed in the general direction of Yuma, Ariz., with the announcement that they would be married at a civil ceremony there.

“I’ve been engaged four times, but this is my first marriage,” the actress said. “But our honeymoon will have to wait. Errol has to take some film tests and so do I.”

The plane was piloted by Ted Brown. Bud Ernst, friend of the couple, who had planned to take Lyda Roberti to Yuma also for a double wedding, accompanied them, although his fiance had to stay behind. An unromantic studio called her to work and sent her out on location.*



* Ernst & Roberti & took the flight and tied the knot a few days later:…

— Tim


Who May Olivia have Meant by This?

08 Jun

June 9, 1936

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Now, who may Olivia de Havilland mean by this?

In an interview yesterday the youthful Warners star that she ‘could fall in love’ with one of the leading men she has had in pictures.

She insisted it was all theoretical, but Hollywood immediately began to count the lads over the fingers.

They consist of 5. The first was Dick Powell in A Midsummer’s Night Dream. The rest have been James Cagney in The Irish in Us, Joe E. Brown in Alibi Ike, Errol Flynn in Captain Blood and The Charge of the Light Brigade, and Frederic March in Anthony Adverse.

Even if she is just theorizing, Hollywood would like to know which is Olivia’s ‘type.’


Lysanda & Hermia

Danny & Lucille

Frank & Dolly

Peter & Arabella

Geoffrey & Elsa

Anthony & Angela

— Tim


Olivia in Ireland

22 Apr

April 22, 1938

Harrison Carroll

From Belfast, Olivia de Havilland writes that her trip has been taken up partly by commissions for her Hollywood friends. In the village of Shanonbridge, she looked up George Brent’s old nurse who, at 79, is still earning her living as a dress-maker. The star’s visit almost caused a riot in the community.

In Belfast, Olivia spent a day with Errol Flynn’s parents. His father, a professor of biology at Queen’s university, still isn’t sold on Flynn’s acting career.

He told Olivia he wishes that Errol would give up the cinema, return to Ireland, and take up a more serious vocation.

Warners would be satisfied if he’d even get off his yacht and return to Hollywood.


Following the filming of The Adventures of Robin Hood, before its release on May 14, 1938:

Meanwhile, back across the pond, with Warners in hot pursuit:

— Tim


Wrestling with Lili

18 Apr

April 22, 1935
Lloyd Pantages
Cover Hollywood
Los Angeles Examiner

“Lili Damita has developed a sparkling interest in Man Mountain Dean – of all people.
Every time he gives forth in a local match, Lili can be found hanging over the canvas at ringside…”

Here is some Pathe film of perhaps such a match, a late 1934 contest between Jumpin’ Joe Savoldi and Man Mountain Dean at the Olympic Auditorium in LA. Anyone see Lili hanging over the canvas? Maybe she was studying some of Jumpin’ Joes’s famous flying kicks for her early dates and dalliances with Flynn.

— Tim


Happy 80th ~ Dodge City

10 Apr

“A Technicolor Triumph”

“The Most Spectacular World Premier Ever Given a Motion Picture”

— Tim


Supreme Failure

08 Jan

The Supreme Court cowardly rewards the greed-driven deceit of Ryan Murphy, FX, and all in the film industry who selfishly perpetuate such conduct.

Bravo, Olivia, for standing up against and exposing these self-serving frauds.

In the words of Olivia’s superb attorney, Suzelle Smith.

“We and Miss de Havilland are very disappointed that the U.S. Supreme Court passed on this opportunity to confirm that the 1st Amendment does not protect the publication of intentional lies in any medium, including so called docudramas,”

“The California Court of Appeal has turned the 1st Amendment upside down, and without doubt more harm to individuals and public deception will result. One day someone else who is wronged for the sake of Hollywood profits will have the courage to stand on the shoulders of Miss De Havilland and fight for the right to defend their good name and legacy against intentional, unconsented exploitation and falsehoods. Miss De Havilland hopes she will live to see the day when such justice is done.”

— Tim


North to Unalaska

04 Dec

75 Years Ago Today

December 4, 1943
Dutch Harbor USO Show…

— Tim


First Time in Paris? — L’intrigue se Corse

29 Nov



You Asked Me and I’m Telling You!

[Question from] Ada Hefflin, Chicago:

Errol Flynn first met Lili Damita at a party in Paris and they met again on shipboard coming to this country. But the third time was the charm. Lili was lunching with Dolores Del Rio at the Warners Brothers Studios. Flynn stopped to speak and the romance dated from there.

Here is a famous photo of lightning striking the Eiffel Tower in 1933. Did lightning also strike in 1933 for Errol and Lili in Paris?

Or was it in 1934 aboard the SS Paris?

Or was it later in ’34 at Warner Bros. with these two contintental cinestars ?

— Tim